Rurouni Kenshin Fanfic

Rurouni Kenshin & Samurai X Original Japanese Version (c) N.Watsuki/Shueisha * Fuji-TV * SME Visual Works Inc. * Sony Pictures Entertainment

All Fanfics created by Chiruken (me) were written for the sole purpose of shared entertainment and not intended for publication or sale.


By Chiruken


He stepped through the crowd, deftly avoiding the crush of humanity surging towards the stage.  He stamped down on his rising irritation and winced as the volume reached a deafening crescendo as the lights shining on the stage began to rotate, flashing red, blue and amber.  He squinted his eyes against the brightness, feeling his annoyance grow.  His sensitive eyes watered from the overload just as his head throbbed with the beginnings of a massive headache caused by the painful stabbing of the increasing volume surrounding him.  He wanted nothing more than to retreat to the sanctuary offered by the relative calm outside the large double doors at the back of the auditorium.  **This…** He decided.  **Has to be the worst assignment they've given me yet.**  He sighed and slipped passed a gaudily made up woman jumping up and down before him, screaming at the top of her lungs.  He peered closer and scowled, amending his earlier observation as he realized that it wasn't a female in his path, but a man in drag.  He shuddered and hurried by.  He found it disconcerting that it was becoming increasingly difficult to discern the difference.  **Live concerts attract the strangest people…** He thought distractedly as he narrowly avoided being knocked off his feet by the surging crowd.  He really hated being around so many people.

       Finally achieving his chosen destination he leaned against the wall and stared hard at the stage.  He had a perfect view of the mob eagerly awaiting the appearance of their idols as well as the stage they would be performing on.  He shook his head, folding his arms across his chest as he tapped his foot in impatience.  Why he'd been chosen for this assignment was beyond him.  His superiors knew how he felt about crowds.  He much preferred solitude and it was a well known fact that his social skills were virtually non-existent.

       The lights dimmed and the crowd went wild, screaming and shoving against one another.  He winced and raised a hand to rub at his temple.  He breathed a silent sigh of relief when the mob of fans suddenly quieted, a breathless hush falling over the multitudes as the lights dimmed further.  **Much better.** No sooner had the thought formed than he nearly jumped out of his skin when a loud crash of jarring notes sounded through the large speakers set up around the stage and throughout the theatre…including the previously innocent appearing column he was currently leaning against…, the previously muted lights blaring at full brightness all at once.  He wasn't certain what he'd expected from the group called Mitsubachi, but it definitely wasn't this.

       He watched as two young women bounded onto the stage, their voices rising over the screams of the crowd as they launched into their first song.  His eyes widened slightly, taking in their appearance.  He'd seen their images during his briefing, but it hadn't prepared him for the impact.  They were, simply put, breathtaking.  **And alarming.** He silently added.  The one furthest from him, Makimachi Misao if he weren't mistaken, wore her dark hair in a long tight braid that whipped around her slender form as she gyrated on the stage.  She was pretty, he decided, if not for the outlandish outfit she wore.  It was strange to see a modified ninja uniform in hot pink.  He shook his head and turned his gaze to the other young woman moving in perfect synch with her partner.  Kamiya Kaoru was more modestly attired, though barely.  She wore an indecently short plaid skirt and a short-sleeved white blouse that left her midriff bare…a school girl's uniform he presumed.  Her long dark hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, strands escaping to frame her face in soft waves.

       It was going to be a long night.  He leaned back against the wall, arms folded over his chest again, amber eyes moving restlessly over the wildly moving crowd.  It was a security nightmare.  He wondered briefly where the girl's bodyguard, Shinomori Aoshi, was hiding.  He was fairly difficult to overlook, his imposing height causing him to stand out amongst a crowd.  His eyes flicked over the stage and he saw the object of his silent musings standing at the edge of the stage staring directly at him.  He raised an eyebrow, impressed despite himself.  He was more than adequately skilled at remaining unseen if he wished it and it proved that Shinomori was a man not to be taken lightly if he could pick him out of the crowd surging around the stage.  **His instincts are good if he senses a threat from me.** He almost smiled at the thought.  Almost.

       His eyes narrowed as the tall bodyguard left his post and approached him.  This was a development he hadn't anticipated.  The other man was heading directly towards him.  He cursed under his breath and pushed away from the wall, intending to blend into the crowd and avoid a confrontation with the taller man.  He paused, amber eyes narrowing as he caught a whiff of a familiar scent.  Tearing his gaze from the bodyguard nearing his position he scanned the crowd more closely, searching for the source of the disturbing scent.  His gaze fell on a man, the singular individual standing before the stage not cheering and dancing, his hand resting inside his bulky jacket.

       Moving through the crush of people gracefully, he closed the distance rapidly, sensing the need for haste.  He had no sooner reached his target than his hand jerked out of his jacket, an A324 projectile pistol partially concealed by his large hand.  He raised his arm, pointing the weapon directly at the stage.  Without pausing he glanced to the side, following the path to the man's intended target.  **Kamiya Kaoru.** He wasn't surprised.  Stepping in front of him he grabbed his arm and lowered the weapon just as his finger jerked on the trigger.  He didn't wince as the deadly projectile entered his body.  Bending his target's arm back with casual force, he didn't blink when the other man's bone snapped and his face twisted into a howl of agony, the sound lost in the screams of the crowd.  Leaning close he hid his actions from any curious onlookers surrounding them.  With the weapon now aimed directly at the would-be assassin's own chest he covered his hand with his own and casually applied pressure to his trigger finger until the weapon recoiled and the man crumpled to the floor, blood staining the front of his jacket, eyes sightless and staring up at the ceiling high above their heads.

       Satisfied that the immediate danger had been eliminated he continued forward through the crowd, moving swiftly away from the corpse.  With any luck, no one would notice that the assassin wasn't merely a simple fan overcome by the excitement and fainted until he was on the other side of the auditorium.  He was nearly to his destination when a heavy hand fell on his shoulder, spinning him around.  Acting with highly trained instincts he thrust his hand forward, stopping a mere breath from crushing the other man's windpipe.  He stared impassively up into the tight features of Shinomori Aoshi as the other man took a hasty step back.  The other man gestured to a door set into an alcove next to the stage and he nodded once in acknowledgement before stepping through it.



Mitsubachi:  Honeybee