As a Rockwell High student, everyone knows me as Jocelyn 'the ungrateful bitch' Winslow. Yes, that's me. At least that was me, until a little incident occurs that turns my world upside down. Why the students call me an ungrateful bitch, I don't know. I'm just being myself. If they can't accept that, then that was too bad.

I have long layered dark blonde hair and hazel eyes speckled with green. My skin has a light tan because of the Californian sun. I'm on the dance team and also an editor for the school newspaper. This shows how hard working I am! Anyway, this is what happened.

The sun rose up into the sky, making the darkness crawl back to the west. My alarm clock went off. Did I tell you it took me hours to get ready? Well, it did. As I was putting on my clothes, my mom knocked on the door.

"It's 7:30! Hurry up already!"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Just because you wake up at 4 and finish earlier than me doesn't mean you can rush me!"

Mrs. Winslow snorted. "Alright,"

My mom and I were so much alike. I almost thought that I was her clone.

I put on my Gucci red leather mini skirt and a white sleeveless V-neck top. I tied half of my hair up, grabbed my Louis Vuitton bag and ran out of my room.

"Morning honey!"

"Morning Mum," I greeted, then added softly, "Dad,"

My dad was the principal at Rockwell. Perfect, wasn't it? He was always busy and hardly had time for me. Those past years, I thought we had grown apart. He was like my principal at home. I always had to keep my composure around him. As usual, his face was hidden behind his morning newspaper. He grunted in reply. 'Thought so,' I took my seat at the breakfast table.

"Your father is driving you to school so hurry up and finish your breakfast."

I took a tiny bite out of my toast. "Done!" I said, smiling.

Mrs. Winslow furrowed her brows. "Are you sure that's enough?"

"On a diet." I said with a quick smile. Actually, I didn't eat breakfast at home because I go out with my friends later. That was why I was always late for first period. I stood up from the chair and was about to leave when my dad's voice stopped me.

"You're not getting out of this house with an empty stomach." My dad said. Out of respect, (I don't know why I have any for this man!) I grabbed my unfinished toast and ran to the front door. On the way out, I dumped it into the garbage can.

I stood next to our silver Lexus, waiting for my dad. As I was checking my reflection in the tinted windows, I heard a car honk and someone shouted my name. I turned around and found my friends sitting in a red BMW all smiling at me. I quickly ran over and jumped into their car.

"Do you need to tell your dad or something?" Jack asked. He was my guy friend. Everyone thought we would go out sooner or later, but that never happened.

I laughed and said, "As if,"

He smirked and slammed on the gas pedal, leaving a black tire mark on the road.


I sat there impatiently, tapping my pencil, while Mr. Balwin handed back our individual Socials project.

When he came to me, he threw my project onto my desk. "What do you call this?" I looked down at my work and on the top was a huge red 'F'. I looked back up at him in disgust. "I had no idea what you were writing."

"Maybe because you're too thick-headed to understand." I shouted at him.

Mr. Balwin raised his brow at this. "Oh really? But then again I'm not thick-headed enough to pass you, am I?"

I narrowed my eyes and stood up from my chair. "My dad is the principal here. Do you really think he'll let you fail me?"

Mr. Balwin smirked. "I'm the one who's grading you, not the principal. Do you really think I won't be able to? I have no idea what Mr. Winslow's thinking to let you go bossing people around as if you owned the school." He said with an exasperated tone.

I gaped at him in shock. "Excuse me?"

"Don't think I don't know what you do out in the halls with the students. I've always wanted to report this to the principal. I guess now I can with a reason."

I was so surprised at what the bastard said to me. I was utterly speechless. I grabbed my books and my bag and walked out on the class.

Out on the street, I was muttering in an angry tone. I was furious. How could he have said that? I was never going back to that school. I hate that horrible place. If the worst came, I would just run away. I didn't need anyone.

I was too busy fuming over what just happened and didn't realize that I had bumped into an old woman. She stumbled a bit backwards. A man from behind steadied her. Both of them looked at me expectantly. "Watch where you're going!" I spat.

I pushed past both of them and walked off. I wasn't in the mood to be nice. I didn't go home because it'd just remind me of school. I spent the whole day wandering the streets. That made me look like a drunk.

Finally, when night came, I decided to head back home. As I was crossing the street, a pair of headlights flashed brightly to my right. I blocked out the light with my arms. Before everything went dark, I saw the same old woman I bumped into that afternoon.