Fic title: That's Forbidden Chapter title: Arrival This chapter's rating: PG Pairings: none as of yet (there will be a lot of pairings eventually though) Warnings: none as of yet (there will be yaoi, yuri, and even some het later) Chapter summary: Sasuke arrives at his aunt Akuba's house after his parents death. Disclaimer: . do I have to say it? I don't own Naruto, but I do own Akuba uh.. yay?

~Ages~ Sasuke: 16 Naruto: 15 Akuba: Unknown.. any suggestions?

~Name guide~ Naruto Uzumaki (nothing changes here.) Sasuke Uzumaki (his brother gets the last name Itachi since in this fic, they aren't related) Akuba Kaidou (Akuba: mean old woman Kaidou: church, chapel, synagogue, tabernacle)

~Thanks to~ s.S. for helping me out a bit deciding on different couples and stuff like that. Kelsey for listening to me complain about not being able to write and other stuff like that. *huggles both s.S. and Kelsey then hands s.S. Itachi in a school girl outfit and hands Kelsey Naruto who is turned into a chibi fox*

~Things used in this fic~ "Speech" 'Thoughts' (Translations to what Naruto says sometimes) ---Time and scene change---

Felicia: I hope you all like this fic, I think it'll turn out to be a pretty good fic once it gets going a bit more and you start to see all the drama, humor, angst, and other stuff I have planned. Well, enjoy!

Sasuke was starring out the window of an old, but still nice looking cream- colored car as his aunt, well great aunt Akuba drove them to her house. He was never really fond of the old woman because she was so strict, uptight, and stuff like that. Not to mention, she was one of those I am holier then thou church people. Unfortunately, he was stuck with her now since she was basically his only living relative that was willing to take him in.

They soon arrived at Akuba's house. Once there, Sasuke retrieved his bags and stuff from the trunk of his great aunt's car. He then followed Akuba up to her big old house.

As soon as they were inside, Akuba called out, "Naruto, come down here and say hello to your cousin."

That's when Sasuke felt what he thought was an earthquake, but was in fact, his cousin running down the stairs.

Once Naruto had reached the bottom of the stairs, he lunged himself at Sasuke and glomped him while yelling, "Sasuke-chan! Sasuke-chan!! Sasuke- chan!!! Howhaveyoubeen?? Howlongareyoustaying?? Didyougetanewhaircut?? Whathaveyoubeenupto?? YoulookdifferentfromwhenIlastsawyou! Wehavesomuchtocatchupon!!!"

(translation of what Naruto just said: Sasuke-chan! Sasuke-chan!! Sasuke- chan!!! How have you been?? How long are you staying?? Did you get a new haircut?? What have you been up to?? You look different from when I last saw you! We have so much to catch up on!!!)

Sasuke was blue and looked about ready to pass out due to lack of oxygen when Akuba intervened and said, "Now Naruto, let your cousin breath and show him up to his room."

"OK!" Naruto yelled then grabbed hold of Sasuke's arm and literally drug him up the stairs and into a room that was big, but not that big. He then finally released Sasuke and stated, "This will be your room! My room is right down the hall. The second door on the left going that way in fact." The yellow haired boy pointed in the direction of his room then to one of the doors in Sasuke's room then said, "That door there leads to the bathroom we are going to share. The door in between our two rooms is just a closet though, and we can only get to our bathroom from our bedrooms..."

Naruto had continued talking about only God knows what, but Sasuke didn't hear him since he had decided to tune his overly talkative cousin out. The black haired teenager then became wrapped up in his own thoughts, 'I didn't think it was possible... but Naruto has actually gotten more annoying then he was the last time I was around him. God... Doesn't he ever shut up?!' Sasuke would of continued with his thoughts, but Naruto had once again latched onto him and was now hugging him tightly.

"I'm sooo glad you're here Sasuke! I missed you so much! Not to mention being stuck here alone with that old had really, really sucks!" Naruto then let go of his cousin and said, "Well, I need to go and take a shower now. So.. see ya later cuz!" He then took off out of Sasuke's room and headed to his own, skipping slightly.

