Once again, the sun sets on Bahia Bay, the church bell sounds six o'clock and… Carver's stomach sounds dinner?!? Who wrote this?

(Friday afternoon; Carver's house)

Lor: Man! Can you make this sound on purpose?

Tish: He just has to think about chili cheese fries and it will roar!

(Todd makes stomach sound even louder)

Todd (Running to the kitchen): Sugar time!

Carv: Ok it's time for my daily pilgrimage to the kitchen. You guys must know the way out…

Tino: Ok, see you tomorrow!

Tish: Yeah I have to run, my grand dad is going to be here tomorrow and I have to revise my mamatc… guys?

(She turns around and nobody is here)

Tish: Aaar! Philistines!

(Outside at Tino's)

Lor: Wow that was too close!

Tino: Yeah! She was just about to ask us to help her with that family thing and if get one more second of such a level of weirdness, I'll be traumatized for life!

Lor: Yeah! And the yodeling makes my head feel big.


Tino: Howdy ho! So, this weekend is going to be the best ever! In fact, it's gonna be the first one with a fishing trip in it! That's right! Dixon rented a boat and we're sailing to high sea and hunting the blue devil!

Lor: So, did you see the ship?

Tino: Nope but Dixon says the boat is big enough for all your brothers.

Lor: Cool! … But I still have the moral in my shoes… I saw Thomson with Cherry that day… and… they… well…

Tino: Aw! We live in a cruel world… I'm really sorry for you Lor! If that can cheer you up, I swallowed my gum while running away from Tish.

Lor: Thanks T! I don't feel better but I kinda pity you. You know, suddenly I really feel bad for that time I made fun of you…

Tino: That time?!? You mean all those times right? And that time, you shoved a badminton flyer into my throat? And that time you nearly…

(Lor laughs)

Suddenly, their eyes met and the conversation stopped. Neither Lor nor Tino could say a thing. They both stared at each other for a minute. Tino instinctively approached Lor by a centimeter but Lor, embarrassed, felt back a centimeter; Tino discouraged also went back a centimeter but Lor regretting that move went forward. Then something sparked inside Tino's eyes; he felt this one feeling that generations of writers failed to record accurately. Lor seemed to find it mutual. They both smiled at each other. Lor opened her mouth and…

Lor: Ok! See you tomorrow then.

Tino: Ok Bye!

(Friday night; Dinner table)

T Mom: So are you excited about that trip?

Tino: Sure! But not much about the food… What is it anyway?

T Mom: It's grilled fish guts!

Tino: That fits… although I'm not sure if that's very nutritious... or even sanitary.

T Mom: Well, it is cheap and tastes like fries… (Changing tone) I feel you want to talk.

Tino: Well this kind of conversations always starts with weird food doesn't it?

T Mom: Could be a coincidence…

Tino: So I was with Lor and…

T Mom: You guys stared at each other and got stuck, right?

Tino: Ok this is just paranormal! I gotta call those dudes in black…

T Mom: No, I just saw you guys; it was right outside the door.

Tino: Oh! … I stand corrected.

T Mom: Tino, there's a proverb: there's someone right for every single one of us out there. If you meet the one, you will know it and you'll be doing good!

Tino: Ok, but how do you think I might be doing?

T Mom: Well it did look like you felt the right thing and it did seem reciprocal with Lor… You might want to talk with her sometime.

Tino: Wow! Not a bit of sarcasm; I think I'm doing good! But there is one problem… I'm too afraid to talk about it with her; I tried but it just doesn't come out! Man, that's gonna be hard!

T Mom: Are you kidding?!? That's the easy part! The rest is a lifetime of struggle to keep the flame burning…

Tino: Behind every good news, there is a bad one to compensate eh?

T Mom: You know this is not easy; I couldn't make it work right with your dad. It'll require great knowledge, wisdom and respect to…

Tino: Whoa whoa whoa! So you mean you DON'T recommend it?

T Mom: Mmmmhh… I don't want you to suffer like I did. It's really not funny! I tell you what: Finish the fish guts and I'll provide you with an answer.

Tino: That's convenient isn't it? I have a proverb too: behind every plate of fish guts, there is a running kid. If you meet him, have pity!

T Mom: Tino 1 Mom 0 I guess.


