A small girl slowly turned a page in her textbook and tapped her pencil against the page in impatient thought.

"Hotaru-chan?" A girl with shoulder length blue hair and aqua marine eyes leaned her head around the corner.

"Hai?" The small girl with shoulder length black hair looked up from her studies.

"I want you going to bed soon, so finish up your school work, okay?" She smiled and started to leave the room.

"Hai Michiru-mama." Hotaru smiled; her purple eyes sparkling. She examined her last problem and then quickly scribbled down an answer and shut the book, rubbing her eyes and stretching.

Hotaru stood up and walked out of the study and into the living room, her white-socked feet making little noise on the hardwood floor. Hotaru stopped a moment and leaned over a couch in the living room with a tall woman with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting at it. The woman turned her head so she was facing Hotaru and smiled.

"Going to get ready for bed, Hotaru-chan?" The woman asked; a hint of laughter in her voice.

"Hai, Haruka-papa." Hotaru nodded. "I had a little trouble finishing my math, but I got it done."

"I was wondering why you hadn't come out to see me! Usually we watch TV together before you go to bed." Haruka smiled.

"Gomen, Haruka-papa." Hotaru looked a little sad.

"Oh, it's okay." Haruka shifter her weight so she could get a better view of the young girl. "We'll just have to spend more time together tomorrow." Haruka smiled.

A woman walked into the room with long waist length green hair. The hair on the top was pulled into a small round clump of hair, and her reddish eyes looked merry.

"Hotaru-chan, I think it's time you took your bath and got ready for bed."

Hotaru looked up at the woman and nodded. "Hai, Setsuna-mama." Hotaru leaned down and kissed Haruka on the head and started off towards the bathroom.

"We really have a good girl there." Setsuna smiled as she saw the bathroom door slid shut.

"I have to agree with you on that one." Haruka picked up the remote and turned off the TV.

"Anything good on?" Setsuna sat down beside Haruka.

"Nothing good, the news always depresses me." Haruka sighed and ran her hand through her short blonde locks.

"If people reported only good news, then no one would want to watch it."

Haruka nodded at her companion's insight. "Well, at least there is peace in the galaxies once again." Haruka smiled.

Setsuna nodded. "I'm glad things finally seem to be winding down and we can live semi-normal lives again."

Haruka nodded and there was silence for a moment as the two enjoyed each other's quiet company.

Michiru walked into the room and leaned up against the door jam. She yawned and stretched making a small noise as she did such. "What a long day." She sighed and sat down on the other side of Haruka.

"Tired, love?" Haruka asked as she wound her fingers around those of Michiru.

"Yes, I am very tired. I think I'll be going to bed early." She sighed and leaned against Haruka's shoulder.

"Nobody said that raising Hotaru would be easy," Haruka smiled, thinking about their small companion.

"Well," Michiru stood up. "I'm going to bed," She turned towards Setsuna. "Goodnight, Setsuna-san." She bowed slightly.

Setsuna bowed he head gently. "Good night, Michiru-san."

Michiru turned towards Haruka and smiled. "Going to bed?" She asked.

Haruka nodded. "Sure, I'll be in soon." She smiled and Michiru walked into their bedroom and gently shut the door.

"You can go to bed," Setsuna smiled. "I'll say goodnight to Hotaru." Her reddish eyes sparkled merrily.

Haruka grinned. "Arigato, Setsuna-san." She stood up and bowed her head slightly. "I hope you sleep well."

"You too." Setsuna bowed her head slowly, and Haruka went into the room she shared with Michiru and quietly shut the door.

Setsuna sat for a moment in quiet, and she heard the shower turn off and Hotaru walked out of the bathroom and into her own room, covered with a towel.

Setsuna stood up and waited a few moments and then went to Hotaru's room and knocked quietly.

"Come in," Hotaru called cheerfully from the other side of the door.

Setsuna opened the door and smiled as she saw Hotaru climb into her bed, wearing a new nightgown that was pink with blue lace.

"Are you ready to be tucked in?" She asked.

Hotaru nodded and Setsuna walked over and tucked the blankets around the young child.

Hotaru yawned loudly and blinked several times, trying to blink away the accumulated tears.

"Good night, Hotaru-chan." Setsuna kissed Hotaru's forehead and got up and turned off the light. Setsuna then went into her own room, and the house was filled with the silence of night.


Setsuna woke up with a start; beads of sweat had accumulated around her forehead. She quickly swung her legs out of bed and rushed into Hotaru's room, fearing that her bad dream might come true that the small child was missing.

She opened the door and to her surprise, found the small girl sitting on the edge of her bed, staring off into space. The light had been turned on, and the young child looked worried.

"Hotaru-chan?" Setsuna quickly went to the side of the child and knelt near the edge of the bed.

Setsuna turned her head and saw Michiru and Haruka entering the room, their eyes wide with surprise.

"Is she okay?" Haruka asked, a worried expression on her face.

"I think she's okay." Setsuna felt Hotaru's forehead and found the temperature to be normal. She turned to her companions and raised an eyebrow. "Did you two have nightmares about her, too?"

The two looked at each other and then nodded.

Suddenly Hotaru stirred, making a little whimpering noise. The group was silent and seemed to hold their breaths.

"The Princess is in danger." Hotaru said quietly.

"Danger?" Setsuna grew worried.

Hotaru nodded slowly. "The angel has no means of protection, now that her wings have been cut off. Now she cannot fly away."

"I don't understand." Michiru looked worried.

"The Princess cannot escape her fate alone." Hotaru's eyes filled with tears. "Her wings have been clipped, and now she is broken. The angel has fallen . . ." She whispered, allowing the tears the slide quietly down her face.

"Koneko-chan?" Haruka asked, surprise in her voice.

"What can we do?" Setsuna asked.

"Give her a new start, and allow her wings to grow back." Hotaru's eerie prophecy filled the room. "We must take her away from where she has fallen. The Princess must survive at all costs." Hotaru's body went limp, and Setsuna caught it mid air.

"Is Usagi in danger?" Michiru asked.

Setsuna looked at her companions and nodded. "We must go to her tomorrow and make sure she is okay." A gleam of worry filled her eyes. "We must protect the Princess at all costs."


[Author's Note: Hello, and I'm starting a new fic! ^_^ I hope you all like it thus far, and don't worry, I'll still be working on my other fic as well! Remember, I don't own Sailor Moon, I'm just borrowing the characters and ideas! Please review and tell me what you think! Thanks in advance!]