This is our first story we're going to post on here and we'll update whenever we can. The whole story is actually finished but if we wait a while to post the chapters then we'll probably get more reviews. Please review but no flames. If we get a flame then ZAnE will either go off, or delete the story.

Disclaimer: We do not own any of the characters from Holes.

When Shane and Zane first get to New York they thought everything would go as planned, get the information and go back home.

Shane and Zane are identical twins. They are 16 and tall, about 5'9''. Their eyes look purple with blue and green specks in them. Their hair colour is changed with the seasons. In the summer it's blonde, spring its strawberry blonde. In the winter their hair changes from the red in fall, to brown.


"Come on Shane, hurry up." Zane yells to her sister.

"Shhhhh, quiet. I'm coming." Shane climbs through the window and stands next to Zane. "Well, now what?" she asks.

"This way." Zane tells her pulling her along.

"Are you sure? I think it's that way."

"Yes, I'm sure."


They get to an office at the end of the hallway. Zane starts looking through the filling cabinets and Shane looks at the files on the computer.

"I got it! I got it! It's all here!" Shane says excitedly.

"Quiet" Zane hissed.

They hear footsteps coming down the hall.

"I think it came from in here" a voice said. Someone opens the door before Shane and Zane get a change to hide.

~*~End Flashback~*~

"Shane and Zane Kasch, you were caught stealing private government files. How do you plead?" The judge asks them.

"Guilty" Shane mutters.

"But Shane..." Zane complained.

"No, quiet" Shane whispered to her.

"You will be sentenced to two years at Camp Green Lake" the judge told them.

One week later they were on a bus heading to the middle of nowhere in Texas. Shane is sitting in the front of the bus handcuffed to the seat in front of her. She looks back at Zane who is in the back. There is a guard in the front of the bus, but all he does is sit there. He's wearing sunglasses so they can't tell if he's asleep or not. As the trip was about halfway over Zane started talking.

"Look at all the holes, Shane. I hope there's boys here. That would be cool, even though they're probably stupid."

"Did you forget everything?" Shane yelled to her sister.

Zane didn't talk the rest of the way there.

**Shane keeps yelling at me. I guess it's because she's irritated with this planet. Good thing she can't read my mind.** Zane thinks.

*I can read your mind. We're telepathic remember?*

**Oh, I forgot. So how am I supposed to think to myself? I'm sooo confused.**

*Of course you are, but we're at the camp now*

**Really? Cool. Look there's boys here**

*I can see, but we're not here to find boys.*

**Get over it. I think I've had to much Sploosh.**

*Yeah, me too, but at least I don't loose that much of my mind.*

**Yeah, you do loose your mind but you don't show it. I know you've liked a few guys here.**

*Just drop it*

They get off the bus and look around. Zane starts walking towards some boys but the guard stops her.

"This way" he orders.

They walk into a room where a guy was sitting behind a desk.

"Shane and Zane...Kasch?" He asks.

They nod.

"Well, girls, let me tell you that I don't understand why the warden all of a sudden decided to let girls come to this camp but this isn't a girl scout camp. My name is Mr. Sir. When you talk to me you will address me by my name. You will have to work hard and dig a five foot hole everyday. You shovel is you measuring stick. You will have two uniforms. One to work in and one to relax in. Every three days your work clothes will be washed and become your relaxation uniform. You will both be in d-tent, now go outside."

Shane and Zane go outside and a man came up to them.

"You must be Shane and Zane. I'm you counselor, Mr.Pendanski. Follow me."

They follow him to a tent and inside there are some boys hanging out.