Ok last chapter was Kai's torture. Now this is the last and final chapter. This one is the end of all the attempts of suicide and if you noticed at the end of each chapter each Blade Breaker would either hear someone call there name, or see someone. Well those peoples come into play a major part in this chapter. All right here's chapter five.

PS. I don't own Bey Blades, I only own Maria (my OC character), but I wish I owned Bey Blades ^_^ ! Also each one gets their own song to go with their parts in the story.

Blood Stained Lives

By: Avalons Guardian

Chapter Five

The Final Good Bye

*~*Tyson's P.O.V*~*

I felt warm hands touch my feverish body. I heard my name being called several times (a/n This song is called "Hello" it's by Evanescence and I changed the lyrics a little bit, it's in italics)

/Play ground/

/School bell rings again/


/rain clouds come to play/


"Tyson, Tyson wake up!" Hillary's voice shouted to me.

I could barely hear her. I was leaving this world, I stopped breathing.

/Has no one told you he's not breathing/


/I am you mind giving you someone to talk to/


Why was she here? Why now, why did she have to follow me?

/If I smile and don't believe/

/soon I know I'll wake from this dream/

She tried to help me. She knew it was rattlesnake venom that was killing me. No Hilary let me die in peace!

/Don't try to fix me/

/I'm not broken/


/I am the lie living for you so you can't hide/

/don't cry/

I felt cold drops of salt-water fall on my face. What was it, it was Hilary she was crying.

"Don't die on me Tyson!" She cried, "don't die!"

/suddenly I know I'm not sleeping/


/I'm still here/

/all that's left of yesterday/

That was the last words I heard. I was gone after that, I'm sorry Hilary.

*~*Max's P.O.V*~*

I lay in my own blood, it hurt, but hey at least I won't feel the pain anymore.

"Max, max please hold on!" Who was that, it was Emily. Why was she here, were did she come from. (A/n all right the next one is one everyone should know "Bring me to Life" by Evanescence)

/How can you see into my eyes like open doors/

/Leading you down into my core/

/Where I've become so numb/

My body was going numb; I couldn't feel anything anymore (a/n by the way this song is cut short ok). Emily I'm sorry I wish you weren't here, I'm so sorry.

/Wake me up/

/Wake me up inside/

/Call my name and save me from the dark/

/Bid my blood to run/

/Before I come undone/

/Save me from the nothing I've become/

Please forgive me Emily. I just couldn't handle it. I love you I really do.

"Max wake up! Wake up damn it!" Emily called, "I should've known! Why didn't I know!"

/All of this time I can't believe I couldn't see/

/Left in the dark but you where there in front of me/

/I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems/

/Got to open my eyes to everything/

/Without a thought without a voice without a soul/

I'm sorry, I'll miss you all.

/Bring me to life/

*~*Ray's P.O.V*~*

(A/n this is Evanescence "Tourniquet")

/I tried to kill the pain/

/But only brought more (so much more)/

/I lay dying/

/And I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal/

/I'm dying praying bleeding and screaming/

/Am I to lost to be saved/

/Am I too lost? /

I could feel the coldness of death overcome my body. Nothing I could feel was the least bit warm.

"Ray, what the hell do you think you're doing!" Mariah's tear filled voice rang in my thoughts.

I felt her warm hands grab my wrists. "I can't believe how stupid you are!" She scolded me. Was she trying to hide her tears? Why was she yelling at a practically dead guy?

/My god my Tourniquet/

/Return to me salvation/

/My god my Tourniquet/

/Return to me salvation/

"Why Ray why are you throwing your life away," She cried. Putting her head on my chest. I felt the cold wet tears seek through my shirt. No Mariah don't cry, please don't cry.

/Do you remember me/

/Lost for so long/

/Will you be on the other side or will you forget my/

God please forgives me! I didn't want it to turn out like this! Please make Mariah stop crying! Just make her stop!

/I'm dying praying bleeding and screaming/

/Am I too lost to be saved/

/Am I too lost? /

I heard a tare, what was she doing. I felt something wrap around my left wrist and then my right one. What was going on, was I not going to die? I opened my eyes slowly. Mariah's hair was down, and it was her hair ribbon she had wrapped around my wrist. Smack! She had just slapped me hard in the face.

"Ow," I said.

"Ow is right! Next time you try to do this I'll do worse!" She shouted.

With that she wrapped around my shoulders and sobbed on my chest.

/My wounds cry for the grave/

/My soul cries for deliverance/

/Will I be denied/

/Christ Tourniquet/

/My suicide/

*~*Kai's P.O.V*~*

(A/n Ok this one isn't going to have a song, b/c this one really needs more words than any other)

I sank further and further into the sea. The cold engulfing me, whomever I saw before I was under water obviously wasn't going to do anything. So this is it, just as I finished thinking this. I felt warm hands grab me. Whoever it was struggling to bring me up above water. I didn't have any air at all. I felt the ocean breeze hit me as we can above water. I could feel us fighting against the waves, but I still didn't open my eyes. I felt being drag onto the cold wet sand.

"C'mon meho wake up," Maria? Maria just saved me?

I felt her put her head to my chest, right were my heart was.

"Oh god," She breathed.

She began to give me CPR. Why was she trying to save me, why did she care if I lived or died? I finally felt the air come back to my lungs. I gasped for air and opened my eyes.

"You son of," She through her fist in my face.

More than once at that, She hit me so hard I was bleeding inside my mouth. I coughed up my blood, and she stopped. I looked back at her, my eyes filled of confusing. She went for another punch but it landed next to my shoulder.

"Why answer me why!" She cried.

I didn't say anything; I just looked at her in confusion. She buried her head in my chest.

"Maria," I whispered.

I put my hand on her back and held her close to me. She had saved me, I thought no one in this world cared about me. But I was wrong. Maria loved me; she loved me enough to save my life. Thank you Maria I owe you my life for this.

Avalons Guardian: Ok well this is the last chapter of Blood Stained Lives I hope it was enjoyable. Any questions, than e-mail me and put them in a review and leave you e-mail address k? Ok until my next story.

See you in the afterlife!