Disclaimer: to denounce, disown
"" Talking
Italics thoughts/thinking
This is a H/S story
Chapter 1
A beautiful young lady was storming through her home. Her dress stood for her station; it was made from pure silk. The color of the dress was a very beautiful pale lavender color that complimented her quite brilliantly. Since the style of the dress was designed to draw attention to ones face instead of the usual spot of the 'soft pillows'. The dress was sleeveless, a hem of pearls pushing underneath her breastbones and the top of the dress as well lifting her cleavage even more. From the pearls down the dress softly flowed down and around her, a dream dress that it would most likely be called. Currently she was searching rooms, looking for two people in particular. Finally hearing voices coming from the last room she didn't even bother to knock as she charged right in.
Inside the room stood two people, namely her parents, who stared back at their daughter. Her crystal blue eyes were livid with a burning fire behind them. Anyone who was thinking about entering the room quickly turned around at the scene unfolding in front of them. They didn't want to be caught in the middle of a raging storm. The center of the storm was coming from the young lady herself.
"Now, Serena how many times have I told you that was not lady like behavior?" The older woman had a mixture of blonde and brown hair that was done up into a tight bun at the base of her neck. Her green eyes looked at Serena. The mystery lady graceful as if walking on air sauntered to her. "How many times have I told you that a lady should never rush anywhere?"
Serena narrowed her eyes and started to grind her teeth. The nerve of this woman! I just bet that father is going to start suggesting the same thing as well! Her enraged eyes turned to her father. Her normally calm features were now cold and detached of any emotion that was once there.
"Serena, my little bunny. Your mother is only trying to help you after all I'm sure that the news of your engagement would have made you happy." Her father King Lexington was at an impressive height, standing at 6 feet tall. His hair a vibrant blonde color with eyes matching his daughter. "I must say that you've actually acquired my sprite. I must say that if you were a man I would be highly proud. But being that you are a lady, I find that it is quite unbecoming of you."
Serena closed her eyes and took ten deep soothing breathes before she decided to say anything in the matter. After a few moments she reopened her eyes and gave her parents a dazzling smile and gracefully walked towards them.
"Mother, father," began Serena, "I must say that I do not fancy the idea of marrying the said, Prince 'ass' Kington. I do not care that it will be proper and expected of me to fulfill, because I do not desire to marry him."
Her father's smile faded from his lips and his eyes took on a whole new shade, almost to the color of black. The papers that he was working on were completely forgotten as he stared at his only daughter.
And Marie wanted to have another girl! The horror I would be subjected to times two!
If he knew one thing that his little girl wanted to remain single forever or fancied getting married for love. Love didn't exist, well he lucked out him and his wife loved each other very much. Though in the beginning they, well they were good friends.
"Why not Serena Lexington? The Prince comes from a well-established family and it would do you some good as well. Besides you are already betrothed remember. I will be announcing it at the ball tonight." He stalked towards her and looked down at her. "Now march yourself to your room and be ready in the morning. They are arriving and I want you to look presentable to them. Your wedding shall be at the end of this year."
Not wishing to talk further on the matter he gently pushed her out of his office and closed the door. Huffing in her spot she stormed off towards her chambers. As she reached her room and slammed the door shut behind her she fell onto her bed and buried her face into her numerous pillows on her bed.
~ * ~ The Next Day ~ * ~
The day went by with her in a complete daze. The morning and afternoon was reserved for preparation for the Prince and his family. In the afternoon, she found herself sitting in the dining room hall with her instructor going over her manners.
"Now remember princess, you ARE a lady. Being a LADY and a PRINCESS. You cannot refuse any dance offers, unless you are exhausted or must require food or drink to replenish your spirit." Her instructor stared down at her through his glasses. "Now, young lady, what else is there to know."
She was bored and wanted to leave her instructor in the dining room hall. But of course that was not the lady thing to do. Chewing on her bottom lip she answered, "I am sorry instructor Luke. I did not hear what you were saying. I feel a bit tired and I am in need of a well deserved rest in my room."
Instructor Luke's eye started to twitch, he knew she was being difficult on purpose. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and waved his other hand towards her dismissing her. Gracefully she stood and walked out of the dining room and started to head towards her room.
Not even a minute later Princess Serena was surrounded by her ladies in waiting, who were also her closest friends. One look at her face and they knew she was up to something. Never was she the one to let things slide by her without major resistance. The walk back to her chambers seemed to take an eternity. But as the last of them entered and the door closed and locked did Serena explode.
"That does it!" Picking up a pillow she let it fly. "I refuse to be displayed around for the Prince of Spain!" She started pacing her room.
"Um Serena, pacing won't help you." Lita a brunette with her hair up in a high ponytail laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Her shoulders slumped as if in defeat, then stiffened them again with renewed resolve. Whirling around she smiled evilly at them. "Well, it does help vent my anger! The four of you are lucky, all of your are either married or getting married to someone you love."
Amy who had blue hair and eyes smiled from the chair she was sitting in. "Yes, well we do not have a high station such as yourself. It is the way things are in these times." Amy walked over to her as well and guided her to her bed. "Anyway Serena you are tired and need to rest. It will not be long now before the banquet starts. You need to greet the Royal family and the many invited honored guests."
