
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ryou/Bakura

By: Klyukaizer

Summary: [Chapter version to "Numb", same plot… but different all throughout!] Bakura keeps on beating Ryou… Ryou continues receiving them! But what do they truly feel about each other? And why do they continue doing it?

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Platerair Queen, Soul Dreamer, Kayu, Pharaoh's Queen! ^^ Thank you so much for being the first ones to review my fic! ^^ And especially to crystal-chan for contributing this idea! ^^ Well… before I start, the plot is practically the same. But I added some more information about it! (Plus! More characters! XD) Hope you'll love this as you also loved "Numb"! ^^ Arigatou, minna!

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Chapter 1 - Pain

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Ryou slammed to the wall as blood flowed terribly to the ground as he coughed uncontrollably. Bakura walked to the broken boy to the floor as he grabbed a handful of Ryou's silver hair. Ryou gritted in pain as he stared weakly at his Yami. "S- Stop it… Please…" Ryou pleaded as tears strolled down from his cheeks.

"You're pathetic!" Bakura yelled as he slammed Ryou's face to the floor and it landed with a loud thud. Bakura left the silver-haired boy as Ryou's blood soaked the carpet.

"You better clean that up in the morning… you wouldn't want the others to find out, ne?" Bakura teased as he marched away. Ryou tried his best to stand up and trembled at his own weight. 'I know he's not a bad person… I know… deep down inside, lays the Bakura I love!' Ryou's tears filled his eyes and dropped on the same spot his blood dripped.

'He just needs… someone… to make him realize everything!' Ryou thought.

Ryou slowly got up, supporting himself on the nearby wall and grasped his right arm… it was pretty swollen from where he got kicked by Bakura. Ryou slowly leaned against the wall and looked at the ceiling, "It hurts," he whispered as he heavily closed his eyes from the pain. "Someone…" he finally said before sliding back to the ground and falling into darkness.

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Ryou awoke the next day and found himself on the same spot he was last night. One thing was inside his mind.


He needs to go to school! He has been absent for a week now and he wouldn't want Yugi and the others to start worrying about him. They might call him or yet come over to check up on him.

He was amazed when he felt less pain from last night, so he half-walked and half-ran to his room to get dressed. It took him 30 minutes to bathe since the blood had all dried up from the night. Quickly, he put on his uniform and dashed out of the room.

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"Ah! Ryou!" Yugi waved at the silver-haired boy as Ryou entered the room. "Ohayou, Ryou! Welcome back!" Tea greeted the boy. "Umm… thanks!" Ryou blushed sadly as he walked to his seat and sat down. He unintentionally rubbed his cheek as he sighed. "Ryou? What happened to your cheek?" Yugi asked as he noticed Ryou's cheek reddened by a slap or something. "E- Eh?" Ryou faced up to his friend.


/"Where do you think you're going?" Bakura asked, as Ryou was about to leave out the door. "Umm… I'm going to go to school, Bakura!" Ryou remained polite. "School? I thought I told you not to go back to that place anymore!" Bakura yelled.

"I told you I couldn't do that! If Father finds out about this, he'll kill me!" Ryou argued back.

"Well it's better, right?" Bakura smirked, "You're better off DEAD!"

Ryou looked at Bakura with hurt eyes. Without hesitation, he slapped Bakura right across the face. Bakura's eyes widened as he felt the first time Ryou ever fought back. "How dare you!" Bakura yelled as he punched Ryou back./

~Flashback end~

"You've been sick for one week and we haven't heard from you lately! I called you every night of the week but no one would answer!" Yugi raised an eyebrow. "I- I had to get some rest, ne? I just slept early!" Ryou replied.

"Oh! Did I disturb you or anything?" Yugi gasped. "No! Not at all!" Ryou smiled anxiously. "Then… are you alright? How's the bruise in your cheek going?"

"It's- it's nothing! I fell off from the bed last night!" Ryou answered quickly but Yugi noticed it quickly. "Are you hiding something from us, Ryou? We're your friends, Ryou! And we want to help you in any way!"

"No… I'm not hiding something!" Ryou lied, "If I do have a problem… I promise you'll be the first one I would tell, Yugi!" Ryou smiled. Yugi smiled back and nodded.

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Ryou walked down the street… he didn't want to go home just yet! He wanted to stay with Yugi and the others at the Game Shop. 'Damn! Didn't know they had so much homework!' He cursed in his thoughts, 'I just hope Bakura doesn't do it again tonight! I already have too much on my mind!'

//Really? Like what?// He jumped when he heard Bakura's voice from the mind-link.

/B- Bakura!/ Ryou gasped, /How long have you been listening to my thoughts?/ Ryou asked, more like demanded.

//Long enough to hear what you just said!// Bakura said angrily as Ryou felt pain inside his head. Ryou instantly dropped his books on the ground and quickly grasped his head. /Yamete- Bakura!/ Ryou gasped in pain, /Please… I beg you…/

//Then beg some more… and I may change my mind!// Ryou felt Bakura sneer.

/No- Please, Bakura… I'm s- sorry! BAKURA!!!/

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A loud slap can be heard across the house as Ryou fell to the floor with a cut on his lip. "How dare you talk about me like that behind my back?" Bakura yelled. "Please, Yami! Not tonight… I have so much to do!" Ryou pleaded as he wiped off the blood from his mouth and struggled to stand up.

"The HELL I CARE!" Bakura said as he landed a fist on Ryou's jaw. Ryou winced as he fell back to the floor. "You have been doing this to me, Ryou! And it has gone too far!" Bakura said as he raised his fist to hit Ryou again.

Ryou kept silent and dropped his head. "Don't you think I feel the same way you are right now?" Ryou murmured but it was loud enough for Bakura to hear.

"I am sick and tired of this!!!" Ryou yelled as he stood up, "Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you, Aibou?" Bakura's eyes widened, 'He- he just called me 'Aibou'!' Bakura thought. Ryou felt blood coming out of his throat as he fell on his knees and coughed it all out. He was gripping his chest as if it was on fire. He was in so much pain.

Bakura just stood there, watching Ryou as the boy crippled into a ball and panted as if there wasn't much oxygen for everyone! "Just kill me, Bakura! I had enough of this pain!" Ryou said as his tears and blood stained the carpets.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Bakura grabbed a palm-full of Ryou's hair and raised it enough for him to see the bloodstained face of the boy, "Do you seriously want to die? Huh? If you want to then I will have every moment enjoying it!"

"I will kill you slowly and painfully!" Bakura snapped which made Ryou's tears fill up once again. But then, there was a smile twitching beside Ryou's face.

"What are you smiling at?" Bakura demanded.

/To be continued…/