Sorry it has taken soooooooo long to update but I do have a life other than Fan Fiction! This is the last chapter and I don't know if there is going to be a sequel! Read my other stories too! On with the last chapter! ~~~~~~~~~~~~#######~~~~~~~~~~~ ~4 years later~

Anzu slowly flew over the city, blood spilling out of her arm. She had just finished a grueling fight with several vampires, and got a nasty cut before the last one fell. She decided to continue Yami's legacy and slay vampires that attacked the helpless. Slowly, Anzu landed on the top of the largest building in Domino, Kaiba Corp. Seto was to meet her there soon.

Anzu lay down and tried to stop the bleeding, she was getting woozy from loss of blood.

'I suppose I cannot die. I guess I am no worse off than when Marik took my power to summon the God monsters.' Anzu hardly noticed the soft fluttering of wings as Seto approached.

"Oh my God, Anzu you're bleeding so badly!" Seto exclaimed, seeing she was lying in a puddle of blood.

"No, I'm really alright. I can't die remember?" Anzu said softly, chuckling at her immortality.

"Let me help you." Seto lowered his head to her arm and slowly licked away all the blood surrounding her wound.

Seto raised his head and looked at Anzu. Anzu shuddered under his longing gaze, and realized he was not the same.

Then she saw it. Seto's eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, were blood red. The same color as her blood. She began to spread her angelic wings to fly away, but a firm hand on her wound made her stop.

"Why so quick to leave Anzu? We could have so much fun together, you and I." Seto smiled, and Anzu knew he was not the same at all.

All of the sudden with a burst of adrenaline, Anzu bolted away. She jumped off the building and flew as fast as she could, her wound opening again. Her eyes stung from tears, and the wind in her eyes.

'Where is Seto Kaiba that I had fallen in love with all those years ago?'

Anzu took a moment to turn her head to see if he was near, and gasped.

"I'm gaining! Fly Anzu fly! It only makes the victim taste sweeter when they run!" Seto laughed and Anzu heard no hint of the Seto she knew and loved.

Anzu sped up, tears of fear and pain from her arm falling freely. As fast as she was going, Seto's double wingspan proved useful in the end. He tackled her hard, and slammed hard into the middle of the street. After brutally beating her and telling her she should give in to his desires, he slammed her head into the ground.

"Savor your immortality now? I just want a little more taste of your delicious blood. Then I will leave you alone, unless I'm forgetting something. Oh yes, I would like you to call me 'Master' from now on, and I am having so much fun beating you, I will do it some more!"

Anzu cried as he savagely kicked, punched, and threw her around. He slammed her into buildings, into the ground, and even slammed her into a wall using a lamp post. All the while Anzu cried and Seto laughed.

"I love it when you cry. It shows you are in pain and I enjoy seeing you in pain. You have no idea how much I love this!"

Seto beat her until she was a mass of blood and bones, with a broken mind and spirit. He dragged her into an alley and began to drink the blood he wanted so badly.

"It tastes even better than before!" Seto took her arm and broke it for no reason, and more blood came spilling out.

"Seto, please tell me, why are you doing this?" Anzu asked through sobs of pain.

"There is no Seto anymore! All that remains is High Priest Seth! Now with your blood my dear, I was released. Oh Anzu I have loved you for so long, but you never gave me a second glance! Then my reincarnation comes along and you fall head over heals in love with him! You will perish for never loving me!" 'Seto' was about to stab her through the heart, when he suddenly stopped. His red eyes turned back to the mysterious blue they once were, and blood poured out of his stomach.

"Anzu?" He said softly. "I am truly sorry. I did not mean for him to escape."

"Good thing I came to make good of my promise." Came a voice that was all too familiar.

"B...Bakura?" Anzu stammered, still weak from the beating Seto gave her.

"Yes Anzu, I have returned to you to fulfill my promise I made all those years ago. I apologize for making you wait."

"You came just in time, thank you. I was about to do something horrible." Seto said weakly, Bakura's claws still jammed into his stomach.

"Bakura, your wings are covered in feathers!" Anzu exclaimed. Indeed Bakura's once hard and scale-like wings were covered in blackened feathers, almost as dark as the night sky.

"I have tried to repent for my sins, and this is my reward." Bakura finally removed his long claws from Seto's stomach, and Seto slumped to the ground.

"Leave me Anzu, for I fear I may turn back into Seth." Seto mumbled.

"Let's go Anzu." Bakura said quietly. They failed to notice the hint of red in Seto's eyes.

After they reached the highest building, Anzu's body had healed itself almost completely. She looked at Bakura, happiness present in her bright blue eyes.

"I have waited so long to see you." Bakura said, grazing his lips over hers. Anzu slid her hands around his neck.

"And I, you," She said softly. She looked at his wings again, and slowly ran her one hand over the feathers. She gasped as it left a trail of white.

"What?" Bakura asked, and then saw as he looked at his wings. Anzu changed his wings to white, and smiled. Her smile faded as they turned back.

"Don't worry; I will have plenty of time to become pure. I am, after all, immortal." Bakura whispered softly.

"Not after I am done with you." Came a familiar yet different voice.

"High Priest Seth. I would have never guessed you would be here. After you did that ridiculous spell to kill yourself and have a reincarnation, you left my thoughts. Now you are trying to avenge the death of your love I killed all those years ago?"

"No I plan on killing her too, but I will reincarnate us. We will be here later, but no one will stand in our way."

Seth lunged at Bakura, but soon stopped. His wings grew short and the feathers fell off, revealing the wings Bakura once had.

"What is this trickery?" Seth exclaimed.

"Your evil finally comes out!" Bakura yelled as he knocked over Seth and took the stake.

"No Bakura don't do it!" Anzu cried, but Bakura had already staked Seth. "I am sorry Anzu, but he would return."

"Now Seto is gone too." Anzu said sadly.

"I am right here." Seto said as he emerged from Seth's ashes. "I will always be reincarnated from him. I have seen your love for Bakura and will leave you alone." Seto flew away.

"I will love you for as long as I live, Anzu." Bakura said.

"I will love you too."

"Together we will be Vampire Hunters, destroying all evil." Bakura said as he took Anzu's hand and flew towards the full, shining moon.

The End!

The End?