*** Hello everyone. ( Guess what? I came back from the dead! Yes its true, and I actually wrote another chapter. Don't worry, I do feel extremely guilty, no doubt about that. ( I'm sorry, about the wait and everything. This has nothing to do with withholding the next chapter until I have a certain number of reviews, as one person pointed out a while ago, [please don't think that, I swear that I would never do that.] I actually did run out of inspiration and time, but its holidays so I can hopefully post at least one more chapter. Thankyou so much to all the kind people who gave up their time to write me reviews. I'm so sorry that you all had to wait so long. This chapter is dedicated to you.***

It was so dark in the Forbidden forest that Harry couldn't see for more than a metre in front of his face. For the most part it was quiet; the only noises were the sound of their footsteps crunching through the layer of dead leaf matter and the occasional scuffle or call of the small rodents that inhabited the forest. The silence was oppressive and it almost seemed as though the forest was a living creature, slowly closing in around them.

Harry could barely hear the sound of the man in the cloak ahead of them, the man moved as silently as a mouse. Starting to worry he sped up, and Ginny followed suit. They started to run. Harry wanted to call out to the man, to tell him to slow down, but he didn't want to risk disturbing anything that might be in the trees around them.

They ran as silently as they could, but the sound of the man's footsteps grew fainter and fainter until finally fading away altogether.

Ginny stopped, panting, and clutched a tree to hold herself up. "It's no use! He's gone, we've lost him!"

Harry groaned and vented some of his frustration on a fallen tree root, which only succeeded in giving him a sore foot also.

Ginny suddenly looked at him, her eyes fearful. "How are we supposed to find our way back?" She whispered.

Harry ignored his own sudden irrational fear. "Don't worry," he said stoutly, "All we need to do is turn around and walk back the way we came, no problem."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," Harry said reassuringly.

"Ok then." Ginny looked slightly relieved.

One hour later, they were well and truly lost.

"So much for your positivity." Ginny said tartly.

"I'm sorry, OK? At least I tried to do SOMETHING!" Harry's voice broke.

"Its ok." Ginny said softly.

"Look, I'm sorry Gin, I didn't mean to..." Harry's voice trailed away.

They were silent for a time.

"Will we ever find our way back?" Ginny whispered

Harry felt something brush his hand, and he jerked slightly before realising it was only Ginny's hand seeking comfort from his own. He held it in a good solid grip; he didn't want to lose her in the dark, and they moved on in silence.

Suddenly Harry felt Ginny stumble, and he grabbed her around the waist to prevent her from falling.

Ginny sighed in relief. "Thanks Harry. I think its my shoe, the lace must have come undone."

Harry lowered her carefully onto the forest floor and they examined the damage. Ginny's shoe was covered in bits of stick and dirt and one of the laces was trailing along the ground. A knarled tree root marked the spot were she had tripped.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked, concerned.

Ginny, sitting up, grinned and rolled her eyes. "I'm fine, it was just a tree root Harry."

Harry bent over her, a look of mock seriousness on his face, "Now I'm not so sure about that Virginia, I'll have to take a closer look." His hands shot out, and he started tickling her unmercifully.

Ginny rolled on the ground giggling and gasping for breath. "Harry....stop.....i.....no more.....arrgh!"

Harry removed his hands and grinned, then sat down next to her. "All seems to be in order."

Ginny lunged unexpectedly and caught Harry by surprise, knocking him onto his back.

"Who's ticklish now!?" She cried victoriously, grinning, as her fingers targeted spots all over his body.

Harry, laughing uncontrollably, grabbed her wrists with both hands and they rolled over and over in a tangled heap of flailing limbs and robes.

Finally they collapsed, Harry on top still with a firm hold on Ginny's wrists, laughing and gasping for breath.

Suddenly their eyes connected and held. Harry realised that Ginny's eyes weren't just brown; they were a stunningly deep shade of aurbun with little gold flecks.

Ginny felt as though she was drowning, only there was no water and all she could see were Harry's lovely vivid green eyes, staring into hers.

Slowly the background faded into a blur and Harry became acutely aware of every place where their bodies touched, crushed together.

Ginny felt warm and sleepy and deeply happy, though there was no reason to be.

Slowly their arms slid around each other and their faces drew closer...closer.....

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Draco Malfoy sat hunched in his corner, his bottom aching from the extended contact with the hard wooden floor.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

God, this place was such a hole. And he was stuck here just because of stupid Potter and the slut.

Malfoy spat on the Hideaway floor and watched, uninterested, as his drool trickled off the side of the platform and hit the dirt ground, far below.

Speaking of the bastards, they should have been back long ago. Mabye, just maybe...

Malfoy cautiously crawled to the other edge of the platform and peered out into the grove, his pale eyes glittering.

It was dark, and there was a sliver of moonlight shining through the trees, illuminating the grove. The silent grove. The very empty looking grove. Malfoy rubbed his hands together in glee. They were well and truly gone!

He stood up, and was just about to climb out of the tree when he realised two very important facts.

Potter and the slut couldn't have just vanished into thin air, what if they were hiding in wait for him to do just that? And the other worse possibility; what if something really HAD got them, and that same something was still out there, watching...waiting...?

And he didn't have a wand; [That slut had taken it]. Or in fact any means of protecting himself from what could be out there...lurking...

Malfoy shivered in fear...



****** He he he he he. I am truly evil to leave it at this point! Please don't hurt me! [Puppy dog face]. I always feel better after posting a chapter! I know I was going to make this longer, but this way it's a better lead on to the next chapter [ducks anvil]. Just so you know, reviews are my life, everytime I get one I feel all tingly and special so thankyou so much if you decide to review. Not trying to black mail or anything but reviews also help to inspire me to write more! Its true, so review! [by the way, that rhymed, [How sad am I... (]]*****