You asked for it, you got it. Purely by coincidence of course. Okay, to be honest I started working on it right after I read the message. Happy?

Whip 2/3

By Socrates

Disclaimer: All the usual. I own nothing but the idea for the story.

Summary: My take on the 'what if Xander dressed as something different for Halloween' Well, one of them anyway.

Rating: Pg-13

Category: Action/Adventure

Feedback: If you would be so kind…

Authors Notes: Please accept that this is an AU version of the events depicted in the episode 'Halloween'. To be honest I haven't watched the ep in quite some time and have no particular desire to do so now. I remember all the key events of the episode and I feel that's what counts. In other words, if events don't transpire exactly according to the original ep, that's okay. Don't freak out.


Well, this is new, Willow thought bemusedly as she watched her hand pass through the young blonde in front of her. The girl in question, Buffy Summers, was herself currently acting decidedly Un-Buffy-like in that she was screaming at the top of her lungs about ghosts and demons.

Willow chuckled inwardly as she realized that, for the first time she REALLY felt like slapping the blonde, yet she was unable to.

"Calm down." the redheaded ghost instructed her friend. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you."

Buffy however, in her current state, didn't listen to the instruction and kept right on shouting as loud as she could.

Finally, Willow had had enough. "Oh, for crying out loud would you SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Shocked by the harsh words, and even more shocked that a woman had spoken them, the slayers mouth snapped shut and she stared fearfully at the ghost. Willow herself had been shocked by her own outburst and simply stood there for a few seconds.

Finally, she composed herself and turned to address her friend. "Something is very wrong here. You're not you." The Victorian girl looked at her, confused. "Okay, you're you but what I mean is that you're not the you that you were. You're someone different." she tried to clarify, only to find that the other girl was looking at her like she was mentally deficient. "There must have been a spell…" she started, then stopped mid sentence, realizing that the girl currently in front of her probably wouldn't understand what she was talking about.

"Never mind." Willow declared, kicking at the curb in frustration and groaning in annoyance when her foot passed through the curb. "Let's just get moving. It's not safe out here."

"Where will we go."

"A friends house. Yo… I mean she doesn't live far from here."

Willow turned in the direction of Buffy's house and started off, with her agitated companion following uncertainly. They hadn't gone more then a dozen steps though when a growl came from the bushes. To the side.

Willow stopped and turned toward the noise, the currently de-powered slayer doing her best to hide behind her. "Who's there?" Willow demanded, feeling somewhat empowered by the fact that she was incorporeal, yet ever mindful that her friend was very much corporeal and lacking in her slayer abilities.

A group of vicious looking demons emerged from the brush., glaring menacingly and advancing toward the two girls. It was obvious to Willow that before they spell they had been children. They were certainly much smaller then any demons she had seen before, but looked just as menacing.

"Now, now boys." she started, speaking with as firm a voice as she could manage "This… this isn't t-the time for games. Run along home."

The demons merely snarled in response and continued their advance.

"You heard the lady." a voice sounded behind her and Willow swiveled toward it. That voice sounds familiar. But the accent isn't right. her eyes settled on the newcomer she saw with some surprise that it was indeed someone familiar.

"Xander!" she exclaimed, eyeing her friend, who now looked completely different. Yummy, willows inner voice proclaimed, and she silenced it quickly. Now was not the time for such thoughts. She noticed with a small hint of jealousy that Buffy was eyeing the man with a somewhat enamored expression on her face.

The dark-clad figure looked at her with a quizzical expression, before turning to face the still advancing group of demons. "I give only one warning, leave them alone." His hand dropped to his side and gripped the chain whip that hung there.

The demons reaction was pretty much the same as when Willow had tried warding them off.

They kept advancing.

Buffy promptly fated.

"You're choice then."

Quick as lighting, the whip came up from his side and lashed out toward the throng of demons. Willow watched in horror as the chain arced out at the former children It caught the lead monster in the neck, wrapping around its throat. Its wielder set himself and changed his grip on the whip before giving a short, sharp tug. The chains dug into the creatures neck as the force of the tug yanked it into the air. It landed hard on the ground and smacked into the curb, where it lay still.

"Stop!" Willow shouted at the man, reaching out to grab his arm and watching helplessly as her hands slipped through him. The action caught him by surprise though and he turned to quickly regard her.

"You're a ghost." It wasn't a question and he didn't sound the least bit upset or frightened.

"Kinda, at the moment. They aren't themselves either." She pointed at the group of little demons who had been somewhat frightened by what had happened to their comrade "They're really children, but something happened to them. You can't hurt them."

The being occupying her friends body stopped to consider this. "Sorcery then." he concluded. "I agree, we cannot harm them." he gave a flick of the wrist and the whip, almost as if it were a living thing, unwrapped itself from the fallen demons throat and curled up as it snapped back into his hand.

