Chris Lightfellow, Zexen's White Hero, and also runner-up to Hugo, the new Flame Champion, was taking an innocent stroll through Budehuc Castle, aka rape territory. At least for tonight.

It was evening, and the walls appeared a bright shade of scarlet due to the angrily flickering torches attached to them. Chris walked along, her armored boots giving off gentle clunking sounds as they collided with the floor. This, conveniently, would be the first time she was not on her guard.

No, she had something more important on her mind. She had to. The subject--it's not important. It's enough she had something on her mind. In the following moments, she would be at her most vulnerable. Therefore, a reason had to exist for it.

But while she became more lost in thought, the danger grew nigh. The imminent act of brutality--rape. No other plot device had ever proven more shocking, and yet, it seemed to be the most popular one, not to mention most convenient.

However, it was most probable that Chris would be the victim of such a horrible crime. After all, she spent most of her time in the company of men. Opportunity. Why, any one of them might have grasped it.

One might trick himself into believing that the men closest beneath her command would offer her protection long before they ever caused her harm. But he would be nothing more than a fool. For those six were the ones most capable of this act.

Borus was the most obvious candidate. Hot tempered and insecure, he expressed feelings of jealousy toward anyone who dared to take an interest in Lady Chris. He would probably do anything to make her his. Yes...even rape.

Percival had long kept everything on the d.l., but could have been harboring feelings just as intensely as Borus. Also, most people are growing tired of SuperBastard!Borus, so the most logical remedy to this annoyance would be to give Percy the role.

Salome, mace wielder, good-natured man with the creepy hairdo...or is he? He was never provided with a horse. In a moment of overwhelming inferiority, he might forcibly deflower his captain. Also, he's ugly.

Louis was still a child but spent the most time in his lady's room. He drew her bath and performed other tasks, but one night could possibly be tempted to take advantage of his position.

Not much is known about Roland, but as long as he does not have Nei (coincidentally the only other elf in the game), he is not to be trusted.

And Leo...Leo just looks like an asshole.

But back to the soon-to-be matter at hand, Lady Chris had ascended some flights of stairs and was now proceeding towards the castle's tavern. She had only taken a few steps before she realized that something was horribly, horribly wrong. Had she...forgotten?

...Yes, she truly had. This was not the best night to have been wandering around as she had; in fact, it was the worst night ever in the history of Suikoden. Cue out-of-character expressions of fear.

"Oh no!" gasped the female knight, her heart jump-starting at 140 beats per minute. "How could I have been so stupid?!" Yes, she knew. She KNEW.

Chris took off at the speed of light, paying no mind to the weight of her armor. She did not get very far before tripping over her own boots. "Uhhh..." Whimpering like a three-year-old, she scrambled to her feet, breaking into yet another sprint. Terror was so close, so close...never for one minute did she think to draw her sword even though she had proven her might on so many close...oh terror...

Fear at last erupted in the Silver Maiden's stomach as she closed in on the hall leading to the tavern. She came to an unexpected halt as a large figure stepped directly into her path, blocking it.

"Evening, Lady Chris," spoke Tuta. "It's time for your pap smear."