Subj: re:Fill out and send backkk

Date: 11/05/03 3:56:31 P.M Eastern Daylight Time

From: GImP0IsMyNaMeO yahoo. com

To: CigarSTEALer aol. com, Sn33zy43457 aol. com, MUDblood aol. com, FastAsianFeet aol. com, OiteyIteyIteyIteyIteyIteyI hotbot. com, LendMeYourLass0 aol. com, M4nH4tTaNsQt3StPl4y4 yahoo. com, P3lViCtHrUst5 hotmail. com, THuMSuCKeR aol. com, Br00klynB055 aol. com, Glumandumb yahoo. com, caRdsNdicE aol. com, F0ur3ye5 yahoo. com, D4nCiNQuEEn aol. com, PiesdaBombdiggity hotmail. com, CarpeDium aol. com, SwordMan aol. com, LykOMGqtpi aol. com, h0tbl0ndeNsexy hotmail. com

what's your first name? Montgomery

middle name? We don't believe in middle names in the family nahh

last name? ...Montgomery...the third... .

nicknames? CRUTCHY!! Cause I gots me crutch! Though I'd rather have a pimp cane...maybe then I can get a...something

Spell your name backwards] Yremogtnom "Ychturc" Yremogtnom...hey, hey hey it looks like a Russian Delicacy
[Where do you live?]: Haven't you been listening? I live with the psychos in our Manhattanian abode. Dumbass
[Describe yourself in 4 words]: Goofy, Pimpish, Wacky and Dull
[Who is your worst enemy?]: I'll tell ya later
[If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]: I want to breed a new one between Cats and Doggies and name it Muffincakes
[What is the latest you've ever stayed up]: 11:59 because after that it's just early
[Ever been to Belgium?]: No, I've never even LEFT New York! How lame is that?!
[What's your favourite coin?]: Whys favorite spelled like that? Isn't that wrong? What the hell?

[Wallet]: It's smooth as siiiiilk baby. Wanna reach into my back pocket and get it for me? Pie made me type it I swear

Pie: I did not MAKE you

Did too

Pie: Nah UH was there a gun? Huh huh huh?


[Brush]: I can't get a brush THROUGH my hair anymore thanks fellas
[Toothbrush]: A green to match my hazel eyes baby
[Jewelery worn daily]: Nah I don't wear jewelry
[Pillow cover]: Silk as my PJs baby...never know when someone might be spending the night

Pie: ::falls off the chair laughing::

Why the hell are you even here? Shouldn't you be in class or something?

Pie: ::laughing:: no

Le sigh...
[Blanket]: Flannel, like my pillowcase ::sigh::

[Coffee cup]: I buy mine coffee from Starbucks...they know me well there
[Sunglasses]: Do you think I could pull off a pimp look if I wore sunglasses and had my cane? Huh? Guys guys?

Pie: Hell no

Just one opinion...

Pie: Seriously man, hell no

God go do homework or something

[Underwear]: Something you'll have to find out for yourself isn't it?
[Shoes]: Nikes
[Handbag]: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA ::chokes:: oh god my asthma!
[Favorite top]: This one right it says "I Am Not Infantile" and the on the back it's all "You Stinky Butt Poop Head"
[Favorite pants]: leather baby...nah, I've never worn leather pants cause I sweat too much

Pie: You're making me sick. You are actually making me physically sick.

[Cologne/Perfume]: I usually smell like medicine...
[CD in stereo right now]: SLOAN! I LOVE THEM AAAAAAAH
[Tattoos]: Nah, my doctor told me if I get a tattoo I might die
[Piercings]: I never had that whim thing to get a hole in my head...peoples tell me I already got too many baby
[Wearing]: A red sweater and jeans
[Hair]: It's wild baby
[Makeup]: thanks, that's reserved for Bumlets HEYAAAA BUMLETS all the way in California damn
WHAT/WHO (is/are)
[In my mouth]: Nobody --
[In my head]: If It Feels Right Do It by Sloan AAAH SLOAN I LOVE THEM!
[Wishing]: If I speak or write a wish then it won't come true now WILL IT
[After this]: Probably pack for my trip to California tomorrow. That's right kids, I'm leaving the state for a WEEK AHAHAHAHAHA
[Talking to]: Pie Gorger
[Eating:] Nah that's Pig Pie's job

Pie: HEY! Fast metabolism

Yeah. Riiiight.
[Do you like candles]: I'm allergic
[Do you like hot wax]: Sensitive skin

[Do you like incense]: Asthma
[Do you like the taste of blood]: ...Lactose intolerant?
[Fetishes]: My cane. Think on that one a bit.

