Hey all. Sorry it's taken me so freakin long to update. My computer is such a butthead! Jeez! Anyways, here's chapter 3 of Only Hope. I hope you all enjoy. (Cuz I worked hard on it.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Absolutely nothing. I mean I'm just a 15 year old girl writing a fanfic. And even by those standards I'm broke. So don't sue me, I disclaim everything. Attorney: Took you freakin long enough.

Shiroryu: *whispers loudly* I'm just lying to them so I won't get sued for money I don't have!

Attorney: *sighs* M ymother told me to be an accountant, but no... I didn't listen. I HAD to be a lawyer. Now I'm stuck with this nutcase.


I drifted in and out of consciousness for the next couple of days. Not pleasant at all. My temperature shot up constantly, I threw up, and I hallucinated when I was conscious. And not just any hallucinations. Down right scary ones. There was one where Inuyasha was really smart again, one where Shippo tried to eat me, and one where Kagome turned out to be a very fat man in very small undergarments.Like I said, down right scary. But I don't remember a lot of what really was happening when I was awake. All I can recall was Sango, always there with me.

~And I lay my head back down

And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours

I pray

To be only yours

I know now

You're my only hope~

I figured out what made me sick. When I was watching Kai and Sango flirting that first night, I must not have been watching what I was putting in my mouth. I'm terribly allergic to broccoli. It makes me run high fevers, hallucinate, develop unsightly purple dots, and everything else that had happened. This was obviously all Kai's fault. If he hadn't been talking to Sango, I would've seen that I had broccoli on my plate and would've pushed it to one side. But no, I was too busy plotting his death.

Told you he was a jerk.


After a few days, things became a little better for me. I could stay awake for more than 2 hours, and I didn't see any fat men anymore. I still had a few small purple dots, but they were fading away quickly. One day, when they were all gone I sat up for the first time in a while.

Sango had left to get me some water, thinking I was asleep. When she came back, she smiled widely at me.

"Oh Miroku!" She ran over to me and threw her arms around my neck.

"Oof!" I said. I wasn't really expecting it, and I wasn't exactly the strongest guy on earth at the moment.

"I'm so sorry!" she said. She let go of her grip on me and sat down. I looked at her. She had tears welling up in her eyes.

Alarmed, I tried to stop the dam before it burst open. "Sango, I'm OK. Really. Please don't cry." I don't know what it is, but I feel very awkward when girls cry. It makes me worry.

"I was so scared." She cried. She quickly hid her face in her hands, muffling her sobs.

"Sango, I'm fine. See? No need to cry." Jeez. I felt like a chicken with a skewer shoved up its butt...

Very uncomfortable.

"I thought you were gonna die!" she choked out.

That took me for a loop. She was that scared of losing me?

"You were that scared of losing me?" I said in awe.

"Of course I was, you moron!"


"Hey, how was I supposed to know? I thought you were interested in that Kai guy." I spat his name out in disgust.

Sango dried her tears to look at me oddly. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you and Kai." I said slowly.

"Oh, did Kagome tell you that?"

"Tell me what?"

"Kai asked me to marry him."

My heart stopped.

And it wouldn't start up again.

With more strength than I was aware I had at that time, I jumped up and ran past Sango. I ran faster than I ever thought I could possibly go. I had no intentions of stopping.


I ran past children playing in the road. Past women airing out their laundry. Past men working in the fields. I kept running into the forest. Weaving in and out of trees, jumping over roots, for what felt like hours.

"Don't stop." I thought. "Please don't stop."

If I stopped, then I would have to think about it. About how I lost her, to the idiot from hell. If I kept going I wouldn't have to think about it. I wouldn't have to think about anything. I could just run.

I would run till the end of time.

Unfortunately, my legs and body decided that they hadn't seen me go through enough torture. I hadn't gone through enough pain. I hadn't gone through enough.

So, I collapsed near a tree with a brook running next to it. I leaned my back against the tree and stared up at the sky. It'd be evening soon. I'd just watch that. I wouldn't do anything but watch the sunset. I wouldn't think.

"You lost." The voice in my head told me.

No. No thinking. Just watching.

