I can hardly believe this is the last chapter! I've really enjoyed writing this story. All the credit for this story goes to Kylie and Vanessa, my awesome, wonderful, and talented beta's, and to God for giving the gift of writing. I just might write a sequel, but I'm not sure. Tell me if you think so. If I do write one, I might not have it up for at least a month, as I'm going to take a break from writing. ; ) And thanks to all the people who have reviewed!!!!!

* 27 * 53 * 27 * 53*

Several months later. . .

Ouch! What was that? I glance at the clock beside the bed. 4:00A.M.

I suddenly realize that it was a contraction. The baby will come today! I wake Rolfe

by whispering in his ear,

"Darling, it's time."

He sits bolt upright in bed. I guess I surprised him!

"Rolfe, will you wake Frau Vogel and tell her its time?"

Frau Vogel had been staying at our house for a few days, until it was time for the

baby to be born.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?"

"No, no. Just tell her and then you can come right back." I say with a smile. I'm sure

Rolfe is even more nervous than I am. I guess it's because his mother died while

giving birth to him, and he is afraid that the same thing will happen to me. Rolfe

hurriedly put on his robe and then went off the wake the midwife. While he is gone, I

hear the doorbell ring. Soon after, Rolfe enters with Frau Vogel. She comes to the

side of the bed.

"Darling, Samantha was at the door." Rolfe said. Samantha was mother and father's


"What did she say?" I ask curiously.

Rolfe smiles, then replies,

"She said that your mother is also in labor and she wanted to know if you wanted to

come over. I told her that you were also in labor."

I get another contraction, and after is subsides,

I reply,

"That's wonderful!"

I feel for father. After all, to have to handle the announcement of my baby and

mother's baby, and now to hear that we are having babies on the same day, he must

be overwhelmed!

The contractions are coming sooner now, and Frau Vogel is preparing all the medical


she will need.

Rolfe is by the bed, and with every contraction, I squeeze his hand.

Then, after about an hour of painful contractions, the midwife finally decides that it

is time to push.

Minutes later, the sharp cry of a newborn baby fills the room.

"It's a girl!" announces the midwife.

"Keep pushing!"

I looked at her, confused.

"I thought the baby was out? Is something wrong?"

"No, no. Just looks like we have another one." She replies.

I look at Rolfe, realizing what she just said. I'm going to have twins! I keep pushing,

and a second cry fills the room.

"It's a boy!"

Boy and girl twins! I grin. Rolfe had always teased me about how I was extraordinary

large for just one baby. I guess he was right! Frau Vogel picks both of them up and

lays them on my chest. I'm now a mother of not one, but two infants!

"Hello, Maria and Georg." I say, using the names Rolf and I had picked out. We had

picked out Maria for a girl, in honor of mother, and Georg for a boy, in honor of

father. I haven't told anyone what we had picked out for their names, as Rolfe and I

wanted mother and father to be surprise when they found out. Rolfe reaches over

and strokes their bloody little faces.

Frau Vogel then takes Maria and Georg and bathes them, with Rolfe helping her.

When they are finished, I hold Maria and Rolfe holds Georg. By now, they have

fallen asleep. I hear the doorbell ring for the second time today. Minutes later, there

was a soft knock on the door.

The midwife opens it and Christopher, the butler, steps in.

"Louisa is her to see you, madam."

"Show her in," replies Rolfe.

A seconds later, Louisa comes in the door.

"Father gave me permission to come and check on you. He is curious to know

whether you had a boy or girl."

I smile.

"Tell him he has a boy and girl," I say.

Louisa looks confused, so I continue on.

"I had twins, Georg and Maria."

Louisa looks surprised. I can tell she loves the names.

"That's wonderful, Liesl!" Is all she can manage to say.

"Is mother well?" I ask.

"Yes, she had a boy, named Johannes."

I smile. I guess Kurt and Friedrich got the brother they've always wanted!

They must be dancing for joy!

"That's splendid!" I say.

"Would you like to hold Georg, Louisa?" asks Rolfe.

When Louisa nodded her head, Rolfe handed Georg to her.

She held her gently for a few minutes then said,

"Father told me not to stay too long, so I better be going. I think he was worried

about you."

"Well, tell him not to worry, I am just fine. Auf wiedersien, Louisa."

"All right. Auf wiedersien, Liesl. Auf wiedersehen, Rolfe."

With that, she left.

Rolfe and I sit together in silence for a few minutes, then he lays Georg on the other

side of me. He leans over the bed and kisses me.

"You need you get some rest, darling. I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you."

I fall asleep, glad that I have a happy family all together again. I smile, thinking how

far we have come since our happy homecoming in Austria.