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Disclaimer: Don't own Rurouni Kenshin.


Chapter 16 The Truth Comes Out Part 1

It had been a month and a half since Kaoru said yes to Kenshin's proposal yet she hadn't told her parents yet. Kaoru sat in her room, staring at her engagement ring. It was a beautiful ring; princess style white gold band with four tiny sapphires at each corner of a 10kt white diamond. She smiled.

'I'm getting married' Kaoru sighed 'In four years.'

She and Kenshin had talked about it and thought it was best to wait till Kaoru graduated from college to get married. Kaoru was about to place the ring on her left ring finger when she heard a knock at the door. She quickly placed the ring in the blue velvet box next to her and shoved it under her pillow.

"Come in."

Kaoru's mom opened the door and popped her head in, "Hi Kaoru, dinner's almost ready."

"Okay, I'll be down in five."

When her mom left, Kaoru sighed and took the box out from underneath the pillow. She stared at it for a moment and decided to call Kenshin. She dialed his number and waited for an answer.


"Kenshin it's me."

"Hi, Kaoru. You sound even lovelier on the phone than usual."

"Kenshin, we need to talk about this engagement."

"Y-Y-You're not saying no again, are you?"

"For heaven sake's no! I love you and want to be with you."

"Okay. Than what is it."

"We need to tell my parents."

"We do?"

"Of course we do. We kept our relationship quiet because you were my teacher and I was only 17, but now that I've turned 18 and you're no longer my teacher and we're engaged. I think it's time."

"I agree, but…"

"But? Why is there a but?"

"I was your teacher nearly two months ago and you were my student. And your eleven years younger than me."

"Age doesn't matter to me. But I think it's time for you to meet my parents and we don't need to tell them about the engagement. We can just say we've been seeing each other for a couple weeks."

"I would like to meet your parents but they might not take kindly to me."

"My dad, maybe. My mom would be more supportive and open minded."

"Okay then. What time?"

"How about two nights from today? Say seven?"

"I'll be there. Love you."

"Love you too."

Kaoru hung up the phone and went downstairs to eat dinner. Fifteen minutes into it Kaoru decided tell her parents.

"Mom, dad. I have something to tell you?"

Kaoru's dad looked at her with worry, "What is it angel? You can tell us anything?"

"Well, there's this guy I've been seeing. For the last couple of weeks."

"Oh, is he handsome?"

Kaoru blushed at her mom's statement, "Yes."

"And his name?"

"His name's Kenshin."

"How old is he?"

"Once you get to know him you'll love him, dad."

"How old?"

"It's not that big a number really."

"How old is he Kaoru?"

Kaoru began to stutter at her dad's stern look, "He's… ah… almost… ah… 29."

Her dad's eyes widened, "Excuse me!"

"I said he's almost 29."

"What! No daughter of mine is going to be dating a man twice her age!"

"He's not twice my age dad."

"I don't care! He's too old for you."

"But I really like him dad and when he comes over for dinner, I'm sure…."

"Wait, wait, what? He's coming for dinner?"

"Two nights from today at seven. If that's okay mom?"

"I don't agree with his age but…yes he can come."


"Now, now, Kenju. What don't really know him and if Kaoru likes him then we should at least get to know him over dinner" she turned to look at Kaoru "I look forward to meeting him honey."

"Thanks mom. You'll love him, I know you will" Kaoru turned to look at her dad "I know that you don't agree with the age difference dad, but I know you'll like him. So could you please meet him and be civil towards him. He's nervous about coming here too. Please?"

Kenju looked at his daughter who was giving him that pleading look that he couldn't resist, "Huh, okay. I'll be nice."

Kaoru smiled and hugged her dad, "Thanks dad. I know you'll love him once you get to know him."


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More updates for this and others coming soon.