Bunder Black: Well, I'm glad you liked the ending. I thought it was perfect for the occasion, for Isaac to meet his mom just as he got into Vale. Thanks for your unwavering support of me and your dedication to my work. If you ever write something up, I will say the same thing to you as you did to me. I'll be there to review.

Kevin C: Yes, Alex had a good influence to be mysterious, yet controlling. All the Proxians wanted to do was save the world, but nooooo. Alex had to come and be all big and bad and . . . you get my point. And yeah, Vale is still standing. I wouldn't want to write about how they rebuild. And unless you want to be an architect, you'd probably fall asleep.

SykoMonk: Well, thank you very much. You honestly think I'm a good author? Wow . . . well, I guess I could say that people have always said that I'm gifted when it comes to writing (not trying to brag here, by any means). And I do know that I have the longest GS fic, word-wise.

Anime-Master7: Ah, the person I wanted to reply to most. Reason being your braces issue. See, I have them too, and what your orthodontist said about you not being able to chew gum is a bunch of BS, to an extent. You can have chewing gum all you want (I chew it all the time, and my ortho said it's okay), just not bubble gum. Now, go get that pack of gum!

Akachi: Yes, I put in that flameshipping, just for you, because I know it's one of your favorites. Aren't I nice? ^_^ Anyway, I hope you enjoy the epilogue.

Dragoon knight: I can't wait to start the sequel (providing all you readers want one). And I will keep writing. Don't think that I'm gonna quit of you, or any other of you guys, because you've all been so supportive.

bladegryphon: Don't worry. I sometimes read and don't review, so you're not the only one. OW! *gets torched by flamethrower* Yes I know, I'm a bad boy, and you, my annoying little reptilian friend, don't need to remind me! *ducks more flames* Sorry, bladegryphon. My geckos are pretty annoying. *ducks more flames and ice* See?

cheese: You're too kind. But hey, it's great to see that you like my work. Keep reviewing, and I'll keep writing!

Black Demon5: I'll consider it.

Omniflyer: Ah, so I hear from the infamous Omniflyer! I hear your work is very popular. And that leads me to wondering . . . why would you be reading a newbie's work? Oh well. It's nice to hear from you all the same. And yes, I do have to agree that reading my whole story at once would take a lot out of you. How long did it take? And how bad was your headache? ^_^

Great Saiyaman: You're most welcome. Anything to please a dedicated reader. And you want a sequel? Cool. Well, that all depends on what other readers have to say. And y'know, if they don't want one, then we just might have to gang up on them, eh? ^_^

Sukasa The Third: I'm sorry you didn't like the ending. I hope that you'll still read what I write. More death threats! NEED MORE!!!

NintendoGamer: It's heart-wrenching, isn't it? I can't believe it's over myself, I mean, I've spent June through November writing this gig, and now it has to be over? *sniff* oh well. I have a sequel to look forward to, don't I?

TankMasterG: Thank you. I thought it was a fitting ending as well. Yeah, I thought it was a good iea for them to have a little post-quest party in Lemuria. I'd like that, I know.

Okay. I think that covers it. Onto the epilogue! . . . Nooo . . . the last work.


Isaac was sitting on his bed, thinking hard about the week he had just spent home, and how the place had changed while he was away. His mom had now wanted him in her sight almost all the time, which was good in the fact that it told Isaac that she really cared for him, but he also wanted to roam about the town at will and see how the others were doing.

Garet had been welcomed home even more dramatically than he, Isaac was. His mother, father, and grandfather had broken down and wept, babbling on about they all thought he would never come back. He and Jenna were to have the entire upper floor of the house to themselves, since that was Garet's one request when he got back.

Ivan, Solaris, and Lunora had taken Kraden's cottage, since there was no point in tearing it down. They had removed all of Kraden's belongings and put them in some wooden crates, which they stacked outside the house. Ivan and Lunora occupied the downstairs half, while Solaris got the upper floor. In truth, they were quite happy to be in their own little corner of Vale.

