Knights and Eros Bound
Transmission date: 029.08.005
Transmission source: Correllia-98a-ya8-6456aXXX (coded=XX76X)
Message follows: 89.765.90XX7X4
Our Dearest, Over the last few months we have settled into our new journeys rather well. I have joined the local Healer's guild here and our own dearest one has joined the political spectrum of all things and has successfully run for a local Council position. His reasons that, because he cares so passionately about the state of his home world, this is the best way to still 'serve'. He is doing well in this new found arena of politics and politicians, but he jokes that the only reason he is so successful is because he's slept with half of them.
I hope this finds you, and finds you well. Before I sign off I have some news to share. We are expecting the first heir to the house of Canaille, possibly as early as first blossom time. Her father expects that great things will come to her, in time.
Our love and blessings,
K & S
End Transmission
Transmission date: 029.08.005
Transmission source: Correllia-98a-ya8-6456aXXX (coded=XX76X)
Message follows: 89.765.90XX7X4
Our Dearest, Over the last few months we have settled into our new journeys rather well. I have joined the local Healer's guild here and our own dearest one has joined the political spectrum of all things and has successfully run for a local Council position. His reasons that, because he cares so passionately about the state of his home world, this is the best way to still 'serve'. He is doing well in this new found arena of politics and politicians, but he jokes that the only reason he is so successful is because he's slept with half of them.
I hope this finds you, and finds you well. Before I sign off I have some news to share. We are expecting the first heir to the house of Canaille, possibly as early as first blossom time. Her father expects that great things will come to her, in time.
Our love and blessings,
K & S
End Transmission