Vegeta ½


a Goku and Vegeta buddy fic




Basically a one-shot that got separated into three parts, partially because I've got a headache and partially because my mother is an overbearing jerk, among some other things that I can not put up because FF . net  will probably suspend me…. grr… and here I was so worried about her. Guess that teaches me… but I digress.

Bleh! And if that isn't enough, this chapter got deleted earlier, so now I have to rewrite the whole thing. Here goes nothing!


Disclaimer: camera points to a stage with a mike covered podium front and center: :mkh2 walks to the podium, taps on a mike: "Squuuueeeeeeaaaaaaalll!!" Eh heh, oops. Um, I'd just like to state for the record that, no, DragonballZ and related characters do not, I repeat, do not­ belong to me. They belong to the genius of Akira Toriyama. Thank you. :walks off stage: *squeak squeak squeak* Durn shoes!


In "Vegeta ½," Vegeta's day starts pretty normally, until he finds himself being talked into going to China with Goku for some sparring time, whereupon he falls into the cursed springs, turning into a girl. Poor 'Geta! What happens to the poor saiyajin no ouji? Will Goku spill the beans? Oh dear!


" " – denotes speech

' ' – denotes thinking.


Vegeta rolled about in bed, dangling an arm over the side before finally deciding to get up. "I'm tired but I can't sleep so I might as well get something to eat before I start training – just a light snack." Jumping into some clothes he had tossed over his chair the previous night, he headed down to the kitchen.

Two plates of bacon and eggs, three heaping stacks of pancakes with butter and syrup, eight slices of toast, two jugs of orange juice and milk respectively (no, not blended together! …ew) and one sunny-side up egg later, he got up to train, only to find Goku crouching down on the table to look at him.

"Hi 'Geta, had a snack, huh? You wanna go train?"

Vegeta blinked. "Kakkarrotto… what do you think you're doing on the kitchen table?"

Goku gave his trademark grin, complete with his patented "arm-behind-the-head" move. "Well, I used instant transmission and…"

"Never mind, that explains it."

"Yeah, and the butter stain on my knee."

Vegeta sweatdropped. "Right. … Why are you here?"

Goku grinned. "I wanna spar with you. I just heard about these great training grounds located in China and thought, hey, why not – sounds like fun! Plus, I hear there's lots of springs there. So, whaddya say?"

Vegeta glared for all of two seconds before shrugging. "Sure, I'd like a change of pace. Let me get into my training clothes."

"Here, 'Geta, try these on – Chichi made them!" Goku held out some blue clothes. ('Where was he hiding them,' thought Vegeta.) "I think they'll fit you – they're way too small for me and much, much too big for Gohan."

"Fine." Vegeta grabbed them. "I'll go cha—"

"Change when we get there! Let's go now!" Goku grabbed Vegeta's shirt near the shoulder and IT'd over to China. "Hey, this place is great!" he sheered.

Vegeta's eye twitched. "Well, that's swell, baka, but where am I supposed to change?" he growled, shaking the gi at Goku.

"…Um, right here?" Goku pointed to where Vegeta was standing.

"I will NOT have my royal self in a state of undress in front of YOUR baka third class self, Kakarrotto!" Vegeta shouted, desperately trying not to turn red. Taking deep breaths, he paused to think.

"I'll… go find a tree." He turned on his heel and stormed off.

Goku blinked. "What was that about?"


Goku and Vegeta, now in the blue gi, had walked over to a small building that was probably for information and asked where the training grounds were. The rotund man blinked at them before telling them where they were. They turned quickly and headed towards them, leaving the man far behind before he realized something.

"…and be careful not to fall in the springs!" he called, but it was too late they were gone.


"So Veggie, wanna practice with our balance on the poles?" Goku asked, floating above the springs, looking for a good place to spar. Vegeta, who was floating close to his side, snorted.

"Sure – just don't call me 'Veggie,' 'Bakarrotto,'" he glared. 'Honestly, it's bad enough he calls me 'Geta, does he really have to throw in "Veggie?"'

Goku grinned. "veggieveggieveggie!" he chirped before zooming down to the springs.

"Kakarrotto! You get back here!" yelled Vegeta, giving chase the the larger saiyan.

Goku landed almost daintily on one of the poles sticking out above the springs. "Hummnn, there sure are a lot of springs here, but what's with the poles? Well, they would do good for balance practice." Goku looked up to see Vegeta coming at him from only a few feet away.

"Kyaah?!" squawked Goku, who dashed off to the side. Vegeta's eyes widened in surprise at Goku's sudden movement and just as he turned, he splashed into the water, quickly sinking out of view.

"Waugh!" Goku blinked, darting away from the water that Vegeta had splashed up. "This is wet, isn't it? Whoa – looks cold." Goku hovered a bit over the pool of water when suddenly…

"Blaugh!" a shout rang out as a small figure burst out of the water. Goku jumped back, startled, which looked rather funny since he was already in mid air.

"Beh-lurgh!" the figure shook itself. Goku blinked in surprise. This couldn't be Vegeta… could it? That was the gi and the person definitely had Vegeta's hairstyle, albeit longer, but… Goku stared, scrutinizing the small person. This person was even smaller than Vegeta, the new gi hung loosely on the rather curvaceous (Goku noted with a blush) figure whereas on Vegeta it fit him to a 't'. Wait… that's a woman's body? But, Vegeta's a man… right? Goku continues to stare.

"Ick. This is wet, isn't it? Kakarrotto, I need new clothes," the definitely feminine voice called out then squeaked. The one in Vegeta's gi looked up, panicky. Was that… Vegeta?! It was his face, only… softer, fewer lines, fuller lips, larger eyes – definitely female.

"My voice!" Looks down. "My BODY!"


End part 1

Ow, my head still hurts… only this time it's more on top because I ended doing what mother had said – no matter how pointless it was. Afterwards I decided – "I need some fun in my life" – hence I'm mostly done eating a pack of FunDip. Mmm, yummy. I'm still ticked at my mother though. She can be so rude sometimes – I was busy, couldn't she wait?


On a lighter note, I am mostly done putting together this story, but only managed to get this part typed up. SO-oh, expect the rest out this week.

Start: 4:20 p.m., 08/31/2003

End: 5:04 p.m., 08/31/2003