Do you like sex? I wouldn't KNOW now would I
[Person you wish you could be with right now]: Then my wish won't come true!
[What/Who is next to you]: Pie Fucker

Pie: DUDE that's just seriously wow oh ew

[What do you want done with your body when you die]: Impaled with my cane and carried through the streets of New York
[Do you believe in love]: Of course
[Do you believe in soulmates]: Yes... I haven't found mine yet...but one day I shall find him or her! ONE DAY Pie ::plays the violin::

God go do a blueberry pie or something hayzeus

Pie: ew...
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: Hells no
[What's something you wish you could understand better]: Why people consider the Three Stooges to be comedic geniouses. I mean they just slapped one another on the ass with wood and gouged their eyes out! HOW IS THAT FUNNY?!

Pie: ::gasp:: Uncultured bastard!
[What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow]: That the plane won't crash?


do you talk about all your friends- To who the hell?
Who are your enemies- You are. Get away from me you bastards!
Who do you absolutely hate- Tinkerbell
Who have you known the longest- Pie Eater over here

Pie: It's been a good two years

TWO?! WHAT THE HELL it's more like six

Pie: I know =D
Who do you tell all your problems to- Pie Eater and Bumlets
Who do you trust- Pie, Bumlets and Davey
Who do you tell all your secrects to- None cause then it's back to the wishes and if I told them they wouldn't come true.
Who Makes you laugh- Pie, Dutchy, Itey (who's still missing guys), and Bumlets. Though with Bums it's...unintentional.
Who makes you cry- Regis Philbin
Who helps you when you are in trouble- Pie though I usually have to blackmail him to do it and Mush
Who has been there for you- Pie and Bumlets are there the most
Who gives you the best advice- Davey and Specs man
Who cant you tell your secrects to- ANYBODY GAAAAH
Who back you up in a lie- Most everybody will...
Who do you hang out with the most- Pie Eater and Bumlets BUMLETS COME TO NEW YORK MAN!
Who do you barely hang out with- ...Bumlets was this not just answered?
IS there a friend you wish you were closer to- Bumlets I s'pose though tomorrow I will be muhahaha
Have you ever betrayed a friend- Not really...have I?

Pie: Dude you totally once told me you would tell me if you were dating anybody and you totally didn't

What the hell?

Who can you tell the truth about anything to- Pie Eater, Bumlets, Mush and the other one...David
Who do you mostly fight with- Skittery...he doesn't believe I really NEED my cane
Who do you always get along with- Pie of course!

---------Who is Da----------

Bravest- Spot? I dunno
Smartest- ME!!!! MUAHAHAHA probably Snitch since he's in medical school...
Dumbest- Pie =P
Nicest- Girls- No girls...

Boys- probably Mush...
Sweetest- Bumlets
Meanest- Spot -- and SKITTERY damnit
Hottest- .........
Cutest- I'm taking the fifth
Ugliest- Pie Eater

Pie: HEY
Most Hyper- Dutchy and Itey
Craziest- the same
Shyest- Mush
Most Outgoing- Bumlets gaw
Most Immature- Les ::twitch:: my cane is not a toy...
Most Annoying- Pie Eater when he's eating and laughing at the same time because he SPITS CHEWED UP DISGUSTING FOOD OUT ALL OVER THE COMPUTER
Most Understanding- David BAH
Funniest- Pie, Bumlets, and the other ones
Shortest- Spot
Tallest- Unfortunately Skittery

If you died tomorrow, which one person would you leave everything you own to?
Again with the wishing!
If you had to go live in Borneo for the rest of your life, and you could take one person on this earth, who would you take?

I would never subject someone to that...Why is everybody taking their friggin SPOUSES? So you guys can go to who the hell knowsville and ROT?

Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed by them?

Pie and when Bumlets was here, him too

If you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing, who would be the first person you would call?
My leg doctor and fire him

Let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week, and you can pick the person, but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life, no getting out of it, who would you pick?
I would tell my dad to go to hell, roll over and go back to sleep. What if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be?

Kermit the Frog


What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex?

If all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be?
Problem Solving skills right cause that would help in the science field you know... If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change (personality and looks)?

I wouldn't have so many PROBLEMS and uh...I'd be a cool guy yeah baby

What is your dream career?
Scientist! FAMOUS scientist...RICH FAMOUS scientist...GOOD LOOKING RICH FAMOUS scientist... What is the one thing you just have to do before you die?
GET LAID If you could be a member of any band that has ever exsisted, what band would that be?
SLOOOOOAAAAAAAAN What is the thing you care about most in your life?
Friends, like Pie Eater over here



winter or summer? Winter...too many allergies in summer...

pop or punk? ew neither

rock or rap? ROCK

23. New York or L.A.? I'm conflicted...

24. milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Allergic!

25. dogs or cats? Allergic

26. Britney or Christina? ALLERGIC EW 27. Leno or Letterman? Letterman IS the man

28. MTV or VH1? VH1

29. country or classical? Classical...::twitch:: country...

