Sunshine and Babies

Sequel to Moonlight and Roses

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the elements of it. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, I only wish that I had thought of it first. :D

Ginny Potter smiled as she lifted her red haired daughter out of her crib and put her down on the nursery floor. Loud chattering could be heard from the other crib in the room, She walked over and lifted the dark haired boy out. "Today is a very important day," she said as she picked out clothes for the children. "We are going to a wedding." The children looked at her with similar looks in their eyes. The looks were the only things that were the same with her twins. Lily had red hair and brown eyes like her mother, and James looked exactly like his father, without the lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. As far as she was concerned, life was perfect. Today, Remus and Tonks would be getting married. She sat down on the floor with the two children and began changing them and getting them dressed for the day. "The two of you will be spending most of the day with your grandmother. Your daddy and I have to help Remus and Tonks, but you will be there when your Moony and Tonks get married," she told the two, as she fastened the emerald green robes onto her son.

"Moony, Moony," James said, looking toward the door.

"Moony," his sister repeated.

"Yes, Moony. He'll be here in a few minutes, and you'll get to see him," she laughed, finishing up with the squirming pair. "If we hurry, we can watch daddy fall out of the fireplace." She picked them up and headed toward the kitchen. As soon as she got the two children secured in their chairs, Harry fell out of the fireplace, followed quickly by Remus.

"Moony," Lily squealed, reaching her arms toward him.

"Well Hello," he said to the excited little girl. "And how is my favorite girl?" he asked, leaning down to give her a hug.

"Moony, where Tonks?" she asked, trying to see around him to the empty fireplace. Remus leaned over and hugged James, then walked over to hug Ginny.

"Tonks is coming, she had to pick up her dress," he said to the room.

"I don't even rate a hello, Remus," Harry laughed, "My children get excited when you come in, but they don't even notice me." He sat down at the table.

Ginny was waving her wand and producing breakfast efficiently. "Would you like bacon, sausage, or both, Remus?" she asked, piling food onto plates.

"Both would be lovely, Ginny. But feed Harry and the children first, my stomach is doing flips," he told her, reaching for the cup of tea she had just levitated in front of him.

"It's just nerves, Remus," Harry told him. "You do remember how I was on my wedding day?" he asked, laughing.

"If I remember correctly, you couldn't keep anything down. Molly had cooked you an incredible breakfast, and you only sipped at the tea and nibbled on a small piece of toast," he laughed, reaching for the toast. "She was so worried about you not eating that she didn't eat."

Harry grabbed a piece of toast for each of the kids, and put it in front of them. "I threw up the toast and tea, I was so afraid that she would change her mind and not marry me."

"Like that would have happened," she told them, placing plates in front of Harry, Remus and the two children. "I had loved Harry forever, and there was no way that he was getting out of marrying me once he had asked."

"That's what I'm afraid of, that Tonks will decide that she can do better than me," he told them, taking small sips of his tea and eyeing the plate of eggs, bacon, and sausage warily.

"Remus, Tonks and I have become pretty good friends, and believe me, she could never love anyone but you," Ginny said, pushing the toast toward the older man. "Now eat, we can't have you getting light headed during the wedding."

Remus picked up a piece of toast and took a small bite. "I guess that if you're both sure, I'll try to relax," he told them.

"We're sure, now hurry up and eat so that we can get out of here before the women descend on the house. It won't just be Tonks and Hermione, but Angelina, Alicia, and Fleur. They're just the ones that I can think of off hand. That many women in one house is just more than a man can take," he said around mouthfuls of eggs and sausages.