The Romancers

Set One

By: Sheo Darren


We are the Romancers.

Those that lurk behind the veneer of life

Always on the lookout for love in all places

To mend heartaches and bring harmony in strife

(Rhyme, rhyme, always rhymes...)

We are the Romancers.

Never shall we be kept at bay

Determined to see our goals in fruition

And damned be anything in our way

(Politely, of course)

We are the Romancers.

Our duty is to life; we can never take it away

For life is there in magnitude with true love

And our job is to bring love to hearts gone astray

(Beat that, Message in a Bottle...)

We are the Romancers.

Our vow is never by forcible due

Or threat of death and despair

To make people say "I love you"

(Honestly, that last rhyme was lame)

We are the Romancers.

The Romancers are we

We are only human

But we can dream, can't we?

We are all forever Romancers.

In bright splendor love will live

In the gardens we have sown

That is what we truly believe


It is ridiculous to even consider thinking that there is a group called "The Romancers" who would waste their time and that of other people by pairing all sorts of people together. This disclaimer laughs at the sheer absurdity of such idealistic fools who do not reflect on the practicality and world-centered way life runs today; those who think the feeling of romantic love is an emotion worth cherishing and fighting for. The entire idea is asinine and ridiculous.

            Love is just not worth our time.

The poster on which the previous two paragraphs are written upon is but tatters on the ground. In its place stands heraldry with the mark of a heart wrapped in lace laden with satin.

There is one simple short message written on the heraldry.

"Tee hee."

Sheo's Thoughts:

Wow. I wrote all that in just a total of one hour. Impressive!

            This is the start of what I am planning to call "The Romancers" series. "The Romancers" is my own personal idea inspired by a French writer who wrote a story of the same title (so don't you even think of copying my ideas, or I'll do an Alucard from hellsing and hunt you all down. ^_^).

Basically, the stories revolve around a semi-secret organization called The Romancers that aims to promote romance and love by bringing together couples who seem hesitant to admit they like each other, are totally hostile to each other, or any such thing that keeps them apart. The agents dispatched by The Romancers are all my original characters with a hefty dose of humorous rip-offs.

Necessary Spoilers: The "targets" for Set One of "The Romancers" –the Shaman King arc– would be reservedly lovely Iron Maiden Jeanne and moody but charming X-Laws member Lyserg Diethyl. It takes place about half a year or so after the end of Shaman King. The X-Laws team is still here, but because of the casualties from the last battle –everyone died except for Marco, Jeanne and Lyserg– the members are all new recruits (and original characters of mine own, too). The Romancers' agent in place... well, just be warned: Massive Matrix rip-off!

See you in Chapter One: To Turn Over A New Leaf!