The One I Love the Most: Romance/Action/Drama Rating: PG

Summary: Sakura and Syaoran, after being separated for 3 years are reunited at Hogwarts. Both Sakura and Syaoran are really popular there. Mix the Harry Potter cast, the CCS cast with loads of jealousy, 5 new Sakura cards, Lord Voldemort and a new and more powerful enemy (though maybe not as powerful as Sakura is), what will happen?

AN/ The CCS cast and HP cast are all 16 year olds. And, well, as much as I don't want to admit it, CCS nor HP is mine. CCS belongs to CLAMP and HP belongs to J.K. Rowling. Have fun reading this, and please don't send me any flames. Oh yeah, very sappy also. I'm good at sappy stuff, why I'm like that, I haven't got a clue...Well, have fun!!!

Chapter One: Him


She had grown to love him over the years, but she never let him know. Now he was gone for 3 years already, and she didn't know if he was coming back. 16 year old Sakura Kinomoto skated down the street on her way home as she thought about him.


Ever since he left, she changed. No more was the sweet innocent happy girl they used to know. She became a loner, cold and silent, vowing never to love again. She still smiled, but she didn't show her true smile. She didn't think that she ever would again. Everyone tried to help, her family and friends, but they could not comfort her in any way. For Touya, even teasing Sakura had no more appeal. She smiled when they were all around, but cried like there was no more tomorrow when their backs were turned. She became someone she was never meant to be.

She was leaving in a week to go to London. She received a letter inviting her to a boarding school called Hogwarts and Tomoyo and Eriol were going as well. They were going to be accelerated to 6th year due to their advanced level of magic. She wanted to leave for London as soon as she could. She wanted to get away from Japan, from Tomoeda, from the people that still called her friends, away from memories of him.


Her thoughts rested on him again as she walked into her room. She fell in love with him while they went cardcaptoring, but she didn't realize it before he left. She lay down on her bed and took the picture on her night table. Silent crystal tears leaked out of those emerald eyes as she looked at the same chestnut-haired boy and into those amber eyes which she still loved so. She tried so hard to forget him, to move on. But to no avail did it happen. She loved him far too much to possibly forget all about him. Crying softly on her pillows, she remembered all those precious moments which they shared every one of those memories still vibrant in her mind.

The week passed quite uneventfully, and soon, it was time for her to leave for London. She hoped that once at Hogwarts, maybe she could forget her pain. Eriol was their guide because he still had Clow's memories and he attended Hogwarts before. Sakura, Tomoyo and Eriol teleported to Diagon Alley. Because they had the gift of sorcery and witchcraft, they need not heed the rules of the Ministry of Magic. They each got some of the money left to them by Clow Reed who anticipated their arrival at Hogwarts. They then bought the things they needed before going to buy a wand. Finally, they went to Ollivander's to get their wands. Tomoyo got a wand made of violet roots, unicorn tail, 10 ½ inches, supple. Eriol got one made from sunflower roots, unicorn tail with dragon heartstring, 11 inches, springy. However, when Mr. Ollivander got to Sakura...

"Welcome Ms. Kinomoto, please hold out your wand arm."

Sakura did as she was told and held out her right arm, then Mr. Ollivander started taking her measurements. Then, he handed Sakura wand after wand, trying to find the proper wand for the cards mistress, however all the wands were too weak for her amount of power. She had tried nearly all the wands in the store and the entire store was in disarray. Thankfully, there was only one wand left to try.

"Here," said Mr. Ollivander, exhausted from all the wand trying out Sakura did. "This is the last one. It's made out of cherry wood, mixed with cherry blossom sap, phoenix tail feather dipped in peony dust, 10 inches and good at anything at all. Please give it a wave, Ms. Kinomoto." Sakura took the wand and she immediately felt a strong surge of power at her fingertips, something she had not felt in any of the wands she tried. She waved it around and instantly, the store became neat and clean with aroma of cherry blossoms in the air.

