
Hermione's stomach lurched. She hated talking about Sara. She hated thinking about Sara.

And how perfect Sara was. She wanted to know what Ron had said, what Ron had felt. How he still

felt. She wanted to run up to him and tell him how she felt. But she couldn't. She didn't want to

anymore. Not while she could sit here, warm and safe.

But she had to say something. She had to say how she felt about it, about what Sara was

doing. Not that Sara was hurting anyone important, just Hermione. Hermione felt like a no one, an

unimportant shell wandering around. As if part of her had been emptied out.

"Hagrid, you know Sara Bander?" Hermione asked in a quiet voice.

"Yeh," Hagrid replied with a sigh, "Quite a young lady, that Sara."

"Yeah well you wouldn't think so if she was stealing your friends away from you!"

Hermione found herself shouting, "I mean. I just don't know what I mean. She's taken over

everything. She's smarter than me, she's prettier than me, she's all around better than me. She's

even go Harry and Ron wrapped around that precious manicured finger of hers."

Hagrid stared at Hermione for a moment. He'd never seen her like this, and Hermione knew

that very well. Of course he had seen her like this when Harry and Ron weren't talking to her a

while back, but that was a completely new thing. That was because Crookshanks had "eaten" Ron's

rat Scabbers. This was a much bigger thing though, a lot less ridiculous. Sara was now this porcelain

Goddess wandering the halls with Hermione's friends.

"She likes Ron," Hermione said, "I think- I think that her and Ron are going to get together

and I may be left behind."

"Well, Ron came to me 'bout that," Hagrid said exazperated, "Says he misses yeh, says he's

tired o' not seein' yeh in the halls 'n classes. He said he'd trade Sara for yeh any day, Hermione.

You gotta talk to the boy."

She knew she had to. She couldn't avoid him forever, constantly trying to get him off her

mind. She explained to Hagrid that she didn't know how to talk to Ron with out Sara around. Sara

was always around him, as well as Harry. Hagrid suggested that she go and speak to him at once,

whether Sara was there or not.

"But Hagrid you don't understand!" Hermione whimpered, "She's mean! She'll tell me to

get away from Ron and stay away when he's not listening. And she'll plan some horrible thing

against me to make sure I don't go near Ron. She's like that, Hagrid, she really is. She's not the

nicest human in the world!"

"But yeh are, Hermione! Even if she's bein' a ruddy loser 'bout you an' Ron, yeh still gotta

talk to 'im!" Hagrid demanded of Hermione. He lifted her up and put her on her feet. He pushed her

towards the door and told her he didn't want to see her until she talked to Ron. Hermione was

shoved out into the cold, nose nearly frozen in minutes. She put her cloak on and wrapped her scarf

around her neck and set off for the castle, feeling rather sick. She was prepared for anything now.

She knew she had to talk to Ron and be honest about who Sara really was.



It's cold and I don't feel like walking anymore. I'm nearly to the main staircase and I can

see Ron, lingering there with Harry and Lavender, talking about something that I probably

would have never had a say in whether I was with them or not. He's beautiful and I hate to

finally admit that. His red hair sticking out in every direction, his loosened tie and rolled up

sleeves. I walk up the steps and face him, his freckled cheeks turn red and he smiles.

"Hello Hermione, How are you?" he asks. I think he knows how I really am, how I feel

like this horrible mess, but he doesn't say anything. He's quiet about it, doesn't seem to want to

bring it up. Neither do I.

"I'm fine," I lie to him, Lavender, and Harry. Harry, who has turned to me in the same

way he has for the past six years, holds out a small folded piece of paper.

"It's a note, you know, to help you catch up. We really haven't been talking much,"

Harry says with a lot of truth, "and I've been thinking about you a lot, you know?"

No harry. I don't know.

"Yeah," I say in response. He's been my best friend, the one I can rely on in every way. I

would go to him when Ron and I were fighting, or when the parents were in concern about my

days at Hogwarts, or when things were just building up in classes. Or perhaps when Pansy and

Draco would pick on me, I would always go to Harry. I don't think I ever went to Ron with that

sort of thing. Ever. But I always could turn to Harry. He always seemed to have this way about

him, this sort of understanding. This way of knowing and expecting the worse and he could

always deal with anything. I realize now that I could have gone to Harry all along, but Sara...

she would have known and done something. She's out to ruin my life.

"We were just discussing the Valentines Day Ball, Hermione," Lavender smiled, "Me and

Seamus are going. Have you asked anyone?"

I glanced over at Ron who had looked away. Was he expecting me to ask him? Would he

ask me? Or had Sara already gotten there.

"Yeah, Ginny asked me and I couldn't turn her down," Harry laughed, "She's a good

friend of mine, you know?"

"Yeah," I giggled a little to lighten the mood.

"Ron is going with me," a voice that had suddenly approached said, "Aren't you, Ron?"

"Y-y-yeah," Ron stuttered, looking up at Sara, "S-sure."

He didn't seem so sure. And this seemed a little strange. He seemed to be avoiding Sara's

glance, shifting slowly towards me and away from her. She looked up at me and smiled a

horrible smile, one that was very fake. Very unreal. It scared me so much I had to look away. I

knew she had something up her sleeve, something she had been planning.

"Oh, and who are you going with, Hermione?" Sara asked in a very snotty voice.


"That's what I thought," Sara said before I had finished my sentence, "I'm sure you'll

find someone as great as Ron, but I'm going to walk him to Divination now. Coming, Harry?"

Harry looked at me in a sympathetic way, as if he knew exactly how I was feeling. I made

a face that told Harry to stay with me, to wait, but he shrugged and looked at Sara and walked

on. Lavender looked at Sara envious and turned back to me.

"Hermione, I have to go too, I'll see you later," She giggled and pranced off. Once again

I was alone and had no where to turn to.


Hermione stood there at the top of the stair case on the landing, alone, watching Ron, Harry,

and Lavender disappear off with Sara. She didn't even get to talk to Ron and that bothered her

because he was the only thing that seemed to matter right now. She had to get some of his time. She

had to.