Disclaimers: I don't own any of the Gilmore Girls stuff. If I was I would be known to the entire world and wouldn't have time to write Gilmore's fics. I would do the real thing! The song is an eighty's song, I loved that song when I couldn't translate the words; I love it even more now that I can. I don't own Duran Duran neither do I own their song "the seventh stranger".


Summary: Trory story/Tristan breaks down, who will help him get back on his feet? Which skeletons is he hiding in his closet?

Author's Note 2005/03/25: After not updating this fic for over a year, I decided it was time to complete my revision of this story and add a new chapter to it. So, all of the chapters have been revised for this story, some stuff were added, other erased or modified. I revised this chapter, some stuff has been added, other modified. The spelling and grammar completely revised, although there might still be some mistakes. For those who read this story, if you found any ways to improve this chapter, feel free to point them out. Special thanks to Arlene(Angel Moon Princess) for spending a lot of time helping me make this story better.

The Seventh Stranger
Chapter 1:
Those words are all remainders

As he walked around the streets of London, he enjoyed his solitude; twenty-two years old Tristan DuGrey loved spending time by himself. One would say that he had a heart made of stone, but really he didn't. He simply chose to hide his heart since every time he had opened up to someone, he had been betrayed or rejected. Firstly by his parents, they had been happy when he was born, someone to carry one the DuGrey's name, but after the second year, they had lost all interest in him and relinquished him in the arms of hired nannies that would be fired the moment his mother caught the nanny and her husband cuddling in bed. Then it was his best friend that kept on steeling the girls he would have been able to fall in love with… but it's to say a lot that those girls were probably unworthy to begin with if they fell for that old trick. And the chain went on and on.


But at the present moment, he enjoyed his walk in the streets of London as he looked at the wonderful buildings he passed by while being a total stranger to the passers-by. He didn't mind the rain that came down on him as it wet his hair and clothes since he had neglected to carry an umbrella with him. He appreciated watching the dance of the millions of black umbrellas the crowd carried. The rain didn't freeze him like other passers-by were, it gave him a sense of freedom and a feeling of being alive; to be soaked to the bone and still be feeling good. He glanced at his watch to make sure he wasn't late and realized that he still had a few hours to wander around the city.


A stray of sunshine fought its way across a cloud. As Tristan felt the unexpected heat, he looked around in a childish attempt to find a rainbow and make a wish but found himself standing in front of a very antic stone house. A teenage boy and a teenage girl were arguing loudly on the porch. He slowed his pace entrapped by the intensity of the discussion, his feet stopped without him realizing it as he heard the boy shout exasperated, "You don't like me, you just want to make my life miserable!"

The girl almost whispered while leaning on the wall self-consciously, a smirk plastered on her lips, "No, I just want you to acknowledge the passion that is coursing between us."

The boy kicked the porch rail and screamed, "You just want another conquest, and you don't even know me! You haven't tried to know me and you have this weird misconception to think that I'll go out with you. You don't even like me!"


Tristan leaned against a tree and observed the scene captivated; a cruel reminder of the rejection he experienced such a long time ago. As he observed the girl and noted that she was a real beauty, with everything to become the next world most famous top model. She had that arrogant air of rich people that think they're above everything. He watched the boy more closely, a passion irradiating from inside him, a look of innocence mirrored by his turquoise eyes. The boy, a shyness beauty compared to hers, a boy that had a mind of his own and didn't act as society would have dictated him but by the way he felt and what he wanted. A boy who was not expecting to be impressed by anyone. Tristan chuckled as he thought 'Almost a male version of Rory Gilmore and a feminine version of himself.' Even more enwrapped by the scenario played in front of him, Tristan stayed in his position even though his heart yelled at him to run away before it's too late.


Another girl walked up the street and turned at the present location, only to let out a huge sigh as she slowly made her way to the porch. Halfway to the porch, she saw the boy and the girl kiss and gapped as the boy struggled to untie himself from the girl while she tried to get closer to him. Tears flickered in the new arriving girl's eyes as she witnessed the scene, shock and horror painted on her face. The boy turned around and ran to her, "Mary! It's not what you think it is, she kissed me! Not the other way around!"

