(A/n: I guess it was cruel to leave you guys hanging for so long….HAHAHAHA! Just kidding….I'm really hyper again. Which might explain why I'm writing this…..anyway, I'm hoping to wrap this story up with either this chapter or the next)

Kel: Who IS that guy?

Raoul: Which one?

Dom: Kel my dear, we are looking at over 100 people right now, you'll have to specify…

Kel: That one with the gold in his hair, and silver wings.

Host: in a dull voice That would be ex-emperor Ozorne. He's supposed to be dead.

Kel: Oh, ok! points And that one?

Raoul: Jaw drops ALANNA!!!! Runs towards the other camp ALANNAAAA!!!

Host: That's the spirit! Let's show those rebels that I'm the chief around here!

Kel: Who is it? He looks like Jon!

Dom: My guess is that it's Jon's late cousin, Roger of Conte.

Kel: Why is he late? Were they supposed to get here yesterday?

Dom: No, it means he's dead.

Kel: Like that Ozorne guy. So why did Raoul run away?

Dom: frowning Here are my thoughts….He ran either because A, Alanna has already killed Roger twice, B, there's a huge horde of people charging towards us, or B and a half, some of them are Scanran.

Kel: Look! It's Cleon!!!

Dom: grabbing Kel's arm Come on, we need to find the others!


The horde: was upon the Island within a minute and wreaking Havoc. Shinko and her ladies in waiting fluttered around, putting on makeup. Ozorne went immediately to bother Daine and threaten Numair. Roger, of course, put into action his newest plot to kill Jon, and had to face Alanna because of it. Cleon went straight to Kel and proposed, and Dom challenged him to a duel. Neal was reunited with Yuki, but she had found out about his kissing Daine and gave him the cold shoulder. The Scanrans went deep into the woods and had to be hunted out by Raoul and the warriors he could scrouge up. And through all of it, Thayet sat at the edge of the forest, talking to herself. Clearly, 4 days from humanity was enough to ruin the 'ex'-queen's mind. HOWEER, all of the Tortallan humanity had joined them on the small isle now. It was too late for the Queen.

Host: Standing on a high rock PEOPLE OF TORTALL! You sent my your liars, and I have changed them in just 4 miserably long days. Now, I give them back to you, and they are unbearably frank and forward.

Cleon: WOOHOO!!!