You told me that this way I'd be happy.

You told me that now I'd be fine

You told me that it was taking me down

You told me that it was for the best

You said that now We'd be free

You said that it would all be okay

You said that there would be no more fear

You said that it wouldn't matter in a little while

You told me that now it would be better

You told me that now I'd never be afraid

You told me that now I'd have some one to talk to

You told me that now I'd never be ashamed

You said that I'd have every thing I wanted

You said that I'd have every thing I need

You said that I'd be fine

You said that someday I'd get over you

You told me that it would be soon

You told me that no more worries

You told me that I wouldn't care

You told me that I wouldn't mind

But I all I wanted

All I needed

All I cared for

All I need to talk to

Was you…

Dutchy bit his lip watching the rain hit the window and listening to the plop and splatter as a hole in the roof leaked into a tin pot that Kloppman had placed there to gather the water. Several of the younger boys had at one point avidly been playing in the water, splashing it across and giggling, forgetting that they couldn't go out because of the down pour.

No one could sell papers, there was no way, not only was no one out to buy but not one paper could stand the downpour that was coming down to wash New York City clean. The smaller children had begged and pleaded to go and play, but Jack and the others had forced them to stay inside. They had pouted and splashed for a bit, but now were downstairs watching their Idols play Poker.

Dutchy mourned the loss of the money he could have earned, he mourned the loss of the time outside. And me mourned the loss of the ability to escape Specs.

Because every time he looked out the window he saw rain and thought "Specs loved da rain"

Author's Note: This is an intro to a long story. Its Dutchy Specs and Slash, quite possibly R rated.

Cards on: Relationships: I'm losing my faith in them…