
This final chapter *starts to cry* NO!!!!! wait...*stops crying* this is the final chapter...(I'm writting it on Friday 13th!) So I better be careful ^_~ J/K. But this is the final chapter...thanks to everyone who reviewed(list at bottom)...please R&R this last chapter...*starts to cry agian*


~Come Clean!~

When we last left in Chapter 85 Dustin and his challanger Harudo had start the fierce and rapid battle in the Final Arena. After three ties we've came down to a tie, let's see who will break it...

"Ursaring go!" Dustin threw the pokeball with a sense of strange emotions. Ursaring formed on the field, it's picture under the shaded Croconaw's.

"Go Scyther!" Harudo threw his enlarged pokeball and a buzzing mantis formed, it's picture under Blastoise's dark one.

"And we have a total change!" the annoucer roared to the raging crowd.

"GO DUSTIN!" Mrs. Brooks said, now standing out of her seat and screaming.

"Ursaring use Ice Beam!" Dustin commanded.

"Scyther Agility!"

Ursaring inhaled a deep breath as Scyther ziped and zaped across the field in a green blur, "RING!" the mighty bear roared, sending a beam of cold baby blue ice out of it's mouth. Scyther moved quickly in a blink of an eye and dodged the blue beam.

"Now use Slash!" Haurdo smiled.

"Scy!" the wicked bug speed up, it's wings beating faster and faster with ever passing second, Scyther soon stood in front of Ursaring, "Scy!" it raised it's right blade quickly, "THER!" it slashed down even faster, leaving Ursaring in pain and a red gash mark on it's stomach.

"And Scyther leaves it's mark!" the annoucer replied.

"Ursaring use Fire Punch!"

"Ursa!" the raging bear lifted up it's right claw as a red flame grew on to it, "RING!" it brought down it's flaming paw, punching Scyther back a few feet, a red/black burnt stain was placed on the mantis' face.

"Now finish it with Ice Beam!"

"URSA!" it lifted up it's head high, inhaled a breath of oxygen, "RING!" it exhaled an equal amount of frozen ice painted baby blue. The beam hit Scyther in it's mid-section and quickly froze it into a block of ice.

"Scyther?!" Harudo gasp.

"Scyther is unable to battle!" the judge annouced, Scyther's picture faded away, putting Dustin in the lead.

Harudo quickly withdrew Scyther, 'A frozen pokemon serves me no porpuse,' he said to himself as he enlarged another pokeball, throwing it without a word.

"MA-Champ!" the four armed human like pokemon formed from the pokeball, it's picture took the fifth slot under Harudo's side of the board.

"Fightning beats normal," Jen said to everyone around her.

"A Machamp! Lets see how Harudo uses it!" the annoucer responded.

"Ursaring use Slash!"

"Machamp use Cross Chop!"

Machamp and Ursaring charged at each other, quickly meeting, Machamp used it's bottom set of arms to hold Ursaring still while it's two top arms choped the bear in the face several times. When Machamp felt no more moving it let go of the fainted Ursaring.

"Ursaring is unable to battle!" the judge said, Ursaring's picture faded away.

"Thanks dude," Dustin replied as he withdrew Ursaring, shrinking down it's pokeball and putting it away. He grabed another pokeball from his belt, "Go Piloswine!" he threw it and the pig formed.

"PILO!" it yawned as it's picture formed on Dustin's side of the board.

"Machamp use Fire Punch!"

"Piloswine use Horn Attack!"

"CHAMP!" Machamp light up it's upper right hand in flames, jabing at Piloswine but missing as the pig moved over to the right just in time.

"Now use Blizzard!" Dustin ordered.

"PILOSWINE!" it quickly inhaled and exhaled a breath of chills and ice particles, hitting Machamp and knocking it back a few feet, not out though.

"Now use Take Down!" Dustin smiled.

"SWINE!" the huge board ramed it's whole body in Machamp, causing both the ice type and fighting to fall over. Piloswine grunted and moved off of Machamp, who was knocked out completely.

"Machamp is unable to battle!" the judge said as Machamp's picture went away, leaving Harudo with only one last shot.

Harudo, despite his small disadvantage smiled as he enlarged a pokeball after putting up Machamp's. "This is it," he replied and threw the pokeball.

"A DRAGONITE?!" the judge roared over the intercom as the huge dragon's picture formed in the last slot of Harudo's side of the board.

