Disclaimer: I told ye all! It 'tis not mine!

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Draco was stabalised and Madam Pomfrey recognised the symptoms as alcohol. She couldn't work out how alcohol had gotten into Hogwarts but she treated it.

Harry and Hermione walked back to the hall and a slow number was on. Harry swept Hermione up and she laid her head on his shoulder, rocking to the music.

"Harry?" she ventured softly.

"Mmm?" he replied.

"I love you more than you ever realise," Hermione commented, raising her head. Harry looked in her eyes and kissed her.

"Love you too."

Hermione put her head back on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his neck. His were around her waist and he was planting little kisses throughout her hair. The music stopped and the young wizard DJ got on the mike.

"Yo dudes! How you'se all going there? Well, I'll jes hand yer over to the organisers here, 'arry and 'ermione!" he called. Hermione and Harry stood stunned. This wasn't meant to happen. Everyone cheered loudly and Hermione stumbled slightly, Harry's arm wrapped around her back.

"Hi everybody! How are you all?" Hermione said. Everyone cheered and she took it as a good.

"Well, we don't have much to say except that the voting for King and Queen is at the back of the hall, those votes I believe are currently being tallied by Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown. I must also warn you that apparently there is a little bit of Muggle alcohol going around. Alcohol in the Muggle world is an intoxicating drink that can make you vomit, faint and feel quite ill. Everyone, please be careful, and enjoy the rest of the evening!" Amidst more cheering, Harry and Hermione gave the microphone back to the DJ and Harry cradled Hermione in his arms, whirling her around. Hermione giggled and they wandered around talking to people about Graduation and life for them.

Harry and Hermione realised that while talking to people that they were highly respected. Not only, they discovered, for being heads but for their courage, braveness, smarts and kindness and compassion to all.

They only smiled when they were told this and Hermione felt herself growing stronger to Harry every time his name was mentioned.

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An hour later, Ginny and Lavender walked back into the hall. A sudden hush fell and they walked up, both a little red. They took the microphone from the DJ and paused a moment, breathing deeply.

"Well, hi! Um.we have the winners of the King and Queen of the Grad Ball and well.the pair won by a long, long way. No one came close! Not only has this couple recently gotten engaged, but the school has found out about one's troubles. We have all discovered, and I am sure you will agree, that there is plenty that happens 'back stage' and that we don't see. This two some have been prefects, two from Gryffindor and I am sure you all know who it is by now! Ginny, will you do the honours?" Lavender teased.

"Ok Lavi! As I am sure you all know, the winners are the beautiful woman in the blue dress and man in black both wearing bewitched blue roses. Give it up for Hermione Granger and Harry Potter!"

Cheering, screaming and a bright flush greeted Hermione and Harry as they walked up to the stage. They knew that Lavender and Ginny would now give a speech, and then they would and their only recognition was a little cardboard crown, but Hermione was happy all the same. As they kissed and made their way up, Lavender and Ginny began their speech.

"We'll start with Harry, only because he's Harry Potter. Harry, as we all know, is the Boy Who Lived. He is the one and only that has survived You- know-who's mortal peril. Harry, you are an exceptional student, a guardian and nearly every girls' dream fantasy. You are so lucky to have Hermione," and Lavender stopped, handed the microphone to Ginny and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek.

"Hermione Granger! What can I say about Hermione Granger? She's smart, patient, busy, loving, friendly and most of all, my idol. Hermione, you are my inspiration, my dream, my life. I can't begin to explain everything that I love about you because then we'll all be fast asleep after the first six hours but I can assure you that you are extremely precious to this school. Thank you so much, 'Mione!" Ginny burst into tears and hugged Hermione. The pair cried for a little while and Hermione tried her best to compose herself. "Firstly, thank you every single one of you that voted for me and Harry. I have to thank Ginny and Lavender for all their love and support the last few years and I love you two so much also! Well, a lot of my speech was yesterday, not today. I have to say that Harry and I are so totally close. We are set to have our marriage soon and start a family and I will not forget any of you! Even Slytherin!" Hermione handed the mike to Harry, giving him a loving hug and holding his hand tightly.

"I agree with Hermione, thank you all for voting for us. As Hermione said, we are close, closer than close. I love you more than I can say. I know that I have already asked you to marry me, so I can't ask that again and I won't publicly kiss you and embarrass you, but thank you so much for sticking it out with such a stubborn mule all these years!"

The audience laughed and Hermione felt herself being pulled back and kissed and she let herself sink into Harry's grasp. He picked her up and led her proudly out the door and up to the common room and up to a private bedroom near Harry's room. He took off his black coat and corsage and unzipped Hermione's dress. She took off his white shirt and slipped out of her dress.

Then he started kissing her and Hermione knew she was going to enjoy the night.

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A/N: Oh, get the tissues out! Please! Sorry at the end who wanted me to take it further, I couldn't really up the rating at this late stage but * wink wink nudge nudge * I'm sure you can work out what was happening.

Hopefully the sequel will come soon and I think I might label it 'Life after Hogwarts' or 'Love sick'. Life after Hogwarts seems too bland, yet love (Harry) sick (polymyositis) seems to suggest a young love.

Hmm.what to name it.what to name it.October 12 today (when I wrote this). One year since those stupid, arrogant, son-of-a-bitch bombers blew up 88 Australians and 202 people in total. I keep asking myself what posses a person to do that? I still haven't come up with an answer.

No one I know was lost but it still hurts to know that some people have lost family members and close friends because of some retaliation attempt to hurt Americans.

Anyway! Guess what? I've had a haircut! Yeah, no big deal but I really like it (55, 654 times {my mum is counting how many times I say it and think it})

Anyway, hope a sequel is up soon. All you reviewers could make it come sooner if you gave me a name. Hope to see you in a sequel and please read some of my other stories (I have three others, four in total). I am in the process of writing another sequel to one of them and the other two I am completely stumped for story lines. Please help!

And it's all hot press for the sequel!