Felix had gone to live up in Sol Sanctum, where he worked in Kraden's place, supposedly. He was now working for the Wise One in order to figure out more about Alchemy. Felix was greatly needed by the Wise One now that the lighthouses had been lit.

Isaac was brought back to reality when the lump on the bed behind him stirred. He looked behind him, and saw that Mia had just woken up. She was rubbing her eyes, and yawning. She still hadn't fully recovered from the loss of sleep experienced on the whole journey across Weyard.

"Finally awake, eh?" he said. "You slept like a log the whole night."

"That doesn't surprise me," said Mia, getting up and pulling Isaac back so that he was next to her. "I'm still dead-tired."

"Well, we have our meeting with the Wise One later today to look forward to," said Isaac sarcastically. "We now get to be yelled at by a rock with an eye, because we 'failed' to prevent the destruction of Weyard. Have any of the town elders looked badly upon you yet?"

"Only a few," said Mia, looking out the window for a second. "But I ignore them. It's not any of my concern if they don't like me; I could care less."

"You're lucky because they don't know you as well as they do me," said Isaac acidly. "I'm getting the evil eye wherever I go, except from my mom and Garet's relatives. And you guys, of course."

Mia smiled, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Ignore them," she said. "Just ignore them. They're not worth it."

"Well, maybe our talk with the Wise One won't go too badly," said Isaac.

"I don't know," said Mia uncertainly. "He didn't sound too pleased with us when we got back."

"Okay then, let's get it over with, shall we?" suggested Isaac. "The more we put this off, the more we dread it."

"Good idea," said Mia. "Let's get going.

So, They both got up and dressed fully, then went downstairs. The house was vacant, which probably meant that Dora was out shopping or something of that sort. They walked out of the house, and started to head for Garet's. Once there, they climbed the ladder up to Garet's window and knocked.

Garet was reading a book by the looks of it, and when Isaac knocked, he jumped, and looked out the window. Garet, seeing who it was jumped off his bed and opened the window for Isaac and Mia to climb through.

"What's up?" asked Garet.

"We'd best go talk to the Wise One," said Isaac. "And hear what he has to say."

"Personally, I don't care what that solid rock has to say," said Garet grumpily. "He's just gonna scold us for 'failing' to prevent the lighting of the lighthouses."

"Well, I think we should just talk to him all the same, Garet," said Mia. "You're right though. He probably is going to scold us, but that's okay. As long as we know what we did was right, then there's nothing to feel ashamed of."

"Well, if you put it that way . . ." said Garet. "then I guess there's nothing wrong with going to see him. Okay, let's go get Ivan, Solaris, and Lunora."

"By the way, where's Jenna?" asked Mia, looking around. "I just noticed that she's not here."

"She's up at Sol Sanctum, looking for Felix," said Garet. "Apparently, he wanted her for something. I also heard her mention that the Wise One was gonna recall Sheba, for some sort of training exercise . . . I don't know."

"Oh, okay. Well, it'll be good to see Sheba again, she seems like a decent person," said Isaac. "Well, let's go get Ivan, Solaris, and Lunora, shall we?"

They nodded, and all climbed down the ladder. After they were all down, they started to head across the bridge over the river, and into the secluded area of Vale where their cottage was. It was cooler here, probably because of all the trees and the cool air that wafted out of the cave to the northwest of their cottage.

Garet approached the door, climbing up the earthen steps, and rapped twice on the door. After a few seconds, he heard footsteps, and then the door opened and Garet saw Solaris's face staring back at him. It lit up slightly when he saw Garet.

"Hey man," he said, opening the door wider, signaling for them to come in. "What's going on?"

"Well, we wanted to go see the Wise One today and hear what he has to say," said Garet scornfully. "I smell a lecture."

"Me too," said Solaris. But I also heard that he's got Felix, Jenna, and Sheba there. And Piers. He recalled him somehow through some sort of telekinesis."