"A Dragonite!" Shane, Jen and Kai gasp.

"GO DUSTIN!" Mrs. Brooks continued to ramble on.

"Dragonite use Flamethrower!"

"Drago!" it laughed as it's small wings flaped, the pokemon remained grounded as it bellowed out a quick moving stream of red and yellow flames, engulfing Piloswine.

"Piloswine!" Dustin gasp in worry and fear.

As the flames died down a blackend Piloswine stood, grunting and then falling over, knocked out thanks to it's ice type.

"Piloswine can't go on!" the judge said, the ice boar's picture went away.

"Thanks Piloswine," Dustin slowly said, he withdrew Piloswine and shrunk down it's pokeball. He quickly enlarged his ultraball and kissed it, "Go Tyranitar!" he threw the ultraball and called on his most powerful pokemon ever.

"TYRAN!" the massive dark/rock beast roared, it's picture forming on the board in the last slot under Dustin's.

"A Dragonite and Tyranitar!" the judge was amazed, "This is gonna be good folks!" he said to the pleased crowd.

"Dragonite Flamethrower!"

"Tyranitar Ice Beam!"

"NITE!" Dragonite inhaled and exhaled at the speed of light, blowing out a jet of hot flames colored red and yellow, hitting Tyranitar in the blue sectoion but not phasing it too much, the flames died down quickly.

"TY!" the beast cocked back it's head, charging, "TAR!" it pulled it's head into sight and shot out a baby blue beam of ice, hitting Dragonite in the mid-section and hurting it, some, but not knocking it out like Dustin had hoped.

"Two mighty attacks from two mighty pokemon!" the annoucer man responded.

"GO DUSTIN!" Mrs. Brooks went on with her cheers while Jen, Shane and Kai hoped and crossed their fingers.

"Dragonbreath!" both trainers commanded at the same second.

Tyranitar and Dragonite inhaled and exhaled in the same flash, a jet of constant moving green flames, meeting in the middle and causing a small explsoion, the smoke quickly died down and the two dragons were staring at the other fiercly.

"Now use Ice Beam!" Dustin instructed.

"Dodge with Agility!" Harudo countered.

"TAR!" the amazing pokemon blew out another beam colored baby blue and made of ice, Dragonite kicked up it's wings which stired up a gust, flying up and dodging the Ice Beam attack.

"HYPER BEAM!" both Dustin and Harudo commanded.

Dragonite, from the air, charged an orb of oramnge energy, as did it's grounded enemy. Both pokemon roared and fired the orbs shaped as beams at each other, hitting in the middle and causing another, bigger explosion.

"Who will win!?" the annoucer asked the amazed crowd.

The smoke cleared and Tyranitar panted heavly, Dragonite remained mid-air, it was also panting hard.

"Dragonite!" Harudo smiled, "Sesmic Toss!"

"Tyranitar!" Dustin shouted in haste, "Flamethrower!"

Dragonite swiftly flew down near Tyranitar, dodging the dark type's flames, Dragonite picked up Tyranitar with it's claws, holding on to the rock/dark type by it's stomache. Tyranitar fought back and latched on to Dragonite, both pokemon holding on to each other with their hands.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" the annoucer shouted.

Dragonite flaped it's wings harder and harder, picking up more and more speed, flying up as the two titans held on to each other, Dragonite summoned enough strength to fly up more, grabing ahold of Tyranitar, then throwing it down to the earth from the clear blue sky.

"TAR!" the massive beast cried as it fell closer and closer to the ground, slaming into the hard surface and causing a pillar of smoke to arise.

"Nite..." Dragonite panted and flew back down, slowly landing on the ground near the smoky pillar.

The smoke cleared away and Tyranitar laid on it's back, X'ed out eyes and it's toung sticking out.

"Tyranitar is unable to battle!" the judge declared, Tyranitar's picture faded away revealing Harudo to be the winner.

"YES YES YES!" Harudo smiled.

Dustin stood there, stoicly, after a short second a smile formed on his face, "Thank you.....dude," he said to Tyranitar and withdrew it, latching the ultraball to his belt and walking away.

After the battle Dustin, who was strangely happy, met his family and friends in the lobby.

"Great job Dustin!" Kai said, "You got further than I ever thought you could!"

"Me too!" Shane replied, "You've taught me a lot!"