Oh my God! This is the first time ever my mom couldn't help me! Boy, I'm scared… Oh wait, except for that time with Tish's hair but that was another story; too much hair involved I guess. I hope I have what it takes to get out of this situation alive and sane… Or this could be the end of our group! The end of the synchronized four! Oh my god! Did I mention I'm scared out of my pants? Man I got to call her…

(Friday night; Tino's room)


Tino: Ok, this is really weird: I've been trying to call Lor for half an hour but it sounded busy every time! I can't stand the though she is talking to so many people and I have no idea of what it's about!

T Mom: Hey Tino, I got to make calls too you know?

Tino: Yeah this is a pretty good time to tell me I'm obsessed right?

T Mom: When it happened to me, I stayed on the phone the whole day.

Tino: Life seems pretty contradictory to me…

T Mom: Could be coincidence…

(The phone rings; Tino gets it like mad)

Tino: YES? ... Oh hey Tish.

Tish: Hey Tino, I just wanted to tell you I can't go to the fishing trip tomorrow… My grand dad came early and he's leaving tomorrow night so I have to stay with him.

Tino: I see. Sorry you missed this.

Tish: Oh it's ok! Thanks for understanding; bye!

(Tino hangs)

T Mom: Hey Tish's not going and you're barely sad!

Tino: I have other things on my mind.

T Mom: So it begins…

(She leaves the room humming a lord of the ring music. The phone rings and Tino gets it like completely mad)

Tino: HELLO? ... Oh hey Carv.

Carv: Hey T. I just had to tell you I can't go to the fishing trip 'cause I remembered I got a hair appointment tomorrow.

Tino: No, you're just afraid of the worms aren't you?

Carv: Whoa! Not so loud! I've been conned into a three calling before you know?

(The voice of her sister laughing echoes through the line)

Carv: Curse you three way calling; CURSE YOU!!!

(Tino hangs and goes to bed)

Tino: Oh man! I can't sleep like this!

(The phone is on his chest)

(Dreaming sequence)

Capt. Dread: Lance corporal Tonitini?

LCpl. Tino: Yes Captain Dreadnought?

Capt. Dread: I want a full report of the situation!

LCpl. Tino: We are outnumbered ten to one sir!

Captain dread: Just the way I like it!

(Dramatic music)

LCpl. Tino: Incoming torpedoes!

Captain dread: Evasive maneuvers! … Ok that sounded dorky didn't it?

LCpl. Tino: Maneuvers successful! We are clear to proceed for boarding of alien slug battlecruiser!

Capt. Dread: Just a second lance corporal! I feel you are not here for this!

LCpl. Tino: Everybody have those powers, right?

Capt. Dread: Hey, This is your subconscious!

LCpl. Tino: Well, I have a really good friend and lately, I've been feeling weird when she's around…

Capt. Dread: Young man, your mission is to try to talk to her about your feelings…

LCpl. Tino: hey! That sounds like my mom!

Capt. Dread (with T mom's voice): Does it?

LCpl. Tino: Ahh!

(Loud bang)

Computer voice: Alert! Hull breach! Intrusion detected!

(Tino wakes up. The phone is ringing next to his ears. Tino answers)

Tino: Hello?

Lor: Hey Tino!

Tino: Oh hey Lor! Are you ok? It's 4 am.

Lor: Yeah I'm good. I've been trying to call you all night yesterday but it sounded busy every time!

Tino: That's funny, I was trying to call yo…

Lor: We have to… oh I'm sorry…

Tino: No it's ok!

Lor: Well, we got to talk… about… stuff… I couldn't sleep…

Tino: I've had that feeling too… I mean… I think we have to talk too… yeah!

Lor: Well ok… let's do that today… the others aren't going to the fishing trip.

Tino: Yeah I heard. Weird, uh?

Lor: Might be a coincidence…

Tino: I've been hearing that word a lot lately!


Granny MacQuarrie: Let's move your butt missy! Tunas don't sleep in!

Lor: K, I'll come over…

Tino: Ok, see you at the harbor.

(Bahia bay Harbor; early Saturday morning; Sailor music)

T Mom (Pirate accent): Welcome aboard the "Black Shark" Mateys!

Dixon: Hey, the plate says the "little mermaid"…

T Mom: Yarr! Just for this bunch of spits, ya're on cleaning duty! Move it you worthless dog!!!

Dixon: Ok ok bossy missy!

T Mom: And it's Captain Tonitini for you!

(On the boat)

Lor: So, how about this thing eh?

Tino: We might want to wait until we are at sea… so that we're out of the government's spy satellites' range…

Lor: You feel weird too uh?

