I'll have to give a BIG thank you to one of my good friends Kc who loves this story and cried, she's a big Leo and Piper fan like ME.

Also check out her story Dan is Evil a.k.a DIG which stands for Dan Is Gay. She also has a character named after me, Ruth. I even get to kiss Leo and he enjoys it :p. The story is set in Piper and Leo's future lives but the tables are turned Dan is gay and in love with Leo and will do anything to have him, even if it means killing Piper.

Piper's started Collage leaving her high school years behind. She makes a new friend, Cole who falls in love with her but never has the guts to tell her, but can Piper return that love her best friend has for her. Piper don't know Cole's feelings because she is wrapped in her Secret Love Life. Forget Charmed's Cole this is a new Cole.

My Secret Love Life


It's 6am and it's the first day of Collage for Piper Halliwell. She gets up from the sound of her alarm clock, hits it down hard to stop the annoying buzzing sound.

'It's my first day of Collage, I hope it's not a rerun of high school Piper thought to herself. She got dress and made her way down stairs at 7:15am to find Grams, Prue and Phoebe having breakfast.

"Wow, forget high school here comes the new and improved Piper Halliwell," Phoebe yelled from the table as she saw Piper.

"Piper you look beautiful," her grandmother told her.

"Thank you," Piper said.

"See now we can see the real beauty of your eyes with contacts Piper and not some black frame glasses," Prue said after weeks of talking Piper into buying contact leans.

"Well eat up sweetheart we don't want you hungry on your first day of Collage do we?" Grams said.

Piper sat down to eat breakfast with her family. She was happy the geek Piper she was in high school was gone, she was just Piper Halliwell a Collage student.


'First class I can't be late not on my first day,' Piper thought to herself, 'Here is the room.' Piper entered a room full of first year students, she was attending her first class, English. Piper spotted some spear seats and sat in one.

"Oh my god she has tried to geek down!" Piper heard Missy Campbell yell from behind her. Piper knew she was talking about her but she wasn't going to let that bother her... well she was going to try.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" a male voice asked.

Piper look up to see a cute guy, "Um no it's not."

"It's not?" he asked surprised.

"No it's not," Piper smiled back.

The guy took a seat next to Piper, "Hi my name it Cole Turner,"

"Hello my name is Piper Halliwell," Piper said smiling back at him.

"I though you were saving the seat for your boyfriend or something," Cole said.

"Me, no I don't have a boyfriend to save a seat for."

"A beautiful girl like you and no boyfriend."

Then things quite down a bit, Piper and Cole both turned their attention to the front of the class where a handsome young man walked in with books. "Welcome first year English students," he said. "I'm Mr. Wyatt your professor," he said. Class went on a expected and Piper enjoyed English, she also paid a liking to her English professor thinking he was cute.

"So would you like to grab a bite to eat or something?" Cole asked Piper, it was the end of their first day and Piper had made a new friend.

"Sure why not," Piper said as her and Cole walked over to the cafe.

"Well I'm glad that's over," Cole said to Piper as they were getting their burgers.

"I have to say it was nothing like high school."

"Well yeah the people are more grown up and mature here Piper."

"It's not that it's just high school wasn't really a great time for me."

"Oh my god she has a new friend!" Missy Campbell yelled as she walked pass Piper and sat in the seats behind Piper's and Cole's table. Cole notice Piper's face sadden a little.

"Don't worry about them Piper, she just needs to grow up," Cole said.

"But she right Cole, I'm a geek and no matter how much I try to change I'll still be one."

"That's not true Piper. I see a very beautiful and attractive women in front of me, no geek, no nothing." Piper blushed, "You know you're very cute too,"

"Oh my god did you check out our English professor he is so hot, pity we can't date teachers," Piper heard Missy Campbell say from behind her.


"So how was it?" Phoebe asked as soon as Piper came home.

"It was great. I loved it," Piper said heading to upstairs.

"Is that all!" Phoebe yelled.

"Well yeah. Tell Prue I need to talk to her," Piper said then Phoebe heard Piper's bedroom door slam shut.

"Knock knock," Prue said from the other end of Piper's bedroom door twenty minutes later. Piper got off her bed and opened the door. "Phoebe mentioned you wanted to see me. Was everything all right?"

"All right it not the word," Piper said as they both sat down on her bed.

"Oh god what happened?" Prue asked worried.

"Prue you never told me Collage would be great."


"Yes, I made a new cute friend, his name is Cole. I ran into Missy Campbell a couple of times, but like you said I didn't let that bother me."

"That is good to hear," Prue said as she hugged her sister. "Hey I heard your English professor is really cute."

"Tell me about," Piper said smiling.

"Pity we can't date teachers," Prue said laughing.

"Pity for Miss Campbell,"


I told you it's not the Cole we know and love.