Disclaimer: I don't own any of the yyh group too bad but ill survive (hehe but if I did (evil laughter) well les jus say thered be 1 less kuwabara in the world) ok people this story is about um Kurama, Hiei, and Kurama's old partner, Kuronaway. Um well I had fun writing this piece and jus to tell you Kuronaway is kinda a horney bisextual freak but only when hes drunk (which is kinda often.) Deadly wispers; youre all evil ningens Me; I agree!!! But either way um hope you like oh and r&r pwease Oh and there is gonnabe a lot of cusing ________________________________________________ chp 1 "Kurama where the hell do you put these fuckin black square things called "movies"" asked Hiei a short little fire demon. Emphasis on short!!! "over in the VCR but don't put it in the toaster oven like last time." Said Kurama; a boy of 16 well actually he's 700+ but we'll discuss that later. Hiei walked over to the VCR and tried shoving it in the wrong way. "no no no hiei that's the wrong way" but it was too late the VCR burst into flames. "God Damned ningen crap!!!" yelled Hiei. Kurama shook his head at his friends stupidity. Before he could go over to pat his friend on the head there was a knock on the door. Kurama looked at hiei who was getting his katana out ready to strike the VCR. "hiei can you wait till I get rid of whoevers at the door. We don't want them to call the police or anything!" 'Police' thought hiei. Either way who gave a damn the fucking thing burnt him so now he was not going to show it any mercy. Kurama went over to the door. He opened the door and well lets just say his jaw dropped so far it was in danger of hitting the core.