Life's Like This

Summary: Dorothy is kidnapped and when she wakes up, she finds out that a scientist has tested a procedure on her - a procedure that turns androids human. But the procedure has a side effect - memory loss. R&R please!

Rating: PG, might change.

Notes: Some people debate whether Dorothy can sleep or not. I say she can. I mean, machines need rest too. Plus, what else does she do all night? Okay? Okay. 'Blah' means thoughts.

Disclaimer: I own squat of Big O. Squat. So there.

~Chapter One~

'It works!'

The man with graying hair grinned at the clear potion in the beaker. "It works." he said aloud. It felt good to say it. He grinned again, and called "Henry!" His nervous, clumsy apprentice came running.

"Y- yes, Doctor?" he asked.

"It works, Henry."

"Th- that's great, boss."

"It sure is."

'I have finally succeeded. After so many years, I have finally done it. I have created life itself.'

He grinned again, and said, "Now all we need is somebody to use it on."

"Who wou- would that be, boss?"

"I have somebody in mind." The man said, grinning again.


Roger Smith yawned, propping his legs on the table.

"Roger, it's bad manners to put your feet on the table." Dorothy's monotone voice came through his tired ears.

Roger smirked. "Somehow, I knew you were going to say that. Sorry, it's been a long day."

"Shouldn't you go to bed then Roger?" Dorothy asked.

"Yeah, but what's the point when I'll just be awakened early in the morning to your piano playing."

'Is that a smirk on her face?' he wondered. 'God, maybe I should go to be. Now I'm seeing things.'

"Well, goodnight Dorothy," he said quickly to his android friend before heading off to bed.

"Dorothy, will you be retiring soon also?" Norman asked the red-haired android.

"Yes, Norman, I think I will go now." She replied.

"Goodnight Dorothy."

Dorothy lay on her large bed, thinking.

'Does Roger only see me as a mere android? What if I were human? Would Roger love me if I were human?'

Dorothy shook her head and manually put herself to sleep.

Later, in the Smith Mansion.

Two men in black clothing from head to toe crept silently through the mansion.

"This is perfect, boss. We blend right in!" Henry said enthusiastically.

"Shh! Quiet! An android's ears are sensitive." The older man hissed at his young apprentice.

They crept silently towards Dorothy's room. The old scientist walked towards her bed and just as he had pushed her CD case/headband open, Henry fell on the floor and created a very loud THUD.

Dorothy's eyes snapped open, but the scientist quickly whipped out a small pair of scissors from his pocket and snipped a wire inside her CD case. Her eyes closed again as she fell back against her bed.

"What'd you do, boss?" Henry asked.

"Cut her awakening system. She won't wake again until the procedure is complete. Now, help me carry her. She's quite heavy."

They soon arrived at the hidden building, which covered their laboratory, and Dorothy was soon on an operating table.

The old scientist grinned as he took the liquid in his hands and began to work.

The next morning.

"Are ya gonna wake her up now, boss?" A familiar voice asked, awakening the old scientist who was sleeping in a chair.

"Yes. Yes, Henry. The procedure was successful." He grinned a tired grin, as he had been working most of the night.

He walked towards the girl lying on the table, and turned off the anesthesia.

A/n: Cliffhanger! Just for now. I like to leave you in suspense for awhile. Remember to please review! I accept anonymous ones! :D