Mary looked at the boy, unashamed of the tears that fell down her cheeks, and screamed, "I left for a couple of weeks and when I come home, you're lip locked with HER!" She pointed to the blonde beauty that leaned against the stone wall, a smirk of contempt all over her features, Mary resumed, "Couldn't it at least be someone other than HER? You know how much I distrust and hate her." Her shoulders slumped; she regained control and whispered, "I'm leaving; have fun with your new girlfriend!"

Mary walked away as the boy ran after her and yelled, "Don't go!"

Mary didn't turn around but whipped her tears away and softly replied, "As I said, have fun with your new girlfriend, Jacob!"

In desperation, Jacob screamed, "She's not my girlfriend, I hate her. She just can't see that I love you!"

At the sound of these words, Mary faced Jacob, put both of her hand on his cheeks and kissed him passionately while in the background, the blonde's eyes filled with tears, and quietly, she walked by the couple, her heart broken as the couple ignored her pain and didn't care.


The similarities with another scene that happened so many years ago, filled Tristan's eyes with despair, and the strangers' words pierced his heart only to reopen old forgotten wounds. Tears felled down his lonely eyes as he ran down the streets of London like a mad man.


Those words are all remainders, echoes growing in the heart of twilight
They lay back laughing at naivety's star
Awakened all those whispers the dusty shadow of a passing favor
I wouldn't say that you were ruthless or right I couldn't see from so far
Was I chasing after rainbows one thing for sure you never answered when I called
And I wiped away the water from my face to look through the eyes of a stranger
For rumors in the wake of such a lonely crowd
Trading in my shelter for danger I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down
In the eyes of the stranger


Tristan stopped a couple of times to catch his breath but all the strangers that stared at him with questioning eyes made him flea again as he pondered all the times he had met a wonderful woman but never let that person stay long enough to touch his heart.


Can't tell the real from reflection when all these faces look the same to me
In every city such a desolate dream
Some days are strange to number some say the seventh sounds a little bit stranger
A year of Sunday's seems to have drifted right by
I could've sworn in one evening and I'm not seized in desperation
No steel reproaches on the table from before
But I still can feel those splinters of ice
I look through the eyes of a stranger
For rumors in the wake of such a lonely crowd trading in my shelter for danger
I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down in the eyes of the stranger


Tristan stopped at a little coffee shop to rest while thinking that maybe he should've been a little nicer to her. That all the anger he had been holding against her for the last six years might not have been directed toward her but toward others. That maybe, he might have been someone else. That it was not her fault he was the wreck he became, that it must come from farther suffering. Maybe he wasn't able to love, maybe he never would, and that thought broke him even more, thinking that he was molded to be the heir of a fortune and to follow in his father's steps by having no heart, by controlling and manipulating feelings at his own advantage. With that last thought, he stormed out of the coffee shop and ran in the street, tears blurred his vision, and he ran like a mad man.


I must be chasing after rainbows
One thing for sure you never answer when I call
And I wipe away the water from my face to look through the eyes of a stranger
For rumors in the wake of such a lonely crowd trading in my shelter for danger
I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down
Walking away like a stranger
From rumors in the wake of such a lonely crowd trading in my shelter for danger
I'm changing my name just as the sun goes down in the eyes of the stranger
In the eyes of the stranger


Across the street at an empty corner, he stopped his maddening run and leaned against a night lamp to regain his breath. The sound of someone walking toward him made him look up, he saw a beautiful girl advance with her nose hidden in a book, completely oblivious to her surrounding, she walked by without seeing him. A sniff came out of his mouth and he watched her search for the disturbing sound. As he saw her turquoise eyes, recognition of his once upon a time loved enemy, he sent her a butterfly kiss and a smirk while tears came back to escape the comfort of his eyes freely. Then he ran in the direction opposite of hers.


In the eyes of the stranger