Whoo-hoo! I'm as giddy as a clam! (although I never understood that phrase. Aren't clams the ones who get pieces to grains stuck in their bodies and it takes like 3 years for them to make one pearl? Or was that oysters?) Anywho, I got The Two Towers yesterday and am gonna watch it with my mom and dad and sister tonite! Yippee!!! Moving on, I decided to do this fic, after my sister begged me to do and Miroku and Sango one. I really didn't want to, but I think this turned out pretty good.

Summary: After some not so subtle flirtatiousness going on with Miroku and a new stranger, Miroku contemplates just what Sango means to him.

Disclaimer: I don't own, nor did I make up the song "Only Hope" It's by the guy from Switchfoot. I got the song off the soundtrack A Walk to Remember. I also I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. I don't own Inuyasha. Yet.


Everyone else had fallen asleep long ago. Even Inuyasha was visiting the land of slumber. But I couldn't sleep at all. I lied there, on my mat, thinking about how the day had gone by. I felt heat and anger rising in my body. What right did he have? None whatsoever. She was mine! I startled myself with these abrupt thoughts. Sango wasn't mine. So why did I keep thinking these things? It was like a song that gets stuck in your head and you can't get it out. Only this was stuck in my heart.

~There's a song that's inside

Of my soul

It's the one that I've tried

To write over and over again

I'm awake in the infinite cold

Would you sing to me

Over and over and over again~

We had been walking for days. We were tired and no signs of the Shikon shards were to be seen. I was so frustrated I hadn't even felt the need to grope Sango that day. We did eventually come to a village near the end of the day.

"Maybe we can find shelter here." I commented.

"I'll bet. So whose house has the ominous presence hovering over it this time, Miroku?" Inuyasha retorted.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about, my good friend." Jeez, I know I can tell little white lies about things like that, but at least we had somewhere to stay for the night. So what was he griping about? I turned and gave Sango a smile. She glared in return. She really was an amazing woman. We walked to the head of the village's house. I knocked on the door.

"Yes, who it is?" came a voice from inside.

"Are you the master of this house?" I asked.

"Who wants to know?"

"I am but a humble traveling monk. On my way through this lovely village I noticed an evil presence coming from your house. I feel obligated to exorcise it for you, for your safety."


I glared at Inuyasha who looked back at me innocently.

The door creaked open to reveal a withered old man. "An evil presence you say? Well, please get rid of it. I'd be eternally thankful." The old man's wrinkled face peered at us. "Have you any lodgings?" he asked.

"No sir. We will sleep outside."

"I insist, stay the night here. You and your friends are welcome." He looked us over. "What about him?" he asked as he pointed to Inuyasha doubtfully.

"Oh don't worry about him. He's house broken." I said calmly.

"Why I oughta-"

"Inuyasha, stop it!" Kagome hissed at him. She held onto his arm that would have for surely hit the back of my sensitive head.

"I'll have to thank her for that later." I thought. "Maybe I'll catch a feel of her-"

"Well, come in then." The old man said. He opened the door all the way to allow us in. He led us down a hall to a room at the end of it.

"You fellas can sleep in here." He said to me, Inuyasha and Shippo. He opened the door to a small room with one mat.

"I GOT MAT!" Shippo and I yelled at the same time. Inuyasha just 'feh'd' and walked off outside.

"Shippo, you can sleep with me." Sango said. Shippo grinned wide while I feigned a hurt expression.

"You'll let HIM sleep with you, but not me?"

"Yes, because all he'll do is actually sleep." Sango sneered. Kagome giggled behind her. I shrugged my shoulders as the old man led them back up the hall to their room. I went outside to perform the 'exorcism' and get some fresh air. Once I felt I had been out there a convincing amount of time, I ventured back inside only to have the smell of dinner meet with my nose. I sighed heavily as I pulled an Inuyasha and followed my nose to the kitchen.

"Mmm..." I sighed with content. "Something smells great." I said aloud.

"Glad you think so." Startled, I spun around on my heel to meet eye to eye with an ancient old woman. OK, so it was eye to air with a mop of white hair beneath my nose...must we be so technical? Anyways, I gasped and stared, not expecting to see living proof that dinosaurs once roamed the earth at that moment.

"Am I that scary looking?" she asked me.

"Oh.uh.pardon me ma'am. I didn't mean to stare. I was just startled." I said quickly.

"It's alright young man. My son tells me that you've exorcised the house?"

"Son?" I thought. That old man? Just how old was she?

"I'm not as old as you think." The woman told me. She gave me a wink when I stared at her once again. Could she read minds?

