Reflections of Self

This fic is strange... But I like it! *nods* Hope you people do to, haven't seen many (if any) fics with this character portrayal in them, so might be a first, ne?

DISCLAIMER: I don't own them. *points to characters* I just borrow them sometimes...


The blade slid over soft, pale skin. Blood trailed behind it, a trail of liquid, red pain. Shivers of pleasure radiated from the feeling, aftershocks of the event. Everything seemed to become so clear, minute details screamed at him. The way his skin rose into goosebumps as the blood flowed over it. Bright, bright red against pale, pale skin.

A soft sigh of ecstatic pleasure as the sliver of silver traveled over the slick, smooth, soft, sensuous skin. Such feelings! A tremble of desire for more pain, more pleasure, raced through his slim form.

But the ultimate pleasure, the ultimate pain, was in holding it back. Keeping the pleasure and pain at bay, until he could no longer stand to be with out it, until his body craved, screamed for more, for a release.

Bright red drops stained the ground. Little children of pain, creations of pleasure.

Footsteps. A startled intake of breath.

"What... what are you doing to yourself?" A voice asked. It knew the answer. Though it refused to accept it.

He turned, faced the voice. Smiled softly, silkily. A smoldering sexual gaze.

"You know why..." He said. Husky and soft with pleasure and pain and longing and needing.

"But... They'll ask questions..." The other voice said, a hint of fear and panic showed. The terror-scent reached his nostrils.

"I'll tell them you did it. They'll believe me. They always do."

He smiled again, and let his face changed, until it resembled the other's more.

"They think you are the one who has hurt me! You? I know you could hurt no one! Not anymore..."

Laughter, cold and cruel and delighting in the pain and the pleasure of the pain.

"They believe me when I tell them you use me. They believe me when I tell them you pretend to be me, so you can hurt them. They would not believe you. Not when you speak against me, who they trust and love and pity and look out for. No, they would not believe you."

A whimper. The other tried to draw back as he drew near but there was nowhere he could go. Nowhere he could hide, not from his other half. His dark, sadistic, evil, pain-loving half.

The blade raced down the other's skin, trailing liquid pain and a whimper. He smiled, licked the blood, scraped it harshly so the other cried out. Drew the other in close, until lips brushed against an ear.

"They do not know the truth. they will never know the truth. We are reflections, but they are looking at us the wrong way... my dark/light... They are looking the wrong way...."

Sharp teeth dug into the sensitive ear lobe, the other cried out in pain. His other half pulled away, dark brown eyes met the same, white hair almost identical.

But it was true, they did not see the right way around...

The Darkness gripped the knife, trailed along the soft, pale, goosebumped skin of the Light's cheek. Silently telling the Light who was in control, who was the one everyone trusted, and who was the one everyone believed to be evil.

The knife left the Light's skin, and the Darkness looked at the blood that stained the surface. He smiled, raised it to his lips and licked it away. Ryou smiled, crimson staining his mouth.

"What's wrong Bakura? You're supposed to be the Darkness, aren't you?"

And then he laughed, cold and cruel and delighting in the pain and the pleasure of the pain, while Bakura cried.

"Tell me who is the Darkness, and who is the Light...."
