Shinigami Clara: Darn, I had this chapter done some time ago, but it's in my old computer . so I had to rewrite this one…sorry if the timeline is a bit messed up though, I haven't written anything in a while and I regret that. But that still doesn't help that I can't remember the time line of this thing.

Chapter 12 Thy Former Glory

Kagome looked into Kikyou's eyes, seeing fear in them as the former miko found herself unable to move. Kagome smiled and moved towards her incarnate all the while glowing a bright lilac colour.

"Your hatred ends today Kikyou," Kagome said softly, "You are only a memory of your hatred for your soul was not complete, I now restore you to your former glory oh priestess of the earth."

Inuyasha watched in awe as the beautiful lilac glow envelop both Kagome and Kikyou, forming a barrier of some sort, which he knew would keep anyone and everyone away until Kagome banishes it. Maybe, just maybe, Kikyou would forgive him and they could now live the life that was taken from them fifty odd years ago. Inuyasha had hoped dearly that it would be so, he had loved Kikyou once, when she was not filled with hate and vengeance, now he will have the chance to love her again. He dearly hope that it was going to be so..

"What happened?" Inuyasha turned towards the voice, Kurama and Yusuke had finally caught up with them, Kurama looked at the glowing lilac mass, "is that Kagome?" he asked.

Inuyasha nodded, "Kagome… and Kikyou."


Inuyasha nodded again. But before he could answer, a loud noise came from behind them, Botan had reached them as well it seemed and was flying towards them at top speed.

"What are you doing?" She demanded, in a panicked voice, "That's Kagome isn't it? As well as Kikyou? She can't be trying to give Kikyou her soul back! It's too dangerous." Botan exclaimed as the rest of Inutachi and tantei arrived, sensing the commotion in the magical field. "Kagome and Kikyou's soul has been together for the past sixteen years, to be separated now could be very dangerous."

"What do you mean?" Demanded Kurama.

"Kagome has had Kikyou's soul for almost sixteen years now, think about it, her mind and body got used to the existence of another entity, another soul and gradually adapted to it's existence and since she was born with Kikyou's soul already in her body. By now, there is hardly a difference between Kikyou and Kagome's soul so to separate the two now could unstabilize the equilibrium and in a worse case scenario, kill her. But the problem is, we can't reach either Kagome nor Kikyou now, Kagome's barriers are too strong."

Inuyasha listened to Botan's explanation with growing horror, he did this, he asked Kagome to give up her soul for Kikyou, once again he has caused Kagome to be hurt without knowing. He vaguely heard when Botan said "We can only hope for the best now" as he stared blankly at the haughtily beautiful globe.

Kurama could only stare, frozen with fear after Botan's explanation, some part of his mind wondered when Kagome had became this important to him, that just the thought of her death caused this uncontrollable horror in him. He wanted to hurl himself at the barrier, to take Kagome away, to a safe place and lock her in there so she would never attempt something as dangerous as this ever again. But he was locked to where he stood, the shock at what he heard still paralyzed him.

At the top of the building, golden eyes watched the scene unfold with curiosity, who knew that his brother's little miko now held so much power. Perhaps she could help him in this strange new world with metal contraptions and horrid smell. Making up his mind, Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands sat down and waited for the outcome of this event. This should be interesting, he mused.
Kagome found herself in a blindingly white space when she opened her "eyes", she knew that she was in her 'soul room', the place where her soul 'resides', for lack of a better word. The soul room isn't located within the body, nor is it out of it, but it is connected to both the mind and body.

"Kikyou" she called out, her voice 'echoing' with in the white space.

Kagome turned around as Kikyou's image began to form behind her, till she was a corporal presence, at least as corporal as a soul could get. "My lady, what brings you into your soul room?" the older miko asked with curiosity, her brown eyes glowed with warmth, unlike the memory of hatred that ran around in the physical world.

Kagome smiled, "I'm here to give you another chance, to live, to experience what you could not fifty years ago. But first, I must show you something."

Kikyou's eyes lit up at the thought of having another chance to live, she nodded and looked to the direction that Kagome pointed in, as images began to display itself, "Kikyou, while you were inside my soul, part of your soul was given a new life in the living world. It only remembered the hatred of betrayal and the injustice done to you thus sought revenge on both Inuyasha and myself."

Kikyou watched as scene played after scene, of what part of her soul had done, the hatred that it felt towards Inuyasha who, Kikyou knew she still loved. She silently cried for both Inuyasha and Kagome for the lost chances and sorrow that she had caused them. For the Miko Kikyou was truly pure in heart, her true hatred for Inuyasha was long gone and she cried for the pain she had caused the Lady Kagome and Inuyasha.

"Don't cry Kikyou," Kagome said kindly after the events on the screne had finally passed. Kikyou needed to see them, Kagome knew, even if it hurt her, "I have forgiven you long ago and I think so have Inuyasha, he was the one that wished for your second chance. Come, let us go, so you enjoy the experiences of life again."

Holding out her hand for the other Miko to take, Kagome pulled both her and Kikyou out of the soul room.

Slowly opening her eyes again Kagome looked at the glowing ball in her had and to the now unconscious clay body of Kikyou. Placing both hands on Kikyou's head, she pushed the glowing ball into the body and at the same time giving Kikyou a real body, one that breathed and lived.

Finally, she dispelled the barrier around Kikyou and herself and looked up to see her friends all looking at her with concern. Kagome smiled, and closed her eyes in exhaustion, then finally, collapsed into a deep sleep. Unaware that Kurama had rushed to her side or that Kikyou had opened her eyes to find Inuyasha holding her now living body.

That is it for now, I'm promised that a new chapter will be posted today, so here it is sigh finally! I'll try and update soon. But here's a little sneak peak of the next chapter:

Chapter 12: The Future and the Past

Sesshoumaru glared at the blue eyed miko and said, "Tell me miko, what makes you think that I will not kill you here and now?"

Kagome smiled up at Kurama, "You stayed here, with me, even if you didn't have to. Thank you."

"My my my, aren't we a happy bunch…it seems we are only missing a few key players, then the party will begine."