He reached into his coat and withdrew and small, glass-globe, which he tossed onto the ground in front of them. The orb exploded and the area was immediately shrouded in an intense aura of intense white light. Strangely though, Willow found that she was able to see well enough.

"sun globe." the young warrior explained "to beings of intense magic it is absolutely blinding." He knelt and scooped up the unconscious girl. "Come, we must leave. Is there somewhere safe we can go?"

Willow nodded. "Yeah, we were on our way there when we were attacked. C'mon, I'll show you."

The three figures quickly faded into the darkness and by the time the globes power had been exhausted they were nowhere to be found. The demons growled in frustration before moving off in search of easier prey, leaving their companion lying, still on the asphalt, forgotten amidst the growing chaos.


They made it almost all the way to Buffy's house before running into anyone else. And this person wasn't a demon, technically.

"What did you freaks do this time?" The brunette demanded harshly, her hands resting on her slim hips, which were accentuated quite nicely by the cat-girl costume she wore. She took a second glance at the red head. "And why are you dressed like a skank?"

"Oh, Cordy" Willow said sadly as she eyed the other girl. "You've been turned into a cat."

The cheerleader glared at the redhead. "Are you mentally deficient?" She took her hands off her hips and started toward them "I am NOT a cat."

"Well I'm not a skank. " she waved her hand through the man standing by her side. "I'm a ghost."

"Whatever" Cordelia replied disinterestedly " My date is a dog." She declared.

"Well, it can't be that bad. Maybe he just got a little excited." Willow offered. "I mean you do kind of give off this easy vibe."

"I'm going to ignore that comment, given its coming from a girl who doesn't know the meaning of 'make out'." Cordelia paused for a second. "But I meant literally, a dog, as in woof, woof. Right in the middle of our date he just… became all hair and slobbery." She caught the looked being directed at her "I mean more then normal!"

It was about this time that Cordelia noticed the state of the other teens. "What happened to slayer-girl." She did a double take as her eyes fully focused on the man clad in black. "And who is tall dark and drop dead gorgeous?"

The man bowed slightly. "You flatter me, my lady. My name is Victor Belmont, of the Belmont clan."

"You're name could be mud for all I care, cause' you look good enough to… XANDER!?!" The brunette finished in surprise. She turned to the only one of the three who seemed to be acting normal. "Explain."

Willow shifted uneasily under her gaze. "I'm not exactly sure. Right now though we need to get inside where its safe…er."

Cordelia recognized the wisdom in this, and followed the three teens into the house. Once inside Willow quickly shut and locked the door, sliding the bolt closed for extra protection. She moved to the window and glanced outside, noting with growing trepidation the number of demons that had begun to accumulate on the street.

"Lets move to the kitchen." Willow instructed the others. They moved silently through the house, a shifting noise signaling that Buffy was waking up. Victor laid her gently across the table, brushing the hair away from her face in an attempt to calm the waking girl. "It's alright, you're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you."

The other two girls watched this scene in fascination. "Wow," Cordelia remarked 'even when he's not himself he's got the Buffy-lust." Willow noticed the comment held a touch of bitterness, but chose not to comment. "Okay, so what's going on here?"

"Like I said before, I don't know exactly. I was just leaving some ladies porch when I collapsed. It felt like I couldn't breath. When I could move again, I discovered I was a ghost. And the whole town had gone mad." She pointed at her friends. "And when I found those two, they were like they are now." She pursed her lips, her mind trying to work over the problem. "Someone must have enacted some kind of spell that turns people into their costumes.." She turned to the brunette girl, "Why weren't you affected? Didn't you buy your costume from Ethan's?"

Cordelia snorted in reply. "As if! Like I would be caught dead in that place! I only buy from the best stores in town."

"Well that explains that. But who would-" Willow was cut off by the sound of the kitchen door opening and closing.

"Buffy!" the familiar voice called out.

Willow turned to see Angel start toward them, a look of worry on his face at seeing his girlfriend lying on a table. "Angel, its good to see you." she started.

A snarl to her side caught her attention and she saw out of the corner of her eye Xander stalking forward, the cross that had been holstered at his side now gripped firmly in hand.

"Vampire." the word was spoken coldly, yet at the same time burning with deep hatred. "I have you now!"

Willow started to shout at him to stop, but was too late as Victor lunged at the souled-demon, bringing his weapon down in a killing blow….

End part 2


Authors end notes: A bit rough, I know. So sue me. I wanted to get this out finally. Might as well make some progress in the long list of unfinished fics of mine. I've never really used a beta before either. I don't think I have that kind of patience.