Hello! Sorry about the delay, but I've been on my summer holidays, and I left my art project till the last week, so I spent a lot of time on that. That plus writer's block, getting stuck on the motorway for hours (freeway to the Americans) and I've been getting music. If you like rap, get Dizzy Rascal's "Fix Up, Look Sharp", and if you're a rock person, get The Darkness' "I Believe In A Thing Called Love". I like them, but I'm from England so that might make a lot of difference. By the way, is two weeks a delay or just a big gap between chapters? Should I close the gap a little? I'll try if possible. Thanks for the reviews and a special thanks to Alex for his advice. Actually I've seen Alex give out good advice to other people because I read someone else saying thanks for advice as well, but I can't remember which fic I was reading at the time. Ah well.
As always, I don't own The Legend of Zelda or any of the characters associated with it, Nintendo do. Oh yeah, and I don't own any of the songs or artists named above. Just being careful so you can't sue me.

- Into the Unknown -

Vast....wide....blue....all these things could be used to describe what Tetra could see right now. Sitting idly in the crow's nest, she had thought in the past she could never get tired of the sea, its calm blue waters slowly lapping against the side, its gentle tide ebbing up and down, the heaving waves pushing them to and fro....to and fro....
It was almost boring enough to send the young sea captain to sleep. When she had embarked on this journey, she had expected excitement, adventure, something to actually do. Instead all she had done was watch her crew as she gave out the random order to complete, or just take the wheel as they sailed towards some other nowhere destination. So much for the excitement of a pirate's lifestyle....

It wasn't like that when she'd met Link. He had opened the door to an adventure that would have changed the world. Who would have thought getting snatched by a giant bird would actually be good for something. When she first came across Link two years ago, he was just an oddly-dressed boy who wanted a lift, but when she had fought alongside him against Ganondorf on that fateful tower, she realized he had evolved into a hero before her, and everyone else's, eyes.
But unknown to everyone else, he had actually developed into something else in her eyes. Tetra didn't want to admit it yet but she had found he had become the object of her affections. When she had found herself turned into Princess Zelda and kidnapped by Ganondorf, she hadn't even feared for her life, but more that of her counterparts. And now being with him on this journey for a new land, she had felt even more inclined towards the young boy. Most would call it love, but Tetra tried not to think about it that way, not when she was a pirate....

"Miss Tetra!". A shrill voice snapped the sea captain out of her daydream. "What is it, Zuko?" she asked wearily. "King of Red Lions coming up on the starboard bow". Looking out from her perch, she could see the small red boat closing in on the side of the boat. "Okay, throw down the ropes and get them secured". Climbing down from the crow's nest, she wandered over to the side of the boat to watch her men chuck a pair of ropes to the boat below....

Ten minutes later, the small boat was safely secured alongside the pirate ship, and its passenger safely aboard. "So what is it Link?" Tetra asked earnestly. "Nothin' much, I just wondered whether I could borrow a bit of food since my supplies are running low on my boat." "Well that's tough" the girl said matter-of-factly, "because we're running a bit low on supplies ourselves, that's why we're stopping at the next island we can find to fill up on".
"Tch, just when I need it as well. Hold on a moment". After saying this Link pulled out a sea chart. Looking at it closely, he started saying slowly; "Judging by this....we should be.....right near Dragon Roost Island!". Perking up at the prospect of seeing the Rito's again, Link started grinning inanely. "Yeah, maybe we can get some supplies off the Rito's. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help us". "Yeah, sure", said Tetra somewhat distantly. Looking at Link so happy had brought on a strange feeling of joy, almost contentedness, with seeing him pleased. Maybe it was love, seeing him happy made her happy. But could a girl like her fall in love.....

"Hey....Tetra?" Suddenly snapping out of thought, she realised she had been standing there on deck for a while just staring at nothing, since Link had already moved to another spot. Feeling a blush creeping across her cheeks, she then proceeded to smack Link across the upside of the head. "Ow! What was that for?" he grumbled. "Because you're Link. It gives me the right." "What kind of a reason is that?" Link complained. "My reason", she retorted back. "Now get going and change the wind before I get you mopping decks".

