The Night The Dreams Died - PG-13
This story begins with graduation, and it can be assumed that everything in the show up until graduation happened in this story the same as in the show, with these important exceptions: Tess and Nasedo never showed up in Roswell, and the group is unaware of their existence, though this will change. Consequently, there was no Max/Tess relationship, no baby, and Alex is still alive. (Agent Pierce's testimony to Congress that got the Special Unit disbanded was a matter of public record and was shown on TV, so Jim and the others know about it. We know from the show that Agent Pierce was actually Nasedo, and the real Pierce was dead already, but the group doesn't know this yet in this story.) In this story, Nasedo disappeared shortly after this testimony without ever moving to Roswell with Tess. That is the only difference in this story prior to graduation. Beginning with graduation, this story takes a different turn, and in the beginning, at least, everything will be turned upside down for our heroes.
The Night The Dreams Died is loosely based on… and is inter-related with… the "Altered Time" series, but it can be read by itself, because instead of being a sequel to book four (The Four Faces of Rath), it unfolds alongside it, almost like an alternate universe. This will only become clear later in the story, and hopefully the relationship to the series will make complete sense then.
The creators of Roswell, especially Melinda Metz and Jason Katim, deserve the credit for the Roswell concept and pre-existing characters and any mention of events that occurred during the TV series. Anything else, for better or worse, is my own vision.