
Her gaze lingered on the receding image of the mansion. It didn't seem so imposing anymore, nor magnificent. She could see none of the life and vibrancy she had remembered on first sight so many years ago. Or even only ten days ago.

Instead she noticed the dreariness of the faded paint, the almost imperceptible cracks along the south wall that reached to the roof, the muted, dusty windows. It was a very, very old building - fallen into its current condition by the increasing value placed upon the residents within. The mansion seemed austere rather than welcoming.

The very mansion that was as symbolic of the group as the 'X' logo.

As large a part as they played in her life, she knew that she could never be part of the X-Men again. She no longer belonged. Professor Xavier had been right. She had grown independent of the team. She did not need the label to define who she was, not anymore.

With that realisation, a new sense of freedom rushed through her.

Bidding a silent goodbye, Rogue let the past slide out of view and focused on the road ahead. The road back home.

end epilogue.


Author's notes: FINALLY! IT'S FINISHED! I feel like I've just won an award! :D But seriously, I would like to thank each and everyone of you who took time out to review - yes, this is sickeningly sappy, but I would never have gotten this far without your dedicated support. Virago is definitely for all of you guys - namely DemonRogue13, Raniatlw, jupiterhime, Veronica. Though grateful to see your names after each chapter, I began to curse the day I promised to finish. This little baby has been over a year in the making (Start - June 2003) and had nobody been reading I would definitely have given up LONG, LONG ago.

So, for the last time: to everyone who has left a review (and to everyone who didn't) - THANK YOU! You guys rock the cake that rocks the body that rocks the party!! lets drop the chocolate Hugs and Kisses confetti