** DISCLAIMER I do not own any character appearing on "General Hospital".

*words* = thoughts "words" = talking/speaking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

CHAPTER 1: Zander Meets A Face From His Past

Zander, wondering why Emily had to get Cancer, looked over her as she lay sleeping in her hospital room. With his eyes full of tears he steps out of Emily's room for a second. He didn't watch where he was going and bumped in to a doctor who was carefully reading a medical chart as she was walking down the hall. Zander looks at her face, puzzled he wonders why she seems SO familiar. Her short dark curly hair, her hazel eyes and her pale complexion.

"Alex Lewis?", she asks.

"I go by Zander now, but Beth? Beth Smith? What are you doing here in Port Charles?", asks Zander in shock.

"I haven't seen you in seven years. A lot has changed, I am here because I am in my first year in residency here at General Hospital. I am a General Practitioner by the way."

"Wow, I knew you were good in science but I didn't know how good."

"Yes I know I was a "Little Miss Smarty Pants" in high school. Look Alex -"


"Look Zander I really need to catch up with this patient of mine, but if you want to still catch up you can meet me in the cafeteria at 3:00, when I have my break. I'll even buy you some JELL-O, your favourite."

"Sure Beth that sounds good, as long as you get me some Cherry JELL-O."

"That sounds great then Al.. I mean Zander. We have A LOT of catching up to do. I'll see you then, remember cafeteria, 3:00.", says Beth as she walks away.

"Cafeteria at 3:00. Don't worry Beth I'll remember.", responds Zander as he starts to make his way back to Emily's room, but before he could open the door he is stopped by his father.

*What does he want now?*, thought Zander.

"Alexander I see you ran into Beth. I was wondering how long it would take until you two ran into each other.", said Zander's father, Dr. Cameron Lewis.

"Well this is the first time that I've seen her since I left home, I mean since I left Hamilton."

"She was very heartbroken when you disappeared. We all were, especially your mother. If you don't mind, I would like to come with you to the cafeteria at 3:00. Alexander you really need to hear what she is going to tell you and you should really tell her what you have been doing for the past seven years. And I have to tell you a few things myself."

"You don't think Beth will mind?"

"Trust me she won't. With the past that she had with your brother, she really needed your mother and I along with her parents to lean on. She and I have been in contact since your brother died and you left, so I know what she wants to tell you and what she wants to fill you in on."

"If you want to come, you can come. But I'd like to get back to Emily now."

"Alright Alexander, I'll see you at 3:00.", said Dr. Lewis as he walked off. "See you then.", replied Zander as he walked back into Emily's room.

*I wonder what Beth has to tell me. She was my best friend and my brother's girlfriend, we never kept anything secret, this is really going to make me crazy for the next few hours.*