"Why do you love me?"

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters in this story they belong to JK Rowling! =)

Author's note to reader: please review!!! I get very sad when no one reviews, *tear tear* thanks!!

"Why do you love me?"

~Flashback~ Cho sat next to her best friend Draco Malfoy on the train ride to Hogwarts. "I'm so nervous! What if Hogwarts is different from Muggle School?" she questioned him.

"Well it's going to be different Cho, but don't worry, I'll help you if you need help. Father has told me all about school, everything I need to know" Draco smiled at his companion. She smiled back then laid her head on his shoulder. "Well I'm going to sleep for a bit, wake me up when we get close," she said shutting her eyes. Draco felt a surge of energy through him. "It's Cho!" he thought to himself "my best friend" Though he knew in his heart he liked her more then what they had now.

~5th year at Hogwarts ~
If watching Cho go out with that Diggory guy wasn't bad enough, now Draco had to watch as the girl he loved hung all over with a filth of wizarding name like Ron Weasley. He clenched his fists to prevent him from snatching his red hair, pulling him down and beating him right then and there, as Ron and Cho passed by. Cho turned her head and waved to Draco, who in return glared at her.

Cho had noticed that Draco had drifted away from her over the past year or so. He no longer smiled at her, and barely ever returned waves or greetings. The only time he talked to her was if they were alone. She found this peculiar but did not dwell on the matter

~End of flashback~

Cho Chang sat on her bed writing another letter to her boyfriend, Ron Weasley. She sighed, he had written her only once this summer. She wondered if he even liked her. Ever since she found out that he had a girlfriend before Cho, he seemed kind of distant to her. Normally she would not have cared if he had a girlfriend before they were together, but she was curious because Ron never mentioned her, and the fact that he still acted as if he liked her. The girl's name was Amy. At first Cho had disliked this girl but for Ron's sake she befriended the girl and tried her best to get along with her. Cho was off in her little world thinking of Ron when the phone rang. She picked it up "Hello?" she said.

"Cho, hey it's Hermione!" came an excited voice from the other line. Cho and Hermione had become good friends since Ron had become her boyfriend. Since they both lived in muggle communities, they got to see each other on a regular basis.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" asked Cho

"Well Harry's coming over soon! He is going to spend the summer with me! Oh, I can't wait until he arrives!" Hermione said all in one breath.

"Whoa, are we hyper or what!" said Cho with a giggle. Cho looked out the window and noticed it had to started raining really hard. "Gawd look at this storm we got," said Cho

"Oh, I know it's lightening and everything!" replied Hermione.

Cho and Hermione were talking about Ron and his deal when the doorbell at Cho's house rang. Cho jumped up, since she was the only one home she needed to answer it. "Hermione, my doorbell just rang can I call you back later?" she asked

"Yeah! I call you tomorrow sometime! Bye Cho!" said Hermione as she hung up.

Cho raced downstairs the poor person has been standing in the rain this whole time she thought. She opened the door and gasped. There was a person standing at her door in a midnight black cloak. The hood was up so she had no idea who it was. The person was taller then her so she guessed it was a guy. "H-h-ello" Cho stammered. The cloaked figure just stood there then slowly reached up to remove the hood. The fingers grabbed hold of the pointy hood and slowly pulled it off.

End note: Hehehehehehe who's it gunna be?!?!?!! I think you can all guess, I'm not good at cliffhangers, lol! Well next chapter shud be up soon, forgive me if its not! School is keeping me way busy!!! I have barely enough time to breathe..anyways pleaz review!! They are greatly appreciated! Thanks! ~miko~