Yay! I'm finally back! *Curses under breath about homework* so, here's the next chapter. Wait. Piccolo? Where did he go?

Disclaimer: *You see me walking in with Piccolo behind me* Sorry everyone, but SOMEONE didn't want to come today.

*Piccolo curses under his breath*

What was that?

Piccolo: Nothing. 'You spoiled brat.'

Me: Good. Say the disclaimer.

Piccolo: Sue her. NO! I mean, she doesn't own DBZ or anything really, so don't sue her. She doesn't really own anything. *Snickers*

Chapter two: Last straw

Gohan slowly opened his eyes. He was still in the woods with Piccolo. Piccolo was busy over by a campfire. Gohan sat up and Piccolo's cape fell off of him. He stood up and walked up to Piccolo.


"Hey kid," Piccolo said ruffling Gohan's hair.

Gohan smiled at Piccolo before looking up at the sky. It was a dark gray. Somehow, Gohan could feel it was going to storm.

Piccolo seemed to feel it too, because he stood up and looked at the sky.

"Feels like rain huh?" Piccolo asked.

"Yeah, sure does."

As if it knew that they were expecting it, the clouds opened up and rain came pelting down.

Piccolo grabbed his cape and threw it over the two of them, and they left and found their way to a cave.

By the time they got in, the both of them were laughing. It was the first true laugh Gohan had had in awhile.

"Well, that cape didn't help us much did it?" Piccolo asked grinning. He threw the cape in a corner of the cave before looking over to Gohan.

"No, it didn't," he said laughing. He looked down and saw he was soaked. He didn't mind. It WAS summer after all.

Piccolo seemed happy that Gohan was smiling again. (Well DUH!) 'Good to see his mind off Goku for a bit. But how long will it last?'

Piccolo brushed off these thoughts as Gohan got up and looked at his clothes.

"I'm not going home at LEAST until these dry," Gohan said grinning.

'That makes sense,' thought Piccolo. 'Chi-Chi would kill him. Ha.'

So they spent the day just sitting around talking and sparring. They sparred a lot, and eventually the rain stopped.

"Hey look, the rain stopped," Gohan said, as Piccolo gave him a hand to help him up.

"Yeah and your clothes are dry too," Piccolo said smiling. The two of them walked through the woods, just talking and enjoying the sites around them. Neither of them had been there in a long time.

The two of them came to a small river. Gohan leaned over it and looked at his reflection. Then he jumped in.

Piccolo looked after him a moment before smirking. 'If he didn't just do that so he didn't have to go home, than I'm a human.'

Piccolo watched Gohan for awhile, before finally saying," I think your clothes are wet Gohan."

Gohan smiled sheepishly before jumping back out. "Good. That's what I was going for."

Piccolo shook his head and they left to make camp.

Gohan all in all spent about a week with Piccolo. They talked, sparred, just sat around, sparred, ate and slept, and sparred some more. It was a good week for Gohan. But he knew he had to get back soon. His mother was sure to be worried by now..even though she always seemed unhappy..

So, that day Gohan said goodbye to Piccolo and headed home.

Piccolo had a feeling Chi-Chi wouldn't be happy with Gohan, so he slowly followed behind.

When Gohan got home, he found his mother.

"And just where have you been?" Chi-Chi asked, coldness in her voice. That tone sent shivers up Gohan's spine.

"No-nowhere. Just with Piccolo," he answered back nervously.

Chi-Chi turned around. "Oh! I should have known! With that green monster again!" Chi-Chi's eyes were full of fire as she said that.

"Monster? Monster! Listen mom, I know I left but Piccolo is not a monster! He's the best friend I've ever had!"

"That monster has got you to care about your training more than your studies!" Chi-Chi spat angrily.

"MOM! It doesn't matter! He's my best friend ever! How can you be so mean?"

"I just want what's best for my son! You go around, sneaking out to be with him! What if one night he decided he didn't like you anymore and killed you?"

"Piccolo would never do that! I can't believe you would say something like that!"

Piccolo could hear everything that was being said, or rather yelled. He felt a stab of anger at Chi-Chi's words, but stayed near the window, not going anywhere.

"It's easy! He's a monster Gohan! He was born evil and he will hurt you one of these days! He's from another planet!"

"Dad is from another planet! Dad was born evil! Look at him now!" Gohan yelled.

Piccolo was startled that Gohan had mentioned Goku. E shook it off though. Gohan was just trying to prove a point.

It made Piccolo feel good that Gohan was defending him like this. No one had ever defended him before.

"That's different!"

"No it's not!"

"As long as you're living under my roof you will not speak to Piccolo anymore!"

"Then I won't live under your roof!" Gohan yelled, and with that he flew outside.

Piccolo caught up to him. "Gohan, calm down."

Gohan stopped and looked at Piccolo. He had tears in his eyes and looked upset.

"Gohan, I think you're taking this a little to seriously. Now just calm down, and go talk to your mom about this. You can't live out here your whole life."

Gohan's eyes turned from sadness to anger. "So you don't want me either? FINE!" he yelled, turning super sayin two. He flew off, Piccolo flying after him.


There, I did it! It took me forever but I did it! Now..

Piccolo: Review.