The Christian at Hogwarts

Directors' cut/commentarys

Authors note: It's been awhile since I've updated; and though this suits me, as it gives me time to work on other, newer, better stories, I've noticed it Irritates my Fluffy Pagan friend.

(FPG: Yeah No Shite! Don't edit my words, I said Shit, Goddamn it. Finally I've pissed Tanja off enough to persuade her to write more.)

Yes, you have.

(FPG:Why now? And not the two months I bugged you at Sykes?)

I'm feeling gracious today.

(FPG: This is me, Feeling Blessed.)


(FPG: it's nice to know that after all this time, I can still scare you.)

Not scare...disturb...but you've always been good at that.

(FPG: *bows Deeply* Thank you, Thank you...)

Anyhoo, a Chick (I guess it was a Chick, Mina sounds Chickish) requested that I pick on her next. However, she gave me absolutely no information about herself, so we're going to spin the wheel of religion to decide on a religion for her.

(FPG: can I spin the wheel?)

I suppose.

(FPG: WOOT!!! *Spins wheel* I'd like to buy a vowel, Alex.)

you're Watching TV as we're spinning the wheel, aren't you?

(FPG: *quickly turns off TV* Um...No, Of course not.)

-the wheel slows to a stop, landing on Astrau

(FPG: who the hell was that?)

-It is I, the Narriator.

(FPG: Not his dumb ass again?)

-Yes, it is my Dumb Ass again.

Schweet, Mina is Astrau.

(FPG: Isn't that Odinism?)

Yesh. Okay, So Dear Mina is a Servant of the Gods of Sex, Beer, and Warfare. Schweet!

(FPG: Mmmm....Sex....)

So, since she's odinist, I'll translate her name into runic to choose her personality.

M: Becomes Mannaz: the self.

I: Becomes Isa Ice, Freezing, frozen/standstill

N: Becomes Nauthiz: Constraint, Pain.

A: becomes Ansuz.: Signals, Loki, Randomness.

So basically, Mina is one who tends to get a little conceited, though conceited is a harsh word to use. She has a standstill in her life, and feels drained, probably due to a problem going on, which is signified with Nauthiz...but Loki's watching over her, making sure she keeps things random and fun, with all the bad schtuff going on.

(FPG: Tanja, you're a freak. You just translated her name. YOU FIXED THE WHEEL, GOD DAMN IT!) that, moving on!

Way awesome chapter girly...OH! In future chapter, yeah I know bad English; it's 11:08 pm and i'm tried anyway, in a future have her become totally accepting for her witchy abilities AND have a surprise Parents' Day or something and have the show up at school, or better yet have her get caught reading some magic book over X-mas break at her home.


Severus enters his office, Quietly followed by Jeni, Tanja, Jennifer, Cait, Brandi and Karyn. Karyn shut the door behind them, as the girls walked towards their seats.

The six girls take their seats, just as Shane and Mina come Crashing through the door, Mina looked mortified at being late. Severus looked cruely down at the two, though Shane was unphased, he grinned happily at Severus and took his seat. however Mina was frozen in mid step.

The girl is medium height, much like the rest of the girls, and she has short black hair, with green eyes. Mina wore a Gryffindor school uniform, and carried a 15 inch, Oak wand with a cherry handle, and a unicorn tail core. She blinked at Snape, still frozen in fear.

"You, Who are you?" He asked quickly. "These six I know, for they have long tormented me. But you I have never seen before."

"My name Mina, Professor." Mina quietly replied, staring up at the professor.

"And why have you entered my Chambers unannounced?"

"Um...because He came in?" Mina used her wand to point at Shane.

"He was Invited. You, however, were not."


"Excuse me?" Snape asked, standing to his feet.

"If he is Invited, so am I." Mina sneered at the professor. Who gave Tanja a quick glare before turning back to Mina. The Professor stepped up to the small girl, His cold black eyes swept up the girls form, starting at her feet.