"You lost her to him." He said


"You don't get it. She was your only hope." He nagged.

"My only hope? For what?" I asked out loud.

"Sango was your only hope for love. And you lost her."

"I don't understand."

"You will probably die within the next year. You know it. You've known for awhile now."

It was true. I noticed my Wind Tunnel was getting bigger everyday. It was only a matter of time before I would get sucked into it. My days were literally numbered. I wouldn't see my next birthday.

"You've never been in love. You've only groped women, asking them to bear your child. You never really saw anything in them, besides a pretty face."

"If I got attached to any of them, it would only hurt more in the end." I reasoned with myself.

"You haven't accomplished anything in life. You've never experienced life's greatest gift. Love."

"Yes I have."

"What? You fell in love with Sango? No you didn't. If you had, you would've taken a chance. She's just like all the other girls."

"No she's not. Sango's different."

"If she's different, then why didn't you take a chance?"

"I didn't want to get hurt."

"Then you're a coward."

"I am not. I didn't want to give to my heart out, and not have it accepted. I won't live like everyone else. I'm going to die."

"And you're going to miss out. Out of every other girl you've ever met, Sango was the only one who was able to get through to your heart. She was your only hope."

The words hit hard. The voice was right. I had lost my only hope. All my life, I've known I would die young. I never got the chance to fall in love and have a family, like everyone I had grown up with. I was too preoccupied with finding Naraku, and making sure I could do that later. But it was apparent to me now. I would die before my quest was over. I looked back on my life and realized, I hadn't accomplished anything. My entire existence was meaningless. Until Sango came along. She gives the word refreshing, a whole new meaning. It's like she cleansed my soul, or something. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me. And I lost her. I waited too long and I lost her to the village idiot. That's probably why I hated him. Because I saw him taking the chance I should've taken long ago. So now he was marrying Sango. And I had nothing. The only thing that ever really meant something to me in my life, besides finding Naraku and killing him, was Sango. She was my last chance at having something good happen in my life. Something I could look back on and say, "That's my greatest accomplishment. Getting Sango." And I blew it. She really was my only hope.

~I give you my empathy

I'm giving you

All of me

I want your symphony

Singing in all that I am

At the top of my life

I'm giving it back...~

I hung my head in defeat. I was the village idiot. No, that's not right. I was the biggest idiot ever to walk the face of the planet. I felt so stupid. If I had only. Well, there was no sense wishing for what couldn't be. I had already wasted my entire life doing that. I would go and congratulate Sango, and then leave. I wasn't sure where I'd go, but I couldn't stay there. It would kill my already shortened life. Yeah, I could be a big enough man to admit defeat. I'd go right now. ... ... ...

My legs and body decided once again without my consent to do the exact opposite of what I wanted. If I hadn't needed them, I would've sucked them in my Wind Tunnel a long time ago. Just as I was about to actually negotiate with my non-cooperating body parts, my thoughts were interrupted.


Looking up, I saw Kirara flying directly overhead. She looked down at me, then descended. Sitting upon her, was Sango.

Before Kirara could even touch the ground, Sango had jumped off and rushed over to me. I didn't even bother to get up. So, she sat down in front of me.

"Miroku! What the heck is wrong with you? I was so worried! You're in no condition to be running around like a bat out of hell." She looked around her quickly. "How on earth did you get out here so quickly?" she asked in awe.

"I ran." I said simply.

"Jeez. You could give Inuyasha a run for his money." She said.

My heart was getting heavy with every word she spoke. I was afraid it would get too heavy and drop to the bottom of my stomach right then and there if I didn't do something soon.

"Congratulations." I said quietly.

"What?" Sango looked confused.

"Congratulations." I said louder.

Sango knitted her eyebrows. "Kirara, why don't you go on back to the village, OK?" She said to her fire-cat. Kirara nodded and jumped off into the darkening sky.

"Congratulations on what?" she asked me.

"On your engagement to Kai. I'm sure you two will be very happy." I said mechanically. Sango's eyes got wide. Her mouth dropped. And then...

She laughed.

Really hard.

I mean like pee-your-pants-give-yourself-a-headache-burst-your-stomach-open kind of laughing.

And I was confused.

So I sat, waiting for Sango to decide to breath. Which didn't look like it was gonna happen anytime soon.

When she finally gained control, she looked at me.

And laughed again.

I was getting a bit tired of it. I mean I was having a hard enough time without being laughed at. Especially that hard.

"I fail to see what's so funny." I said with as much dignity as I could muster.

Which wouldn't even fill up a peapod.

"I'm-sorry." She choked out. She inhaled deeply, then exhaled. I guess that helps, because she stopped laughing.

Although she was grinning.

"Is that what's been bugging you? You think I'm gonna marry Kai?"

"Well...you seem very friendly with one another." I said uncertainly.

"Gods Miroku. I can't stand Kai. I think he's the most annoying guy on earth!"

Now it was my turn to stare at her with wide eyes.

"But you said he asked you to marry him."

"Yeah. I never said I said yes."

"So, you don't like him like that?"

"No. He's a pain in the butt. Following me everywhere, asking if he can do anything for me, writing me poetry. It was really creepy."

"But you were flirting with him!" I protested.

"I was being nice." She corrected.

I breathed in a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods. I thought I had lost you." I said out loud.

"What?" Sango asked me.

Crap. I hadn't realized I had said that out loud. "Oh, um nothing." I said quickly.

"Oh. OK..." She said

"You're gonna let her go again?" The voice said.

No. No I wasn't.

"Actually Sango, it's not nothing. It's something very important."

"Well, go on."

I took a deep breath. "I was afraid I had lost you."

"No way. We're always gonna be friends." She said.

"No. Not like that. Listen Sango, when I say lose you, I don't mean as in friends. I love you. I'm in love with you. I want to be with you until the end of time. And I thought I had lost you to Kai."

Sango sat in silence, staring at me.

"You don't have to accept that. It's OK. It's just, when I was sitting here, alone, I began thinking about my life. And I realized something. You are the most important thing to me. And then I realized that I had never done anything about it. In my short time of life, I've never been in love. At least, up until now. And my Wind Tunnel has been getting bigger everyday. I have a year, maybe two at the most to live. What I'm trying to say Sango is, you're my only hope. You're my only hope of a chance at love. I understand that you might not feel the same way, but I love you and after I found out you weren't marrying Kai, I had to offer you my heart. I couldn't pass up the chance again, after all these months I've been with you, and I never have."

Sango didn't say anything still. She was just sitting there, staring at me. I began getting nervous.

"So, um...yeah." I added.

"You love me?" Sango asked, finally saying something.

"Yeah. I do."

"And this isn't just to get me to bear your child?"

"NO!!! I'm being completely sincere here. This isn't a plot or something to get-"

I never got to finish my sentence. Sango had pressed her lips against mine, shutting me up. My eyes grew wide in surprise, but after awhile, I closed them.

Kissing Sango is the best thing in the world.


Eventually, much to my dismay, we parted for air.

"I have been waiting to do that for the longest time." She said as she breathed in a sigh of relief.

"Huh?" I was seriously confused here. Was she saying what I thought she was saying?

"You don't get it do you? I love you Miroku. I always have. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."

Well, if I was a little puzzled before I was definitely mystified now.

"But you're always calling me a pervert, and hitting me with your really big boomerang." I objected.

"Because you are and I have to keep you in line somehow. That doesn't mean I don't love you. Because I do. With all of my heart."


"Yeah. Really."

Right then, I didn't care if I had two years, or two minutes left on earth. I just wanted to spend them with Sango. I wanted to spend forever with her.

I leaned in and kissed her deeply. It was even better than the first time.

And I even kept my hands in place.

~And I lay my head back down

And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours

I pray

To be only yours

I pray

To be only yours

I know now

You're my only hope~

~*~ THE END ~*~

So that was it. Hoped you guys liked it. I did. And I didn't even want to do it. I thought I'd suck at a Miroku/Sango romance. I hope you guys liked the way I portrayed Miroku. I thought making him a little funnier than usually would help the story along. But anyways, tell me what you thought in a review.