"Cool, we'll get to see Piers again!" said Garet.

"I thought he was a really nice guy," said Isaac. "Welcoming strangers. Most people wouldn't even dream of it."

"Especially after 150 years, or however long he said it was last they had strangers," agreed Mia.

"Anyway, let's be going, so we can . . . wait. Where's Ivan and Lunora?" asked Isaac.

"They're upstairs in her room," said Solaris. "They said they were busy."

"I wonder what with," said Garet sarcastically, but Mia smacked him.

"Shut up!" she said. "You're so narrow-minded."

"I'll go get them," said Isaac. "It shouldn't take long."

He proceeded to go past Mia, Solaris, and Garet, and up the stairs to the second level of the house. Since he knew Kraden cottage by heart, he could probably guess which room that Ivan and Lunora had taken up. He proceeded to go to that room, and knocked on the door.

"It's open!" a voice called, which Isaac recognized to be Ivan's.

Isaac opened the door and entered. He saw them sitting at a small table, playing with a board that he recognized to be Kraden's old chess set, which Isaac and Kraden would play after long days of research.

"Checkmate!" said Lunora, giggling.

"Dammit!" shouted Ivan. "Why in the Hell is it that you beat me at every game I suggest?"

"I'm just good," said Lunora, now laughing.

Ivan continued to grumble, and then Isaac spoke up. "We're headed over to meet the Wise One. Let's go."

"Right now?" said Ivan sarcastically. "Darn. I was gonna see whether I could get the crap beat out of me in a round of checkers."

"You're such a sore loser," said Lunora playfully, kissing his hand.

"Don't worry, I stink at checkers," said Isaac. "But let's go. I wanna get this lecture over with."

Both Ivan and Lunora nodded, and they all went back down the stairs, and met up with Garet, Mia, and Solaris, who were chatting. When they saw that Isaac, Ivan, and Lunora were ready, they followed them out the doorway, and down the stairs into the main part of Vale.

On the way, several people greeted them jovially, seeming to celebrate their return, not to mention the good weather. It had been pleasant all week; Dora had even mentioned the fact that the day before Isaac and company returned home, it had been sweltering hot.

They walked up the stairs in the northern part of town, and proceeded up the pathway to Sol Sanctum. They slowly opened the elegant doors, and entered. The hallway was cool, as usual, and gave off the appearance of a mystical, yet powerful place.

They didn't have to walk far to see the Wise One hovering in their path. They all prepared themselves for a good, long lecture, but the eye of the Wise One was darting around, as though in fear.

"I originally wanted you to come because I wanted to discuss your quest with you," said the Wise one. "But, that has to wait. There's something much more important going on here."

"What could that be?" asked Isaac, looking somewhat surprised. He'd never seen the Wise One look worried, except for the time when he and Garet had set off around the world.

"I made a terrible mistake," said the wise one. "And now . . . we have a serious problem."


The real ending, fitting for a sequel. But it's up to you! If I get enough people to request one, then I'll do one! These people I already know want a sequel:

a. NintendoGamer

b. Great Saiyaman

c. Anime-Master7

d. TankMasterG

e. Akachi

f. Dragoon knight

Anybody else who wants a sequel, request so in your reviews! Just a few more requests, and you'll have your sequel! And for those people I mentioned, review this! Don't think that just 'cause I put your name up there doesn't mean I don't want your review!

BTW, if a sequel is to occur, I will discuss the idea I have for it in the Afterthoughts, which I will post in a day or two. If you don't like it, then you'll have to make some suggestions, because I don't have any ideas. I will tell you now a couple hints about the sequel in mind:

a. it's nothing you'll ever guess

b. it'll have a lot more humor

c. it'll be shorter, but Felix, Jenna, Sheba, and Piers will have a much greater role

those are the teasers! If they sound good now, that's great! I'll duscuss the rest in the afterthoughts.

