A/N: Well, I hope that you're still awake, and you can clean that drool off your lip...though it's very attractive, I assure you...well, if you're reading, keep your heads up and eyes open for a new fic in the brainstorming stage...think about it...brainstorming. doesn't that sound...painful?...*lightning bolts flash in head*

erm...carry on...

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Rin crouched her knees, bunching her muscles to attack, knowing full well the might of the Tetsusaiga could easily wound her-kill her-without her so much as having the opportunity to defend herself. She arched her fingers in the shape of claws, hoping she could scratch the filthy beast before her death; slight pain was worth than receiving no punishment for killing her beloved. She glared up at him from her crouch, a fire alighting her blood with anger, realizing that before her stood her sworn enemy.
"Inuyasha, what the hell do you want with me?" She screamed at him, managing to add hissing venom to each word. "Haven't you screwed me enough? You killed Sesshomaru!" Unbidden tears pricked her eyes with cold wetness and she hastily brushed them awake, hoping Inuyasha would not pity her for the display of weakness. She looked at Inuyasha through blurred eyes and saw that his expression had not changed; he looked at her blankly as if he saw someone behind the woman. "Look at me, damn you!"
Before she realized it, her legs had unfolded in a fluid motion, propelling her towards the hanyou scant feet in front of her. She reached pulled back her right arm to strike with her clawed fist, and fell to the ground gasping for air. Inuyasha's hand lay buried in her gut, the daunting blank stare still adorning his cold face. He laid her against the ground gently, making care to keep his hand beneath her head, his expression remaining calm as Rin cursed between laborious gulps of air.
"You sick bastard, why don't you just go to hell where you belong. Just die, you-"
"Rin, you have no why I'm here, do you?" He looked at her sympathetically, his expression changing slightly; the corners of his lips sagged with concern. The gentleness in his eyes melted her heart, and she swallowed her words, somehow forgetting who crouched by her side, face inches from her own. She shook her head slowly, mouth opened slightly, an obvious display of her surprise and curiosity. "I figured as much." He shook her head gently. "Not like you could know of course."
"Jakken told me you came looking for me yesterday." Her mouth spoke on its own accord, long before she could register his own words. "Why?"
Inuyasha looked away and stared deep into the forest, watching as the gentle green leaves floated through the air, dancing in the shafts of bright light shining down through the tree's crown. He sighed, trying to justify his rash decision to himself, though he could not-would not-admit the real reason he had chosen to act the way he would. He had not told anyone-not even Kagome-about what he had secretly decided almost a year ago, and he could not bring himself to tell her now. They had worked so hard to complete the jewel; he felt like he was betraying all of them. ::Sango, Miroku, Shippou...Kagome...please forgive me, but I must do this::
Rin peered around Inuyasha's shoulder and looked deep into his golden wolf eyes and spoke into his ear gently. "Inuyasha?"
He looked at her blankly, the vague expression adorning his face once more and he held out his hand, holding his balled fist over her hands. She stared at him for a long second before his intentions dawned on her and she opened her hands to form a cup. He dropped something heavy in them and grabbed her hands, closing them over the warm, glowing ball. He looked into her eyes, searching them with his own and leaned forward, kissing her cheek gently. "Rin, once I stole something from you, and now that I know the importance of love, I can't live with myself." He looked away quickly, but not before Rin caught a glimpse of glittering tears. "Take it, use it, and bring him back safely to you."
"What is it?" Rin stared at her hands, still covered by his, trying to ignore the warm spot on her cheek where his lips had met her skin. His hands still held hers tightly, and she could not pry them from his grasp, though she tugged and jerked, trying to be freed from his grasp.
"Don't look till I'm gone, alright?" He looked away, and pushed himself to his feet, turning his back on her slowly, lifting his hands off hers regretfully. "I have a feeling I'm doing the right thing, though it might not work out so good for me." He shrugged casually, the back of his head bobbing as his silver hair cascaded down his shoulders, catching the light and glimmering like a many-facetted jewel. "Meh, what can you do, huh?" He tossed his hand to the side and sighed, glancing at her offhandedly. "Just make sure he leaves me alone, alright?"
