A Modern Koopa Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a rich king called Bowser, he owned a huge castle that was made of jewels and gold. He also raised a very spoiled daughter called Wendy. One day, Bowser decided to marry Wendy off, he asked all the eligible princes to bring a present to Wendy, and have her decide who to marry. After a few days, 6 princes came.

The first was Ludwig, he brought an invention that would make wonderful objects out of jewelry, first it made a peacock, all the feathers on it were filled with multicolored jewels, and it eyes were tiny rubies. Then the invention blew up. So Ludwig offered Wendy the peacock, but she wasn't satisfied and moved on to Lemmy.

Lemmy had a huge mirror, it was actually a huge diamond, surrounded by other jewels, with a gold handle. Wendy looked at herself in it, but then realized the glow of the other jewels made her skin look bad, she gave it back to Lemmy and moved on to Roy.

Roy had a huge statue of her, it was decorated with flowers and also painted, but Wendy told him that Bowser already built her thousands, all over the castle. She went over to Iggy.

Iggy had made her a huge chest, lined with gold and silver, inside where many necklaces and bracelets. "How original, a chest filled with jewels." She muttered sarcastically, and went to Morton.

Morton bragged about how good his present was, but Wendy was spoiled and impatient, she shoved Morton in mid-sentence and went over to Larry.

Larry was from a poor kingdom, and didn't really have any jewels, so on the way, he brought some worthless metals he found in the ground. He also picked some flowers on the way. Wendy didn't know what the flowers where, because they where mostly weeds and weeds weren't allowed in the palace garden. Also she was only accustomed to gold and diamonds, she didn't know what the lumps of tin and aluminum were. She realized that Larry was also pretty cute, while Lemmy and Ludwig looked crazy, Roy was scary, Iggy was boring, and Morton was plain annoying.

Finally, Wendy made up her mind. Who did she pick? Well who do you think she picked? Obviously, she picked Iggy, so she could put the peacock, mirror, whatever Morton gave her, and the weird things that Larry gave her in it, then put the necklaces and bracelets on the statue that Roy gave her. They lived happily ever after, the divorce.

The End

P.S people! Yeah! I wrote this story ok!? Yes, the one in Lemmy's land is mine too!