Author's Note: Thanks to all the great reviewers!

After that day no one ever saw Harry again. It had been revealed that Harry was truly the son of Snape and that he was missing. But there was one thing Harry never knew...

"Mum! I got the letter from Hogwarts! Yipee!" a little girl of eleven with long silky silvery blond hair, pronounced cheek bones, a pale complexion, a dainty built, and of course those beautiful emerald green eyes that told who her father was.

"Calm down Anastasia." Audrey said with a small smile as painful pangs hit her heart, if only Harry could see his daughter.

When Harry kissed her his tears entered her lips and had flown to her heart bringing her back to life. The only explanation was the prophecy.

During the age of darkness a savior shall be born
With powers stronger than the dark lord's.
The child shall be born by a man from the dark and
A woman from the light.

The one shall encounter challenges
That shall strengthen
And shall prepare the one
For the tasks ahead.

But not enough
To prepare the chosen one
For what is in store.

The war shall begin
And one must die
For the good of our world.

Love shall fall
And the chosen one
Shall die inside.

The chosen one
Shall not know
That all isn't lost
And the one the chosen one
Has grown to love will always be there.

"Audrey we better go." Snape said as he entered the room.

"But Grandfather! Can't I go to?" Anastasia asked with a pout as she crossed her arms. Snape chuckled lightly.

"Anastasia, this is for work and it could get dangerous." Snape said. Anastasia sighed.

"Come on dad, why won't we bring her to Diagon Alley first then we can have Tom watch over her while we go to work." Audrey suggested as she crossed her legs.

"Please." Anastasia said with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I give up! Get dressed you two." Snape said as he rolled his eyes but a small smile crept on his face giving him away. Anastasia let out a happy squeal before bounding up the stairs. Audrey stood up and kissed Snape on the cheek.

"Thanks dad. Harry would have done the same." Audrey said softly pain swimming in her eyes. She turned around and headed up the stairs as well to get dressed.

A while later Audrey and Anastasia walked hand in hand towards the Quidditch store while Snape followed them. Suddenly a group of wizards wearing masks and black cloaks appeared in the middle of the road.

"Anastasia!" Audrey shouted as one of the wizards pulled her away from Anastasia.

"Mum!" Anastasia cried out as Snape pulled her into the shop.

"NO!" Were Audrey's last words before a hand clamped over her map and dragged her into a dark alley.