Mina had found the Princess' hidden stash of chocolate and was munching on it happily. Sauntering over to the bed she laid the box down in front of her. "Come on Serena have some chocolate that the Queen of Spain has given you!" Serena merely shook her head and laid down trying to get some rest.
Raye having been silent all of this time stood up enraged. "Serena! You mean that you are going to accept this fate of yours! I mean if that was me in your shoes I would give them a piece of my mind!"
"Raye, I have already done that. They are firm in their decision. I am not accepting this, I am just tired and need…some…sleep." Her sentenced ended in a whisper as she drifted off to sleep.
The four of them looked at her and felt sadness for her. Out of all of them it was one of her dreams to marry for love. Now that the treaty had been signed her fate was sealed. She will have to marry for duty, something that she feared the most above anything else.
"She just needs a good nights sleep to help clear her head. Hey Mina, " Lita turned towards Mina who was now straightening up the bedroom. "How about you disguise yourself as Serena for tonight?"
Mina smiled at Lita and nodded her head, then she picked out a deep pink dress and matching shoes. "Well this should be a night to remember. I just need to stay out of the sight of the King and Queen."
~ ~ Four hours later ~ ~
Serena awoke and stretched her body; she heard her friends' voices to her left. Turning her head she saw them surround Mina. Curious she stood up and looked on wide-eyed. "Mina! What are you doing? Do you know the penalty?"
Mina turned to her, her hair done in elaborate braids and curls. "Of course you need to rest. So think of this as a little retreat of sorts."
Raye turned towards Serena and smiled at her. "Think of it this way Serena. A getaway from your life for to night, let Mina pretend to be you."
"Yeah Serena. Besides it's exciting. Pretending to be someone you're not just to escape your everyday life." Lita then corrected an out of place curl.
Amy having already applied the makeup and turned and walked over to Serena. "So Serena how does our creation look? Of Course her hair is a shade lighter and her eyes as well. But besides that an uncanny identical resemblance."
Serena nodded her head, and then suddenly she stopped and smiled. "Pretending to be someone else. You girls are geniuses!" She then whirled around and attacked her clothes closet. Pulling plain dresses and shoes and all of the other essentials from her drawers as well.
They looked on in confusion; she was laughing and packing. Then they finally understood what she was doing. Quickly all of them rushed over to her and held her arms at her side.
"Serena are you crazy! Your parents will really explode when they find out that you have runaway!" Mina tried talking to her, to see if she could reason with her. The others nodded their heads in agreement.
"You guys let me go!" Letting her go she continued to pack her things in one sack. She would have to travel light. "I'm going to get a ride with one of the carts that's going to the borders of Spain and France. I should be there by late afternoon tomorrow. They rarely stop for anything, and I am going to be gone for only two years. In that time if I have not found someone to marry for love. Then I shall marry for duty."
Finished she faced her friends and smiled a teary smile. They in turn went and hugged her and wished her the best. As they watched her leave they turned to Mina and helped her get out of the dress and makeup.
"I seriously doubt that the King and Queen will take this likely. Nor will Prince Andrew take it lightly either." Raye said as she uncurled Mina's hair.
~ * ~ Throne Room ~ * ~
"She did WHAT!" All four of them flinched as the King let loose his rage, "How can she be so irresponsible! She…She…Marie, you wanted a daughter and now look! Runaway from her home and to where? I don't know, you don't know, NOBODY KNOWS!"
Queen Marie sat on her seat and rubbed her temples. "Dear, I am sure that she would not have just up and left without so much as a word to someone of why."
"Marie, the banquet is in motion now! The guests are arriving and Serena is not here!" His face was the color of a tomato and getting redder.
Andrew was livid, as well, he knew his sister didn't like the arranged marriage but to actually runaway was something else entirely. His green eyes held a hurt and confused look and he ran a hand through his blonde and brown hair.
"If it makes any of you feel better. She said that she would be gone for only two years. If in that time she doesn't find someone to marry for love. Then she will marry for duty your highnesses." Amy bowed down in front of them.
The King stood stock-still and thought long and hard. Then a messenger came in informing them that their presence was needed. Dismissing the messenger the King looked at his wife and son as well as his daughters ladies-in-waiting.
"I will consent to what she has already set in motion. I have as of yet to sign the treaty to, set in stone, her marriage. I will handle the Royal Family of Spain." Andrew opened up his mouth to retort that statement but closed it as his father waved his hand. "Andrew, if you will not find rest until you have located your sister. Then you have my permission to search for her."
Nodding his head he turned to go and attend the ball. The Queen rose from her seat and walked to her husband and gently laid her hand on his arm. They started to exit the throne room to go and mingle with their guests. Lightly tugging on his arm Marie turned to face the girls.
"Girls, come on. After all you four are still invited to attend the banquet. Don't worry about the problems that might arise. As with many things, this was also unforeseen." With that said the two exited the throne room with the four girls in tow. The Queen was talking to them as well to steady their nerves.
AN: Okay that was chapter 1 so until Chapter 2.