Disclaimer: Dogma, and its characters belong to the great Kevin Smith! I'm just borrowing the characters to put in this story. Did I mention I make no money off this?

Afterlife: Loki

The knife plunged into Loki's side, easily worked in between his plates of armor by it's wielder. As it passed through his ribs and into his vitals, the first real physical pain he'd ever felt passed through him. Loki knew he would die. He gazed up in shock into the uncaring face of his murderer, Bartleby - who had changed into someone else, someone Loki didn't know. He stumbled and Bartleby caught him. This wasn't right. After all the shit they went through together, it couldn't end like this. Not like this, killed by his best friend. Loki wanted to yell at him, at least ask him why...

He just wanted to go home.

Loki collapsed to the ground and took his last mortal breath...

Deep down in the recesses of his once-angelic mind, Loki could adjust to the sense of weightlessness that came with being incorporeal. He could even accept the darkness all around him as a normality of the infinite but his human side was scared shitless. He was scared because he had no idea what would happen to his soul. The best he could hope for was to sit outside The Gates of Heaven for all eternity.

Suddenly, a whirlwind circled him as his spirit began to take the form his body had been during his brief mortal life. The coursing winds whipped about him and fear again clouded his mind. When the winds ceased, he felt a jolt as if he'd been pushed from behind. He fell forward with none of his previous God-given gracefulness and landed harshly on rough earth. Now, confusion temporarily replaced his fear. The roughness of his landing unnerved him but he couldn't place his finger on why.

He looked up, he seemed to be in a cavern of some kind and although it was dimly lit by torches along its stone walls, it scared him more than the darkness had. A glimmer of movement caught his attention and he turned his head in its direction. And as the figure moved closer, Loki could tell it was an angel. With every step he examined it's features; shoulder-length blonde hair, green eyes, the presence of the almighty all over him. Loki searched his memory to match a name to the being that now stood before him, "Uriel?" Loki whispered.

"Yes," The angel replied, smiling sadly, and offered his hand to help Loki up. Loki grabbed it and quickly got to his feet, his head filled with questions. "Holy shit... It's been a long time! What are you doing here? What's going on?"

"I've been sent to guide you, Loki. Follow me." Without looking back, Uriel started walking down the corridor. Loki quickly followed. As they walked Uriel said, "Do you remember what happened to you?"

"Yeah..." Loki lowered his gaze and a different emotion filled him, something more comforting than fear. "Bartleby happened to me," he said with venom in his tone. "I tried to stop his fucking plan and... Damn it! If I ever see him again I'll fucking kill him."

Uriel stopped short, "It's too late for that." He turned and looked at Loki, his expression grave.

Loki was shocked. Dead. Bartleby's Dead?

When Uriel nodded, Loki realized he must have spoken out loud. "Yes, he's dead. We both still exist, do we not?" This was all so confusing. So the scion succeeded and Bartleby's dead. How did he die? What's going to happen to us now? To save him the trouble of thinking this through, his anger quickly took over. All of this was Bartleby's fault! Bartleby had the stupid idea to go to Jersey. Bartleby cut off his wings. Bartleby killed him! "Good! The fucker..."

Uriel frowned, "You really hate him, don't you?"

Loki glared at Uriel. "He... fucking stabbed me!"

Uriel said nothing but turned and continued walking. They both walked in silence for what seemed like a pretty long time to Loki. But then again, when you've been in existence since the dawn of creation and the rest of eternity lies ahead of you, 'a long time' seems like such a stupid phrase. During the walk Loki had plenty of time to think... but he really wasn't sure he should. Right now, walking with Uriel, he felt the peace that any human would feel being around an angel. Better to feel that than the fear that nearly choked him when he first arrived here.... Where ever here was, that is.

Lost in thought, Loki didn't notice that Uriel had stopped walking until he nearly walked into him. A demon was blocking the path. The feathers on his wings had burnt away during The Fall leaving them black and leathery. They were now stretched out, blocking the corridor behind him from view. It whispered, "Greetings Uriel, one who is called The Flame." The demon smiled wickedly at Loki. Uriel responded curtly, "Dommiel, move aside." After the demon moved aside, Loki looked up and felt something inside him shatter.


This is wrong.

The fear rose in a giant wave to engulf him and his heart rose to his throat. No this can't be, he thought as his eyes took in the huge Black Gate before him. His jaw dropped as he saw the inscription above the door, each letter burning into his mind...

"Abandon every hope ye who enter here."

He took a step back, meaning to get away, anywhere as long as it wasn't here but Uriel had grabbed him by the arm. And fighting back tears Loki asked him in a whisper, "Why did you bring me here?"

A look of grief passed over Uriel face, "I am sorry. But I was ordered-"

"Ordered?!" Loki interrupted. His blue eyes widened in realization that The Almighty had condemned him to Hell. This would be where he would spend all of eternity. Loki shook his head frantically, "No! You don't understand! I tried to stop Bartleby. At first we were just gonna go home but he went too far and it got so fucked up... but I tried, damn it!"

The demon laughed out loud. Loki wanted to punch him.

"I know," Uriel responded calmly, "but that's not the reason you're here. You died with sins on your soul, Loki. You've killed."

Tears of anger ran down Loki's cheeks. He screamed and grabbed Uriel by the shirt, shoving him against the stone wall of the cavern. "That's what He created me to do!" Loki's words were ground out between clenched teeth.

"I am sorry." Uriel said, then he disappeared.

Seeing Loki was distracted, Dommiel grabbed Loki from behind and began to drag him towards the gate. Loki screamed and struggled as best he could but his strength was nothing compared to the demon's.

As they reached The Gates, Dommiel kissed Loki's cheek and snarled, "Welcome home," before throwing him through the entrance to Hell. And, for the second time, the former Angel of Death landed face down in the dirt.

Before he could gather his senses, a group of demons grabbed him, pulling him to his feet and dragging him off to God-knows-where. The more he struggled, the more they scratched and pulled at him. They taunted him as he fought, calling him angel. He knew that they knew who he really was. It pissed him off that they thought it was so funny that he was here. They managed to drag him to the shore of a river where a boat was waiting. He still fought, even as the boat started to move across the water, until eventually the screams of the damned, the smell of burning flesh and the heat from the fires of hell forced him to pass out.

To be continued...

Note: This is going to be a series of What ifs about what happens after the Dogma movie ends. I have a few planned. And so far this is the only one that will be more than one chapter. I drew a lot of ideas from "Paradise Lost" and Dante's "Inferno"