Disclaimer: No, I don't own them. If I did, X-men Evolution will sure as hell not end in the Fourth Season, but, sadly, that's the way things are looking right now. Damn WB....
Summary: Scott and Jean take a look at their past as the two find solace in the beauty of a winter wonderland. A pre-Evolution look at their friendship, and hints of future romance. Takes place in the same timeline as Ruby Quartz.
Pairings: Scott/Jean
Rating: PG 13
Chapter One: Prologue
"Mmmm, isn't it beautiful?" Jean Grey asked as she strolled through a snowy paradise. Beside her, Scott Summers nodded his head in agreement, his ruby glasses reflecting the sight before them.
"It sure is," he replied, one arm casually wrapped around her shoulders. "I'm glad Professor took the others on another cruise. Gives us some time to be alone, just like when we were the only students here." He gave her a quick squeeze as she curled an arm around his waist. The two ambled along in comfortable silence for several minutes, the only sound the soft crunching of snow under their boots.
Jean rested her head lightly on his chest as the couple made their way through the forest to the lakeshore, long red hair draping over Scott's upper body. Finally, she spoke up. "I miss this," her voice was soft, "Don't get me wrong - I love the others and they're like family, but things were just so much more simple back then, you know? Before the X-men, FOH, Sentinels, the Brotherhood.... Cyclops." She looked up at him with bright emerald eyes to find him already staring at her. With her cheeks painted a light shade of pink from winter cold, Scott, not for the first time, found himself musing on how beautiful she was.
"Come on, Jean, Cyke ain't that bad," the young man grinned down at her. "He's the leader; he's cool, smart, powerful, looks hot in blue spandex...." he flexed his bicep for emphasis.
"....not to mention stiff, uptight, anal-retentive, arrogant-" the redhead started before she was interrupted by the feel of soft lips melting against hers. Scott bent down and captured her in a kiss that left the young woman breathless, dizzy and knees weak with desire. They broke the embrace far too soon in Jean's opinion.
"Thanks," Scott replied smugly, "You do wonders for my ego."
"Like the thing can get any bigger," Jean retorted, smacking him lightly in the cheek.
"Jean, you know that first and foremost I'm Scott Summers. The guy behind the shades? You know, your best friend? Your fiancé?" he elaborated. It's been a little over a year since he proposed to Jean on Christmas Eve - after nearly scaring the wits out of her, that is. The whole ordeal had made him overly nervous and tense, which caused Jean to believe that he was going to end their relationship. It came as a complete surprise when Scott finally bent down on one knee and asked the beautiful telepath to marry him that night.
"And he loves you more than anything in the world," he finished, bending down for another kiss. Unknown to her fiancé, the snow from the branch of a nearby pine tree lifted into the air and floated towards them. The redhead telekinetically shaped it into a giant ball as it became charged with psionic energy.
"Even after this?" Jean asked innocently, flashing him one of those smiles. Instantly, Scott knew that he was done for. He turned around just in time to feel the full affect of her frosty attack.
"Ugh, I'm all wet!" Scott sputtered out as he spat out mouthfuls of snow. His whole face was covered in the white, powdery substance, not to mention the fact that some of it had made it down his neck and under his sweater.
For her part, Jean was beside herself - she was laughing so hard that her stomach ached. Something about having the rigid leader of the X-men steamrolled by a giant snowball, exploding on his face and, most of all, his surprised reaction (she could feel his eyes widen in shock) was simply too funny. She regretted the fact that she hadn't caught it on videotape.
Unsuccessfully trying to clean himself up, Scott turned to the telepath with vengeance in his eyes. "Red, you are going to pay for that!" he growled as he started to chase her. With a happy shriek, Jean ran as fast as she could away from him, twisting and turning in the snow-covered forest as Scott continued his pursuit. He finally caught up to her beside a large oak tree and pinned Jean to the ground with a flying tackle, careful to dive at an angle that wouldn't hurt her.
"Now you're going to pay!" he grinned wickedly in eager anticipation. Unsatisfied with the indirect touch, and knowing that it wouldn't be sufficient, Scott reached under her jacket and sweater to tickle her, fingers dancing wherever it had access to bare skin. Having done this many times before, he knew all of the ticklish areas of her body.
Jean screeched with laughter as his hands roamed across her stomach, sides and back. She tried desperately to make him stop, but to no avail. Her mind was too distracted for her to use telekinesis properly. "Stop!" she choked out between bursts of laughter. "No, not the back! Anything but the back! Stop, please!"
"Not until you say uncle," Scott demanded as she squirmed in his grasp. He watched in amusement as she twisted, writhed, wriggled and did whatever it took to stop his assault. It was all in vain. Tears rolling down her rosy cheeks, Jean finally submitted to his demands. "Uncle!"
"What? My hearing's bad - you're gonna have to speak louder, hon."
"Please! Uncle! Uncle!" Jean shrieked pleadingly. Instantly, Scott stopped, a triumphant grin on his face as the redhead laid sprawled across the ground, trying to regain her composure. Softly picking up Jean in his arms, Scott held her close as she recovered and her breathing returned to normal. Their psychic rapport opened up spontaneously, allowing Jean to bask in the tenderness that was flowing in oceans over their link, warming her entire body despite the cold, frosty air. They maintained the embrace for a long time, until Jean snuck a peek over Scott's shoulder.
//Scott, look. That rock....\\ she sent him telepathically as her lips broke into a smile. Slowly, Scott turned around to stare at the large pink boulder that was lying nearby. Emblazoned in its rose-coloured surface, barely visible through the dirt and lichen, were the words that forever bonded Jean Grey and Scott Summers. A symbol of their relationship that brought back emotions and memories that both of them thought they had lost long ago.
God, it seemed only yesterday that....