30. day or night? Nighttime

31. lake or ocean? Lake, never really liked almost DROWNING at the ocean

32. waffles or pancakes? I eat Gran Bran for breakfast

33. soccer or football? Watch soccer

34. baseball or swimming? I like swimming! It's foon

35. chocolate or vanilla? Neither thanks

36. sugar or spice? wouldn't you like to know baby...

38. Eminem-please stand up or please shut up? Shut up fool! I'M THE REAL SLIM SHADY BASTARD


39. If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be?

FLUBBER I would be the nutty professor MUAHHA

Pie: you scare me

40. If you could design your perfect mate what would he/she look like and be like?
A robot!

Pie: Dude, you haven't answered ANY of these questions!

Yes I have


-- NEXT. Question
41. If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars?

Buy Russia

42. What is the single most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
I sneezed a noodle out my nose


43. fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking?

All the damn time as people like to play TAKE THE GIMPS CANE

Pie: Dude, you can totally walk without it

Yeah, ok, next you'll be saying I can dance while holding my cane like a woman as a bunch of random people form a circle around me and chacha!!

44. run into a wall?
Yeah, my eyes ain't to good

45. sleep walked?

Yeah, medication side effect

46. gone skinny-dipping?

I'd probably get pneumonia

47. kissed someone of the same sex?

48. snuck out of the house at night?
Yeah that would reallllly work

49. gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver?
I can't drive 50. laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose?
NOODLE! 51. started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow?
Should've done that one... 52. swallow a bug?
Yeah, a bee. Which sucked because I'm allergic to bees and it stung my throat so I had to go to the hospital's just a frickin medical miracle that you're still alive

53. actually kept a new year's resolution?

Naaaw that's for loosersss

Are you going out with anyone?: no
If so who? =( sad face!
How long: Time can be infinite...
Do you have a crush: yes
If so, who: he'll never find out!
How long have you liked them: a looooong time
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend: eh Mary Sue
Who was your first kiss: Same
Have you ever been dumped: Yes
Have you ever dumped: no =( sad face
Do you want to get married: I don't knowwwww
If everyone was single and everyone eligible who would you go out with?: HIM

What will you name your kids?: NOT Montgomery

What time is it? 1:30 PM on the nickel!

Why did you waste your life on this survey? Pie made me do it?

Author's Note: Thank GOD that's over with! I DON'T LIKE CRUTCHY ::weep:: I don't want him to hook up with who he's hooking up with cause I don't want him to

Mush!Muse: Have happiness? Joy? LIFE?!

Alarice: No, that's not it



Mush!muse: ...............

Spot!muse: Yeah, me neither

Mush!muse: SPOT!

Spot!muse: ::snickers and goes to the closet with Race::

Alarice: ............ok...............

Itey!Muse: I love swiss cheese

Mush!musse: Why are you all so MEAN?! ::pouts::

Itey!Muse: Cause you got the swiss

Dutchy!muse: AND THE CHEESE!!!!

SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ...I hope everybody'll still read this, I really do...I swear it'll get better, I promise...shoutouts.............

Nakaia Aidan-Sun: Dude SUP?! HI! Maybe I DID update just for you who knows...hehe you rock the house down! Thanks for the review it was the bomb diggity!

Shadowsdancingdragon: DARLIN' hi! Your review madeth me giggle and wiggle at the same time. Dude, you can match anytnig to newsies SMUTSMUTLAND I love it there. Thanks for the review!

Obsessed Wit' Aaron Lohr: I love your Itey!muse! He makes me HAPPY! And its K you didn't review last time I KNOW YOU STILL LOVE ME! Thanks for the review =D!

Braids21: Did I update soon enough?! You're not dead are you?! I hope not. Dude, thanks for the review it was the best ::dances with Braids:: WHEEEEE!!

Liams Kitten: Your review was funnier than the story monkeyguts! I love your waving of arms to describe something man. I mean it just makes everything so much clearer. I LOVE YOUR REVIEW AAAAAAH AND I LOVE YOU ::glomples:: yay And you can't take Mikey away from me so there HAHA

Inquisitive: DUUUUUUUUUDE ::glomps:: I love you!!! You put the lla in LLAMA! I LOVED your review! You're fabulous! But I hope Crutchy didn't turn you off. I mean it turned me off and I wrote it. ::receives llamas:: ::gives monkeys:: THANK YOU!!

Shadowlands: WHERE ARE YOU?! I HAVEN'T TALKED TO YOU IN .......a long time. SO dude, thanks for the review it made me dance and do some flips. It was good, it was good believe me man. I LUNG YOU ::gives bananas and nuts::

Eagle Higgins-Conlon: Duuuude thanks for the reviewtastic review! You rock my monkey's socks. And that's good cause well I usually borrow his socks. THANK YOU!