Sasuke just stood there for a second, blinking. He then sighed slightly and set his bags down on the bed before taking a look around his new room.

After Sasuke had looking around his new room, he began unpacking. He had gotten most of his things put away when he came across a picture of him and his parents. A sigh pass through his lips as he looked at the almost mirror image of himself in the picture. The only difference between the two of them was that the image of him in the picture was smiling widely, whereas he now was frowning.

There was then a knock at the door so Sasuke slid the picture into his bag that he had taken it out of. "Who is it?" He asks while looking at his bedroom door.

The door was then flung open and revealed Naruto whole was only in a towel. Naruto grinned sheepishly at his cousin before he says, "Don't mind me, I'm just passing through." He then walked over to the bathroom door and then went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

A few minutes later, Naruto opened the bathroom door then looked at his cousin and said, "Sorry about that cuz, I locked myself out of the bathroom." He then shut the door again.

'... He's such an idiot...' Sasuke thought to himself before going back to his unpacking and such.

After Sasuke was done unpacking, he heard his aunt call Naruto and himself down for dinner. As soon as he walked out of his bedroom door, Naruto came running by him, not even seeming to see him. He sighed at his cousin's actions then just decided to ignore him.

When Sasuke got down stairs and to the dinning room, he found his cousin already at the table and his aunt bringing in their dinner. Sasuke then went over to the place set next to Naruto that he assumed was set for him.

Naruto smiled up at his cousin and said, "Hurry up and set down so we can eat!"

---After dinner---

Sasuke set on his bed, absently starring out the window next to it and enjoying the peace and quiet. That's when there was a knock at the door and Naruto's voice saying, "Sasuke-chan! Can I come iii~iin?"

After sighing slightly, Sasuke mutter a quiet 'yes.'

The door then burst opened and Naruto bonded in, shutting the door behind him. He then plopped down on the bed next to his dark haired cousin. "So, are you ready to start school this Monday? I'm not! I just hate school sooooo much! It's so... so.... boring! Yeah! That's it! Boring!"

Sasuke just starred at his cousin, not bothering to answer his question since he doubted his blue-eyed cousin would actually pay any attention to him anyway.

"Anyway," Naruto continued, forgetting that he had even asked 'Sasuke-chan' a question, "I'm sure this year will just be tons of fun since we'll be in the same grade and hopefully we'll have a lot of the same classes and stuff!"

Naruto continued to babble while Sasuke just zoned out. 'God.... I hope he doesn't act like this all the time...'

The older of the two boys in the room was then jarred from his thoughts when his yellow haired cousin shook him while saying, "Sasuke-chan? You alright? You like zoned out on me."

Sasuke blinked then nodded he was ok.

"Good. So anyway, the old hag said we get to go to the mall tomorrow and get some new clothes and stuff for school. She's even letting us go by ourselves if we promise to be good and stuff and then pick us up after we're done."

After the younger of the two had said that, he grinned widely, obviously exited.

The other boy nodded slight so his cousin would know he had heard him. He then asked, "What time are we going to leave?"

"Oh, we have to be ready to go by eleven."

"Alright." Sasuke said quietly. "Shouldn't we both be getting to bed then?"

Naruto blinked. "Yeah, I guess so.... Well, I'll see you in the morning then!" He said then gave his cousin a big hug before running off to his own room, shutting the door to Sasuke's behind him after he had left.

Sasuke fell back onto his bed, sighing slight in relief. 'Thank God that worked.'

Felicia: Ok, there it is, the first chapter. I'm tempted to ask for at least 10 reviews before I continue so I know I'll have at least some time.. but I won't be that hopefully and just ask for at least um. 8? Ok.. how about 5? Anyway, make sure you check out my other fics too, and website, Hell Is For Children (which now has a fanfiction contest on it, the Oh Sensei fanfiction contest).