"You're easy to read." She explained. "The man that invited you in was my husband. My son is the one sitting with the rest of your friends inside. He's just about your age. His name is Kai."

~So I lay my head back down

And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours

I pray

To be only yours

I know now

You're my only hope~

I made my way to where I heard laughter coming from. Inside the dining room Inuyasha, Sango, Shippo and Kagome were all sitting and eating. I stood frozen where I was.

"Hi Miroku. Come and eat." Kagome chirped. My mouth dropped open.

"What's wrong with you?" Inuyasha asked. I came out of my stupor and sat down. I looked across the table. There was Sango, sitting next to what I presumed was the old woman's son, Kai.

Why was I so shocked? Because Sango was flirting. With that.that.Kai guy. It might not seem such a big deal to you, but it was to me. Sango has always had a soft spot in my heart, for reasons unknown to myself. So seeing her flirt with a total stranger fazed me. She's not usually so forward.

"And so there I was, in a tree without any pants screaming bloody murder with a swarm of bees stinging the heck out of me!" the guy choked out. He and Sango were laughing hysterically.

"Oh my! What happened?" Sango asked. She looked absolutely beautiful, with her face red from laughing. I've never been able to make her laugh like that.

"My father had to come with half the village to get me out!" They both fell into laughter again. I sat there in silence while they continued to talk.

And talk.

And talk.

Then they talked some more...

"So, since my mother was working in the field, and my father went off to war, I was mainly raised by my older sister, rest her soul." Kai said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Sango said sympathetically.

I had had enough. Didn't that guy know what it meant to share conversation? Jeez.

So, I cleared my throat.

I got no response.

I coughed loudly.

Sango didn't even look up.

I sneezed, I dropped my glass, I feigned choking.


"I was raised by a drunkard monk because my father was sucked into his own Wind Tunnel and I will probably die the same way." I blurted out.

The entire table turned to look at me.

"Yeah.just thought I'd share." I said quickly as I rubbed the back of my head. What the heck had possessed me to say that? To this day I have no idea.

The table continued to stare at me in surprise.

"Hey man, I'm really sorry to hear that." Kai said to me.

That guy was a real jerk. Where did he get off, being so... So...


Completely annoying.


I hated him.

I didn't really like him to begin with, but right then and there I decided...

I loathed Kai.

I wished he were back up in that tree. Only instead of bees, Naraku's poisonous insects were stinging the heck out of him.

I prayed he would accidentally take a very long walk off a very short pier. And not know how to swim.

I hoped to Buddha that he would one day find himself on the inside of my Wind Tunnel.

I stood up and excused myself quickly out the door. I heard Sango getting up and following me. So I sped up. So did she. I walked out of the house and into the village, trying to lose her.

No such luck.

She followed me through the crowds, around the huts, and behind the big oak tree where I gave up and plopped on the ground. Sango sat down next to me. She didn't say anything for awhile, she was trying to catch her breath. "What the heck was that all about?" she asked.

"What? I just wanted some fresh air." I said defensively.

"You know what I mean. What's the matter?"

"Nothing." I said. There was actually a lot the matter. I just didn't feel like saying 'I hate that guy Kai because he made you laugh. He's a jerk and if he were to fall off a cliff, I would probably dance and giggle like a little girl.' No, that didn't' seem like the way to go. So I did the next best thing and lied.

"Fine." She said huffily. Just as I was about to say I was sorry, who should show up, ruining my mood and my apology?


"Hey guys. You two left so quickly, you skipped out on dessert. And it's kinda cold, so I thought you might need something to keep you warm Sango." He gave her a cloak.

"Thank you very much Kai." She beamed up at him.

"No problem. I didn't have any extras Miroku. Sorry." He shrugged.

I flinched at the sound of my name. Where did he get off thinking it was OK to call me by my name? "That's Priest Miroku, if you don't mind." I said coldly. I never go by that title. It always seemed a bit too formal for me.

Sango stared at me in surprise, for the second time tonight. Then she laughed. "He's just kidding. He never goes by that. It's way too formal for him." She told Kai.

"Oh, OK Miroku. You're a funny one." He playfully punched me in the arm.

I glared at him.

I mean, I REALLY glared.

Too bad no one noticed. Kai was too busy smiling at Sango. And Sango just didn't notice.

I hate my life.

~*~ END OF CHAPTER 1 ~*~

So, did you like it? I know song fics are usually just one shots, but if I made this one a one shot, it just wouldn't be as good. Don't worry, I've already finished the entire story. So you won't be waiting long. Unless you don't review. So stick around and don't forget to review!