"why are you here?" Severus asked.

"I want to join the insanity. I want to laugh at stupid people."

"Look in a Mirror." Brandi commented quietly, causing herself, Jennifer and Cait to immediately break into giggles.

"I see Stupid people. And they annoy me." Shane commented. "Can I Kill Mina?" his eyes sparkled menacingly, Hopefully.

Mina's eyes grew wide, and she turned to the short man, with a thick black gotee and long black hair. He was dressed from head to foot in black clothing, including a black leather trenchcoat, black leather doc martians with shining silver spikes protruding from them, black shorts, just past his knees, and a black "Punisher" Shirt.

"I see no reason not to." Severus muttered, turning back towards his desk.

"YUSH!" Shane Cheered, then fell serious, clearing his throat. "Allow me to take this moment to thank Satan for his inspiration for what I am about to do." Grinning widely, he retrieved two chopsticks from his cargo pockets, and lept over the desk he and the girls sat at.

"AHHH!" Mina Shrieked, turning quickly. Her Robes swirled out behind her as she ran. Closer and closer to the door, almost free from the classroom, before WHAM! She hit an invisible field and smacked to the floor, her head making a sickening twack against the cold stone.

"Oh dear." Snape commented, slowly putting his wand away as he sat down. "It seems someone has placed a Shielding charm on the door, sealing off the exit."

The entire room erupted with laughter, Shane stopped, standing just above the fallen Mina.

She opened her eyes slowly, though they shot open when she realized how close shane was. Quickly mina climbed to her feet, and fell into a defensive stance. To which shane laughed loudly at the girl.

"You are kidding...Right?" Shane grinned, falling into his own martial arts stance. "Fine."

Mina glared at Shane through narrowed eyes.

"You Cold, evil man." She hissed.

"You forgot heartless." Shane grinned.

Mina threw a hard right snap kick to shanes chest, but the man ducked under her foot, grabbed her left leg, and flipped her onto her back. It was as though she was expecting, and wanting this, as her wand was out. As he threw back his head to laugh, she cast expelliarmus at Shane, sending him flying across the room, to crash on top of Snapes desk.

the professor lept to his feet to evade Shane, while the rest of the room cheered.

"Woot! Go Muggle!" Jeni yelled.

"Go Shane!" Cait disagreed. then shrugged at Karyn, who looked at her sternly. "What? No one ever cheers for the bad guy."

"Shanes a bad guy?" Jeni asked. "i thought he was comic relief?"

"No, he's comic Death. Like Loki, only there was no falling from grace for him. he started out wickedly evil, and got worse from there." Tanja quipped.

Shane jumped back onto his feet, and glared at the small girl.

"Thats Enough, Shane." Tanja growled. the black haired man turned to face Tanja and glared at her. She was uneffected, however, and smiled sweetly at him. "You may continue tormenting her tomorrow. for the rest of our show today, Severus has requested to have a few moments to say his peace."

"His peace?" Cait raised her eyes and looked at Severus. "that man has Peace?"

"Inspired." Severus returned coldly. "I merely wish to comment on the lack of Literary Drive of the author. rather then persue her stories, so that we might have closure to the Christian at Hogwarts, she spends her days rambling about in that pathetic Potter RPG."

"What's wrong with that?" Tanja Shrugged.

"I have already stated the problem with it!" Severus snapped. "Are you so dense that you are unable to comprehende the simplest of statements?"

"Woah, Tanja, he's beating you down." cait whispered.

"Yeah? No shit Cait." Tanja remarked. "Of course i understand your statements. I was only trying to make a joke."

"Your Jokes are like your sushi. dry and sour."

"Hey, what's wrong with my sushi, bitch?" Tanja yelped, standing up.

"Um, hello? I thought this chapter was about me?" Mina asked meekly.

"Mina, sit down, before you get hurt." Jeni whispered, pulling the girl by her robes to get her to sit down.