Tino: Absolutely! The last time I felt that weird, my mom was changing my diapers for the very first time.

Lor: You know, I've had a dream yesterday night before I called you and… uh… well you were in it…

Tino: whoa! Believe it or not I've had a dream too… and well, it was about you too… indirectly but still.

Lor: Can I try something?

Without waiting for an answer, Lor moved her hand toward Tino's in an attempt to reach it. Tino's hand hesitantly advanced until contact! Once again, Tino started to have this feeling, this warmth in his chest, pretty much like after you drank hot chocolate in winter but without the chocolaty taste… His heart started to beat faster and he couldn't stop staring at Lor. Lor also felt her heart pounding. Their respective faces turned red at the exact same time and they both took away their hands.

T Mom: Yarr! All hands on the deck! Main sail on! We're going out!

Dixon: This is a motorized shi…

T Mom: Ya just don't get it do you? Ya're gonna scratch me every single square inch of this deck until I can see my beard in it! And faster than that!

Dixon: I have that feeling like when I just said something really stupid again…

(Ten minutes later; somewhere at sea)

T Mom: This looks like a fine piece of territory! Let's start looting!

Dixon: She means let's start fishing in case you were wondering…

T Mom: Silence! You'll scare away the loot!

Tino: Lor? Listen I know this is weird and trust me, I'm really scared too but… well I just wanted to tell you that… you don't have to do anything if you don't feel right…

You know?

Lor: Oh don't worry… I well… I've been thinking too and I think we can like… try to…

Dixon: WHOA WHOA! I got one I got one I got…

(Wire breaks and Dixon falls on his behind)

T Mom: Nice try! You'll have to do better than that!

Dixon: Hey Tino! I'm taking a huge risk just to speak to you! I think that captain hat your mom is wearing might be cursed by the spirit of some ancient corsair…

Tino: You know my mom is psychic right?

Dixon: Oh my god! I'm doomed!

T Mom: You bet you are you worthless scum! Let's go to the hatch where you can keep company to the rats…

(Dixon runs away)

Lor walked back and tried to find her rod on the deck. Tino lobbied for Dixon's life for a minute and came back. He turned his head in the direction he last saw Lor. His eyes looked for her for a second before spotting her on the other side of the cabin.


It was too late. Pushed by the wind, the metallic door opened and pushed on her back until she was on the edge of the deck. She reached for support to regain balance but could only grab a rope that was attached to… well, nothing. A second later the sound of someone falling into water echoed in Tino's head. He felt like the Earth had been hit by an asteroid.

Tino: NOOO!

Tino tried to find a floater or anything but in the confusion, all he took was plastic chair and rushed overboard where Lor felt. The next twenty minutes were chaos, screams, water, confusion, water, distress messages, did I mention water?

Tino woke up with a headache and the vague impression he was still floating in water. He opened his eyes to see he was in a hospital room wearing the t-shirt he gave Lor last week. The whole gang was there.

Lor: Oh my gosh! He's okay! You're okay! You're okay dude! You really scared me!

Tino felt Lor's arms wrap around him preventing him from breathing.

T Mom: Whoa! Careful! He's lucky Dixon heard him and got him back, don't kill him now. Oh and hey Dixon, I'll retire the bossy attitude forever I swear! You have gained my respect.

Dixon: I will remember this for a very long time!

Carv: Hey T! I heard you jumped from the boat with a chair!

Tish: Hey, it's the intention that counts… oh it's hard to say that without laughing…

Carv: So, did you go to that pink place in your head again?

Tino: Mom!!! You told them!

T Mom: I told I would get you back!

Tino: Oh well, I just nearly died in a most embarrassing way and all you guys are doing is making fun of me… Aww what the heck! I'm just glad everybody's okay… especially me!

Jokes had no effect on Lor; she was just embracing Tino like it was the last time before an eternity. Tino looked at her and felt better already. He passed his arms around Lor and the world around him just disappeared. It was just Tino and Lor. No one was embarrassed anymore; they both hugged each other as strong as they could and both felt this something special happening.

T Mom: Awww! I gotta get a camera! This is the just the cutest thing! I wish this moment could last forever… Hey! Writer dude? Can you stop writing right now? Thanks!

Dixon: Hey! Wait! I'm still wet… I don't want to feel like this foreve…

Yeah well, nobody said the world was fair Dixon. But for two people, their little world is perfect right now. Now, for the magical words: