You've Got Mail

Disclaimer:  We don't own ALIAS, or any of the stuff that comes along with it. We also don't own You've got Mail, though that is a wonderful movie.

Based on the movie we wrote our own version for our favorite TV characters. It has been a year since Danny's death, and Sydney's handler is Weiss. Vaughn has been undercover for a year, and has never met her, or has he…?

A/N:  Hey all, this is our first fanfic so sorry if it sucks. Just to tell you, there are two of us writing this and so one is going to write a chapter then post it, and then other will read it, and take the story from there. It should be very interesting! Enjoy, and write us with any questions, comments, or concerns!

Chapter 1

Sydney Bristow stumbles out of bed and hits her alarm clock on her way to the shower as she has done everyday for the past year. Ever since her life turned upside down. Being a double agent is not what it's cracked up to be. Her life is a complete lie to the people she cares about most, and they certainly don't cover the emotional stress you go through in basic training. The only person she has been able to confide in is her handler and friend, Eric Weiss, but even she has noticed him being a little distracted lately.

"What's up with you Weiss? You seem a little higher on life today," Sydney questioned. And he had been. He couldn't stand still and the smile he had come in with had not left his face.

"That's because I am," he said. "Remember my friend Michael I was telling you about?"

"Of course you talk about him all the time."

"Well, I just got news that his undercover assignment is almost done, and he should be home any day," Weiss explained.

"Wow, well I can't wait to meet him."

They finished up the details for her counter mission to Prague. And Sydney smiled to herself as she watched Weiss skip out of the warehouse. He was a great handler, but still such a big kid sometimes. Before catching her plane, she headed home to pack and check her mail.

As Sydney sat down at her computer, she anxiously waited for it to connect because she was hoping that he had written her back today. She almost felt stupid being so excited over a little email. But his letters meant the world to her, especially since she was still fighting to make sense of it all. He brought a calmness to her that no one else in her life could. Her heart jumped as she heard those three little words "You've Got Mail". She opened it up and began to read:

To:  AliceinWonderland

From:  HockeyFan23

                                                                                                                        October 1, 2002

Dear Friend,                                                                                                     

Can you believe that it has been a year since we "met"? Its funny saying we've met since I have never seen you before in my life. But even though I don't know your job, where you live, or even your name, I feel as if we are the oldest and dearest friends. You know that feeling when you are finally going home for the first time in a long time, and you get this anxious and excited feeling inside? Well I'm starting to get that feeling because I'm finally going home for the first time in almost a year. I can't tell you how good it feels to know that I'm going to get to see my family and friends again.

Oh and I know exactly how you feel on the work-related stress issue. It just seems like no one understands how important it is to you, and even though it's hard it's worthwhile to you, even if it's tough on those around you. It's the same with all jobs. People just don't see the importance in it that we do. Well I can't wait to hear from you again, I'll try to get back to you soon, but like I said I'm in the process of moving, so it might be a while.

She sat staring at the screen, amazed that he always knew exactly what she was talking about. It made her feel better because this guy probably had a normal everyday job, and he dealt with the same issues that she did. Funny how this little email could put her life in perspective. She clicked "Reply" and quickly got to typing her response because she had to leave in a half and hour for the airport.

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