Before Rin could open her mouth to reply, Inuyasha was dancing through the trees, heading back towards Kagome and the others. She stared after him, feeling an odd mixture of feelings, ranging from anger and hate to care. She had almost forgotten about the heavy ball in her palm before she opened it to look at it. She held it close to her nose, trying to identify the odd orb in her hand, marveling at its smooth surface, watching as the colors beneath it shifted.
Realization struck her like a stone and she toppled over, falling to her knees with a shocking thud, wincing as pain lanced through her body, creeping through her from her back. She did not notice the searing hotness as she stared at the orb, pulling it as close to her face as she could, noticing the ball gave off a slightly warm aura. She stared at it, the gravity of the hanyou's actions hitting her like a wall. She turned to look after him, though he was long gone.
Rin opened her mouth slightly, and the words slid off her tongue like glass; she clenched the stone in her hand and balled her fist around it. "The Shikon no Tama..." Her voice faded off into the distance, mingling with the calls of the birds in the trees, unaware of the two golden eyes locked on her. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Rin ran back to the small clearing where Jakken sat, blowing on the ladle gently to cool the steaming food and lifted it to his mouth, sipping it slowly. He looked at her absently, not knowing or caring what the young woman did as long as it would not come back to haunt him. He did not hate her so much as he had originally thought, and the two had grown closer-they were almost friends now-since the death of Sesshomaru. His eyes followed her body as she reached into the sack in which they carried their few precious belongings, pulling out a long silvery dress. He sighed to himself and took his eyes off her. Poor girl, she had taken Sesshomaru's death so hard.
Rin's mouth watered as the thick wall of the stew's scent hit her nose, though she knew she could not eat the meal now. She was so close to bringing him back, to him. She pulled the long dress out of her sack, muttering a pathetic excuse to Jakken and ran back into the forest, pulling off her clothes as she went along, not caring for the dirt soiling her clean clothes. She tugged the silken cloth over her head and slid it down her body, reveling in the cool, misty feeling of the exquisite fabric, loving the feeling as the material hugged her body tightly.
She slid to a stop, dirt spraying beneath her heels. She stood before an impressive expanse of grassy land, surprised to see the rolling hills for the first time. She blushed when she completely realized why she wanted to find the perfect spot for Sesshomaru-sama to be revived. She jerked her thoughts away from that line of thought and placed the famed jewel on the ground by her feet, eyes opening wide in surprise as the grass seemed to form a cradle for the glittering orb.
"Shikon no Tama, hear my wish!" She stared at the orb, waiting for some change in its appearance, despair arising in her as the orb remained the same. "I wish for you to restore the life and body back into the demon Sesshomaru!" She winced as a brilliant light flooded her eyes, blinding her vision. Lightning lanced across the suddenly darkened sun, and a booming clap shook the land around her.
"Rin?" She knew that voice.
"Sesshomaru!" She turned back and saw before her the face she loved above all else, the one she loved above all else. She eagerly drank in his sight, a crimson blush spreading across her face when she realized he was naked. She turned her back on him, though it took all her effort to do so. "Sesshomaru-sama, you are unclothed." She glanced over her shoulder to say something, but could not remember what when his arms surrounded her.
"Rin, why do you tease me so?" he asked when she looked away. "I traversed heaven and earth, searching for a way back to you, and you treat me as though I was nothing to you." He placed a clawed finger beneath her chin and turned her face back towards his, staring into her soul with his golden wolf eyes. "Rin, why do you act as though you had no feelings for you?"
Rin laughed gently and threw her arms around Sesshomaru's neck, surprise apparent on both of their faces. "Sesshomaru, I-I love you and I always have. I want to be with you for-"
Her mouth was silenced with his own as he swallowed her words, kissing her for the first time. She closed her eyes lazily, her body becoming limp, relying upon him to support her body as she drank in her beloved. She ran a hand through his long hair, twirling it absently, not noticing her own actions; they kissed passionately, not caring whether they breathed or not. He held her close against him and pressed his forehead against hers when they broke apart. "I love you, my Rin. Forever are you mine."
::This is what it feels like:: Rin thought. ::Loving someone forever::
::No matter what::