"Thanks," Dustin smiled.

"Awesome job," Jen smiled back.

"We're heading home on the bus," Mrs. Brooks smiled, "Honey you did great."

"Thanks mom," Dustin continued to smile, "I'll see you when I get home, we're walking."

"Bye hun," Mrs. Brooks waved goodbye and started to walk to the bus area, Kai behind her, the walked away.

The gang recollocted memories of their long journy as they walked away from the Golden Conferece, leaving fun and smiled behind.

The journy was coming to an end after about a two hours, the gang had made it to a three way split, one going to Violet City, the other Violet Gym and the final one to Newbark Town. No one wanted to talk, in fear they would have to say good bye.

"Prepare for trouble!" Bonnie laughed as she and Clyde appeared in front of the gang from the sky.

"Make it double!"

"To abolish the world with devistation!"

"To destroy people of every nation!"

"To annouce the evils of darkness and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"

"Bonnie!" she smiled.

"Clyde!" he smiled as well.

None of the gang could crack a smile.

"Please go away," Shane sighed.

"Never!" Bonnie laughed.

"Wait!" Jen smiled.

"Let's make this worth remembering!" Dustin joined in on the smile.

"This doesn't look good..." Bonnie grunted as she and Clyde got nervous as the gang all smiled evily.

"Let me do the honors," Shane smiled and threw a pokeball, "Pidgeot blow 'em away!"

"GEOT!" the powerful bird chirped as it flew into the sky from the pokeball, forming and flaping it's wings, creating a tornado which engulfed Bonnie and Clyde.

"We're blasting off...FOR THE FINAL TIME!" they cried as the tornado took them out of sight. Shane withdrew Pidgeot.

"So..." Dustin slowly said, "This is it..."

"I have to get back to the gym..." Shane said.

"Earl will be wanting me back..." Jen finished.

"You guys..." Dustin smiled slowly as a tears formed in his two eyes. "I want to thank you...for everything...being my friends, going with me on my journy..."

"We wouldn't trade the world for you!" Shane said, trying to hide his tears.

"You've taught us...to be friends," Jen said, her eyes misty and full of tears. "And it's not the end..."

"It's never the end..." Shane said, now crying.

"Friendship is forever," Dustin finished.

The gang all joined in on a big three person hug, crying hard as they knew this was the end of the fun journy.

"Well..." Shane said as the huge ended, "I need to get going," he looked down the road to Violet Gym. "I can't wait to show my brother what I've learned..." he looked to Jen and Dustin, "Thank you guys...for everything..." he started to walk down the road.

"Bye Shane!" Jen waved him goodbye with tears.

"Later Shane!" Dustin continued to sob.

"Bye Dustin! Bye Jen!" Shane said as he turned around and waved, then looking ahead and walking down the road, smiling through his tears.

"I have to get going too..." Jen slowly said. "Thanks Dustin..."

"Yeah...thank you too," Dustin sobed some more, trying to dry it up.

"But I have something to give you."

"Huh?" Dustin asked.

He was answered when Jen bent over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for everything," she said and started to walk down her road.

"Thanks Jen!" Dustin said, happy but sad at the same time. "I'll never forget you! Friends forever!" he waved.

"Forever!" Jen turned around and waved back, she then looked on ahead at the road, walking down it with a smile shinning brighter than her tears.

"Bye," Dustin whispered to himself. He looked ahead and saw his road, 'Time to head back home..with mom and Kai!' he smiled and started to walk down the road to Newbark Town.

The sky ahead, though blue before, was now grey and cloudly, a storm was brewing and it unleashed a shower before Dustin could get home.

Dustin just smiled as he walked in the rain to his house, smiling for his friends, smiling for his family, smiling for his pokemon, and smiling because Dustin knew that rain symbolized a new begining...

~The End~


OMG! It's over *begins to cry hard* I can't believe it! My first pokemon fic ever finished! I can't believe it! Though I said I'd put down all the reviews I'm gonna put down the main ones, Breezy and Taro MD, thanks to them and everyone else who revied and gave OTs.

I don't own pokemon...so yeah.

Anyways sayonora(is that spelled right?). I've had a blast writting it, and it wouldn't have been fun without readers, so thanks to you guys(and girls ^_^) too!

If your intrested in Digimon please check out my Digimon Extreme fanfic.

Thanks agian!


-Mellow Yellow 2007