"Dear me, I never thought that would happen..." muttered Mr. Ollivander, not intending for the others to hear, but Sakura heard him. Since her magic allowed her to speak and understand English, she knew perfectly well everything that the old man was saying.

"What has happened sir?"

Sighing in defeat, he realized that he could not hide it from her. "That wand was the very first wand I ever made."

"And? What's so special about it?" asked Tomoyo.

"That wand is the most powerful wand in any wand maker's store. I never thought that anyone would be able to contain its power. I gave up on selling that wand years ago. Only once before Ms. Kinomoto was there someone that seemed to be able to handle it, but alas, it was still too powerful for him."

"May I ask who that person was, Mr. Ollivander?" piped up Tomoyo.

"That person was...Clow Reed. But it was still a bit strong for him. Usually, this particular wand would dash away or cause harm if anyone went near it besides me. I remember that it stayed in Clow's hands for quite a while, and then it ran away. This wand is also the only wand with a twin. The only difference between the 2 is that one is made of cherry wood, yours Ms. Kinomoto, and the other was made of ash and peony roots. I already sold it 3 years ago."

"Who bought it, sir?" asked Eriol.

"Sorry Mr. Hiiragizawa, that's confidential information. There's no telling what one can do with knowledge of another's wand."

"But Mr. Ollivander, if this really is the most powerful wand in the history of wand making, am I like the most powerful sorceress in Britain?" asked Sakura.

"No, but if you learn your magic well and use it for good, you will become the most powerful magical being that will ever walk this earth!"

Everyone gasped at his Mr. Ollivander's comment. Who would've thought that their kawaii love sick little Sakura-chan would become the most powerful magical being ever? They paid Mr. Ollivander and thanked him for everything. They left and got packed for they would be leaving for King's Cross Station soon.

As they entered the train, Tomoyo and Eriol left to find a compartment, but Sakura continued on by herself. She really just wanted a little bit of privacy. She found a compartment and sat inside it. As soon as she sat down, she started crying. She wanted someone to be there with her, she wanted him.


She had been thinking about him more lately. She smiled her first true smile in years as she remembered how dense she was not to realize his feelings. Then she once again realized that she never told him that she loved him, she began to cry when the door slid open.

There stood 2 boys and 1 girl. The first boy with flaming red hair was about to speak when he stopped as he looked at her dumbfounded. The second boy with black hair and glasses seemed to have fallen under the same condition. Apparently they were too astounded at the beauty sitting in the compartment to speak and of course, Sakura was too dense to notice them staring. The girl with bushy brown hair finally stepped forward and said "Would you mind if we sat here with you?"

Sakura glared at her. "Go away."

The boys snapped back into reality. "But everywhere else is full. Please?" Begged the boy with flaming red hair.

"No it's not my problem. Go away."

'Geez, she's mean enough to be a Slytherin. But she's REALLY hot...' thought the 2 boys.

"Are you a first year then?" asked the girl. "You look old enough to be 16."

"I am 16. I'm transferring into 6th year from...well, nowhere. Now go away."

"Please???" they all asked.

"No, get out now."


"FINE! Get in!" said Sakura. She wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone.

They sat in silence. Then Sakura, feeling the tension started a conversation. If she was going to try to start anew, she had to try make more friends that can help her forget her sadness.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I acted rashly. I was in a bad mood earlier. Hi, my name's Sakura Kinomoto, nice to meet you." Said Sakura as she stuck out her hand to shake with the bushy haired girl

"Hermione Granger, nice to meet you too." Said the girl as she shook Sakura's hand.

"I'm Ron Weasley" said the red-haired boy.

"And I," interrupted the boy with glasses "am Harry Potter. The 3 of us are Gryffindor 6th years."

"It's nice to meet you, Ron, Harry." Said Sakura as she nodded her head in acknowledgement of Harry and Ron. Due to Sakura's lack of reaction, Ron burst out "Don't you know who he is???"

