Lucy pinned her long dark hair up in a messy sort of bun and fixed her work uniform. She despised, utterly loathed working at the Blue Pointe Diner. All of her friends always went there for dinner and many guys from school also, and they made a point of embarrassing her no matter what.

She studied herself quickly in the employee mirror. She didn't mind the was quite cute with its pale pink color, white collar. The dress fit her nice with short sleeves and stopped short several inches above her knees with her apron tied and folded up so as to look nicer. Overall she looked okay, but tonight was Friday, meaning almost everyone was going to be at the diner, including Teddy.

Oh Teddy, Teddy. She had tried to forgive him but her heart told her otherwise. As she exited the restroom and journeyed through the kitchen, she stopped at the counter scanning the packed to the max diner.

Sure enough, everyone from Castle Rock High was there. She was in her last year of Castle Rock High, and as a senior she couldn't wait to get out into the real world. She smiled and waved to her friends that were seated in a booth in the far corner and blushed when she saw several of the popular jocks make their way to the counter. She was rather shy, but was odd being she did hang out with the so called 'popular crowd.'

"Lucy! You got table five!" Mario, her boss, called from the kitchen. Grimacing she made her way through the many tables and smirked when she came to one in particular that seated her younger brother and his friends.

"Ah, Lucy!" Chris said, smiling up at his year older sister. "Can you help us out here, and smuggle us some free pop?"

Lucy rolled her eyes as she took at her note pad and pencil.

"No can do," she said. "Sorry guys, but I need money dammit!" she cleared her throat and looked over the table. Gordie LaChance was seated there with Trish Giovanni. The three 'amigos' went everywhere together, and she felt a pang of jealousy. She had plenty of 'friends' but no true ones she could confide in. That was the consequence of hanging with the 'in crowd.'

"What can I get you?" She asked, tapping her foot impatiently. "I'm not in the mood for any bullshit so order now."

After they ordered their food and bid her good bye.

"Man, Chris you're so lucky to have her for your sister!" Gordie said excitedly like a two year old who had been given a lollipop. "She is so hot!"

Trish flicked him in the nose playfully and he looked innocently back.



Susan laid down lazily on her bed as Megan occupied herself trying on as many of Susan's clothes as she could.

"Dammit, Susan!" she shrilled, emerging from the closet. "Why do you have to be so tiny! I can't fucking get out of these jeans! They are sucking to me! Eeeep!"

Susan giggled as she sat up on her bed. "Hey! It's not my what if I watch everything I eat? I like looking good!" She giggled as Megan tried without success to squeeze out of the jeans.

"Help me!" Megan shrilled. "I --- cant --- breathe!"

Susan started pulling the ends of the jeans until finally the came flying off, Megan panting as she sat with her back against the wall.

"That freaking hurt!" she complained, rubbing her red stomach. "I need to lose some pounds!"

Susan studied her friend. Megan wasn't chubby but she wasn't skinny. "Oh shut up!" Susan finally said as she flung her pillow, Megan's blonde locks standing up on end.

"I'm so bored!" Megan said suddenly, fitting on her own skirt and brushing her blonde hair until it was smooth again. "Let's go out to the movies! I hear Casa Blanca is playing."

Susan stuck her tongue out. "Noooooooo! I don't like yucky romance movies. But I'm hungry. Let's go to the diner!"

Megan thought about this. "Okay."

The two girls grabbed their sweaters and headed to the Blue Pointe Diner.


The diner was utterly crowded as Megan and Susan entered it. Megan's eyes scanned the tiny dinner and her stomach grew with butterflies as she saw Chris sitting there smiling with Gordie and Trish. She wanted so badly to go talk to him but Susan was still a bit hurt from Gordie and Trish's newfound relationship, so Susan and her made their way to a booth beside the window.

"Susan, are you still upset about Gordie and Trish?" Megan asked after they had ordered their food and were sipping on their pop.

Susan looked at her best friend indifferently as she played with her napkin.

"No," she said softly. "If Gordie feels he is ready to move on, then why should I wait around for him? There are plenty of guys in Castle Rock..and.."

Susan was hiding something from Megan, she just knew it.

"Susan, are you seeing someone?" Megan asked.


"Susan, something happened with someone! What happened?!"

"N-nothing." How was she supposed to tell Megan she had made out with her older brother in the library? Did she even like Teddy?

"Susan! Tell me now!" Megan was growing impatient. Susan diverted her gaze and her eyes rested on Gordie, Trish and Chris. She still liked Gordie a lot..but Teddy was nice.

"Megan, please don't freak out when I tell you this," Susan muttered looking back at Megan.

"Just tell me!" Megan pleaded.

"I --- Oh God you're going to kill me..I kissed your brother."


Many heads in the diner turned their way including Chris, Gordie and Trish's and Susan sunk down in her seat, her face the color of a tomato as she buried her head in the menu.

"I-please Megan, shh!!" Tears stung her blue hues. "I'm so, so sorry! I never-it was unexpected-I..I don't even like him! He-he was nice and - and well before I knew it-"

Susan was cut off by Megan.

"What were you thinking?" she asked angrily. "You know he's only using you because he's in trouble with Lucy and their relationship isn't going so good! How could you be so stupid?"

Susan flung down the menu. "Are you saying I'm not good enough for Teddy? 'Cause heaven forbid he might actually like me!"

"No, Susan don't be a bitch!" Megan shrilled. Now most of the diner was listening, including Chris' table. "That's not it! You-you've got to understand that he doesn't like you! He's only using you! But he could like you, it's possible but he doesn't! Don't be dumb, don't let him do this to you!"

Susan stood up. "Fuck you Megan! Just because you've never had a real boyfriend before doesn't mean you can treat me like this! I-I'm over Gordie, okay? And maybe Teddy's the answer!"

With that, she grabbed her coat and ran out of the diner, leaving Megan to bury her head in her hands.

"Susan, what are you doing?" she whispered, in utter disbelief.
