Disclaimer: I don't own L&S. Maybe the little Japanese woman in my computer who keeps saying "Yo!" does. I'm serious about that. Anyone know what it is?

A/N: Another short chapter. Sorry! I have limited ideas.


        A month had passed since the night 188 died. Estelle's wounds had practically healed-except for a torn nerve in her leg. She still walked with a limp. Knowing 188 was gone forever helped to heal the mental wounds. The key word being "helped." She was still shaken up.

        188's death had taken some strain off 147 too. She had avenged Experiment 24's death once and for all. Now she could concentrate on her new life with Stitch. Lilo had persuaded her sister to take in another alien as a pet. If she wanted to, she could probably convince her to take in a dozen.

       "What are you doing?" Lilo asked one night when she found them both pouring over books.

       "Looking up a name for 147," Stitch replied.

       "So far we've narrowed it down to..." 147 read off a list. "Gypsy, Zora, or Raven. I like Raven."

      "But ravens are black. You're white!" Lilo pointed out. 147 snorted and playfully tossed her a book.

      "You can stand there finding fault or you can help us!"

      Stitch thumbed through a leather bound book, not really bothering to hold back a smile. He listened to the two toss names to each other. 147 had changed. She wasn't as rude or snippy as she was when she'd arrived. As Lilo would say, "her badness level has gone down a lot." 147 loved her ohana and Stitch admitted he might be starting to love 147.

      "Danuta," he said out of the blue.

      "Bless you."

      "No, it's a name. See?" He placed the book in front of Lilo and 147 and pointed to one. "It's Polish. It means Little Deer."

     "I am not a little deer!" 147 said indignantly.

      Lilo and Stitch looked at each other, then back at 147. "Yes you are!" They said in unison, stifling laughter.

      147 looked at the name in the book, thought for a minute, and nodded. "Ok, call me Dana!"


      Down the road, Estelle was stargazing. Once she would have taken a walk, but her new fear of the night ruled that out. Her crippled paw didn't help matters either. Earth vets were idiots when it came to healing nerves. Sometimes the thought would just sink in, leaving her miserable. Like tonight.

     Lost in thought, even her abnormally powerful hearing couldn't detect the footsteps behind her. Not until she felt arms wrap around her.

     "How long have you been watching me?"

     "Since the dawn of time," Ozzy said. "Still feeling bad about your bum leg?"

     Estelle nodded.

      Ozzy sat down beside her. Estelle was staring off into space. With her limp, slightly twisted leg and sad expression, Ozzy found it painful to remember when she was 600-the experiment he'd come to earth with, the one who would smack him, the one he annoyed back on Turo. She looked worn and tired...a lot like 188 had when he was dying.

     "If it'll make you feel better, you can punch me in the face."

     "Punching you isn't going to make me happy."

     "It used to! I just don't want to find you hanging yourself from a rafter or something. Give me some sign you're sane!"

     Estelle sighed. "Is this how you pictured married life?"

     "Yep, pretty much. Except we drove around in a van solving mysteries," Ozzy replied, not able to resist a sarcastic comment.

     Estelle couldn't help smiling. She was starting to remember why she fell in love with Ozzy in the first place. He made her laugh in times like this. She was crippled-but that didn't mean she couldn't live a long, pointless life.

     188's visit to Kauai had been terrible. But good things had come out of it. 147-now known as Dana-had a home. 24 had been avenged. Countless other lives had been saved by 188's death. After realizing what Ozzy had done, Estelle felt closer than ever to him. Things had changed. But as Nani once said, sometimes things changed for the better.


    One more creature was thinking hard that night. But not on Hawaii. Not even on earth.

    Millions of light years away, on the beaches of a little ocean planet, a strange creature started at the distant blue star known as earth.

    The creature was tired of the stories. He wanted to find out who his father was. And if there was an answer, he knew he'd find it there.

     THE END

  Well, that proves it! I'm not good at endings or casual conversations. Oh well! I can't say too much, or KS will smack me with the voice of reason! *Hides from reason*.         

  I'll just go over the prequel to this (which will partially explain who that mystery creature at the end is) and then put it up.

Aloha for now!