"Not really. Why? Am I supposed to know him? Is he some British rock star or something?" asked Sakura, who didn't know a thing about Harry.

Harry and Hermione burst out laughing. Ron jut sat and stared in disbelief. He didn't know what a rock star was.

"Where are you from, Sakura?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"I'm from Tomoeda, Japan"

"No wonder!" exclaimed Hermione. "Ron, Sakura's from Japan so how would she know about Harry?"

"Well, Yeah, but I don't know much about the west though and I'm not very strong..." muttered Sakura

"Don't be modest Sakura! I'm assuming that you are really strong to be transferred into 6th year right away!" exclaimed Hermione.

"But even so...I don't know much about was it called? 'Wizarding World'. Sorry about not knowing about whatever you went through, Harry." Sakura apologized.

"It's alright Sakura! Since you don't know much about me-I mean us, we'll educate you!" said Harry because he wanted to impress Sakura. They began telling her about the Boy Who Lived. The candy trolley (AN/ Is that what it's called?) came and they bought some sweets. Sakura merely smiled and nodded every now and then. What Harry was able to accomplish wasn't really much compared to what the one she loved could do.


"Um...I'm sorry to break up this party, but I'm kinda distracted right now. I just want to rest right now. I had a really long flight from Japan." Lied Sakura. They believed her anyway.

"Okay." Said the trio in unison.

Sakura looked out the window thinking about her new friends. She wasn't comfortable with telling them about him.


She had been thinking about him a lot lately. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she stop thinking about him? 'I love him too much to do that.' She thought. She then realized that Harry and Ron were staring at her.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Harry and Ron suddenly realized that she saw them staring at her. They looked down at the floor and blushed really hard.

"Never mind, it's alright. I got that a lot back in Japan."

Ron then finally decided to ask Sakura the question he was dying to ask.

"Um...Sakura?" "Hmm?"

"Do a boyfriend?"

Sakura froze at his question. Ron's question reminded her of him, the one thing she's been trying to forget. She sighed and looked out the window.

"I don't know." She finally replied after a few minutes, then she continued her story. "I'm not sure right now. I thought that I used to but he left me a while ago to study and he hasn't written to me or even c-called. I don't even know where he went. He...he told me that he l-loved me, b-but...I think he f-forgot about me. He's...he's gone." She said as she choked back the tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't want to think about him anymore, but apparently, his memory wouldn't let her.

"Can I ask who..." began Hermione.

"Don't ask." Sakura then glared at Hermione. She wiped her eyes and she turned away again to look out the window and to think of Him. "Sakura..." muttered Hermione as she thought of comforting her.

"Sorry for making you worry Hermione, I'm alright. It's just that I miss him, that's all. I won't cry now." said Sakura as she smiled her best so that Hermione or the others wouldn't be able to notice how much she really missed him. She then went back to staring out the window. All of a sudden the compartment opened. Sakura didn't turn to look at who entered, but a conversation began anyway.

"Hey! Where have you been? We've been waiting in this compartment with a new friend." It was Harry who said that.

"Hi, I've been busy jinxing Slytherins with Fred and George's new tricks. I bought them last week and they have really cool effects. Goyle's ears were flowing with earwax all over Malfoy and I had to hightail it out of there before they could find out that it was I who did it." The newcomer laughed along with the other three. "Oh yeah, by the way, who's your new friend?" asked the newcomer. Sakura froze when she heard that voice. She'd know that voice anywhere in the world. She slowly turned to look at the new guy. He looked about 16, he had chestnut hair and amber eyes. Those eyes looked so much like...



To Be Continued...

AN: Cool!!! Well, how did you like it? Come on, it's not that bad! This is still the first chapter, but I promise, more to come and I'll make it longer! R+R, okay? If you have comments that you don't want to be seen on the review board, e-mail me at: [email protected]. If you'll leave me your e-mail address, I'll e-mail you as soon as I update my fic and website, okay? See ya!