Grumbling under his breath, Link pulled out the silver wand known as the Wind Waker and slowly, but gracefully, began to conduct. Though no one else could, the young Hero of Winds could hear the voices of what seemed like angels, singing to the swift movements of his baton. Up, left, right, swinging his baton like a fully-fledged musician. And then, almost too soon, the harmony was ended. Opening his eyes again, he somehow knew which direction the wind needed to go. Then pointing in the direction he somehow knew was north, he commanded softly "that way, please". In an instant, the winds obeyed, whooshing through the sails and making the boat pick up speed rapidly.

"There, my job is done. Is that all, princess?" Link said mockingly. Turning red with embarrassment and anger Tetra, quick as a flash, proceeded to grab Link by the tunic and bundle him into her room. Shoving him onto the bed, she hissed in his ear "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that in front of anyone?! If my crew heard any of that, I'll see to it you're lying at the bottom of the Great Sea by the end of the day!"
Unfortunately, Link had not heard any of this. In fact he was completely oblivious to the verbal berating he was receiving. He was too preoccupied with what position he was in. Tetra was actually on top of him, holding him up by the scruff of his tunic, but kneeling on top of him nonetheless. 'Oh....my....goddesses, even when she's angry she beautiful' he thought distantly. Yes, the young hero had indeed fell for the charms of the pirate captain, although he couldn't do much a) when there was her whole crew watching over her every day and b) when she was actually shouting insults two inches from his face. Even then....
"And another thing, you never ever seem to....Link?" It was only at this point Tetra realised that Link didn't seem to be paying attention. He seemed to have an almost vacant look on his face. But why? All she was doing was shouting at him and telling him off for....calling....her.... It dawned on her suddenly that she was sitting on top of him, staring into his dark green eyes with her face almost touching his. She had dreamed about being this close to Link, being able to hold him in her arms, but instead she had him by the scruff of the neck, scolding like some kind of thug. Breaking away suddenly, her face graced with a tinge of pink, she backed up to the door. "Link....I...I'm....I'm". Unable to speak, Tetra bolted out of the door, onto the deck, and up the ladder of the crow's nest.

Link, meanwhile, just lay there dumbfounded. 'What happened? Was it me? What went wrong?' Getting up slowly, he walked out of Tetra's bedroom and onto the deck, where most of the pirates were looking skywards with confused looks upon their faces. Walking over to Gonzo, he asked "What's wrong?" Turning to the young boy, he said "Dunno, Miss Tetra just ran out and climbed to the crow's nest. She seemed upset about something though." Sensing that this might be the time to try and help, Link thanked the large pirate, then taking a glance at the wooden nest above him, he started to climb the ladder....

God what a stupid place to end a chapter. I would have done more but I think I've used up all my inspiration on this one. Sorry but I'll try to end the next instalment better. A few things before I finish this chapter. I wanna thank Trance Boy, who reviewed my other story, and says he's actually dedicating a Wind Waker fic to me, l'il old me. I actually feel appreciated. Also wanna say hello to my reviewers, the few who actually bother to R&R this trash. Quick question: are Zeldafreak84067 and Sakura84067 the same people? I was just wondering. If you're reading this, please tell me. Another bit of news, one you might already know if you're a LoZ fan, is that Nintendo have planned to release a sequel to the Wind Waker, like they did with Majora's Mask on the N64. Maybe that will answer all the unanswered questions, such as "Why was the ending to Wind Waker so crap?". Cos they're making another. Great.
And not so great, after six weeks of nothingness and relaxation, I'm going back to the ugly, rotting, disgusting, festering butt-ugly cesspit hellhole that is called school. It was a good holiday (apart from cutting my arm really badly by falling into a bush, O_o) cos I finally got enough pep to write a story. But because I don't have as much free time, this may mean not as many updates...... or it could mean more, cos I work a little better under pressure, who knows. Just stay tuned and see what happens. There's so much I want to say and ask but I've already taken enough space with my Jerry Springer-esque moaning, so I'll leave it till next chapter. Until I see you again ladies and gentlemen, take care of yourselves, and each other.....wait that's not my line. Ah well (now that is) ;)